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  1. loaded dervish

    PLaces to grow? please help

    Ok i see that you are going to go threw with this i would grow some northern light, sweet purple, alasken thunderfuck or durban pastion. that is a short list of early finishers for your area it all depends on what kinda bud you like indica or sativa or purples. get back to me on what kinda weed...
  2. loaded dervish

    Growing in the Arizona desert at 115-120 degrees

    you cant there is no way it is to hot you would want to make a green house to keep the temps down i would love the sun but the desert has realy hot temps during day and drops low during night it is not the pefect growing conditions. If you build a green house you could keep the temps were you...
  3. loaded dervish

    ? about location of outdoor grow and police

    you got to tell no one and cover your tracks dont let anyone see you walking and even if they do take your dog. say you were out for a walk i got a half rotty with pit bull trained no one even talks to me with my dog rofl sompthing about pits and rottys that people dont trust. I am more worryed...
  4. loaded dervish

    growing in a garage??

    rofl 2x2x2 you will not get 50 plants in there maby 4 at max you need to rethink this. use your whole garage what is the point of a tent go big if you want 50 plants and you better watch out for cops and get two 1000w hps for 50 plants.
  5. loaded dervish

    Grow lights 1 or 2 1000 watt HPS

    If you are going to grow 50 plants and go big you might as well drop 150 bucks and get a light mover it helps buds grow not only at the top. I would atleast go with 2 1000watt lights> it is not like you lose money buying lights they grow bud and bud cost alot at the dispensery eatherr way off 50...
  6. loaded dervish

    Quick LST question +Rep

    I would not even try and bend big stocks you want to lst when your plant first starts you cant wait a long time then decide o ya lets lst you got to start from beginning no trying to bend big stocks never!!!
  7. loaded dervish

    Possible outdoor drybox? Expert advice would be much appreciated!

    I just smoked some white russian it is ok smoke and not a huge smell it is perfect for stealth gl. Ill start a grow log as soon as i start my grow im going to start 5 sweet purple and 5 northern light on 4/20!! I cant wait to see your seeds take off and you see what kinda buds you will get off...
  8. loaded dervish

    Grow lights 1 or 2 1000 watt HPS

    I thinks the matter of watts to use deepends on how many plants you are trying to grow and if you are veging or flowering i like my 600w mh for flowering and a 1000w hps for flowering but i only flower 6 plants at a time sents that is law. if you want over 8 plants flowering at once i would use...
  9. loaded dervish

    600 V.S. 1000watts

    I find it realy only depends on matter of plants you are trying to grow if you are under 6 plants i would use a 600w no reson for a 1000w. but i always like 1000w hps for those nice hunkin buds!!!
  10. loaded dervish

    Quick LST question +Rep

    LST Low Stress Training Well here we go, LST (Low Stress Training) the ultimate way to maximize your yield. It is important to start your grow with high potency marijuana seeds genetics, with LST you can even go for tall sativa cannabis seeds strains. Before we begin lets get some knowledge on...
  11. loaded dervish

    choosing a new strain for next years grow cold climate early finisher, heigh yeilder.

    I forgot to ask do you wnat a sativa dominated plant or indica. You have a better shot of growing indica in your climate but you can go for some 90% sativas that finish early. It all depends on your prefrance in smoke do you want a upity high or a knock out high. if you want a knock out high i...
  12. loaded dervish

    Possible outdoor drybox? Expert advice would be much appreciated!

    I compleatly forgot aobut the idea i saw you take one of those tubs with a lid cut a hole in the side and put a carbon filter over the hole and no stank gel inside then put the bin hung with buds somewere safe inside your house were no one would see.what i did was take a 20 gal tote box (cost...
  13. loaded dervish

    Possible outdoor drybox? Expert advice would be much appreciated!

    i would use a tent in your own back yard i built a fort when i was younger and i just put a small hiking tent i use for hiking inside fort. no one has the balls to try and seek into my back yard or they will get it i can see everyone traveling i also got a padlock door on my fort so noman may...
  14. loaded dervish

    growing in a garage??

    I would get a fan that blows hot air and you can set the temp. it is like a heater with a fan rofl. So you get your air ciculation and it keeps your garage at a perfect 71degrees. Use a carbon filter and pump old air out and use heater fan to pump new air in at a perfect temp. This is what i did...
  15. loaded dervish

    600 V.S. 1000watts

    I live in washington were the pigs run wild rofl. I am just trying to keep from geting noticed or i would run three 1000w lights. wish i could but dont want the po po cracking down. i try and go for a scrog so i am always harvesting personal. i just take clones from my stealth mother hiden in a...
  16. loaded dervish

    choosing a new strain for next years grow cold climate early finisher, heigh yeilder.

    i would go to the seed and strains form they should have sompthing about the seed bank just do a little research!
  17. loaded dervish

    600 V.S. 1000watts

    If i was you i would go with a 600mh for your veg room that is all you need. but i would go big in a difrent room with a 1000w hps to flower some nice buds. and that way i keep down the power and get good buds. put 6 plants in veg room 6 plants in flowering. then got a stealth case for my clones...
  18. loaded dervish

    choosing a new strain for next years grow cold climate early finisher, heigh yeilder.

    I am just south of you in nw washington my fav strained in alaskin thunderfuck or northern lights. I am going to throw some sweet purples in next year hear they grow up to 8 feet and yeild nice purple buds. it is also mold resistant and short seson will harvest end of sep with all of these...
  19. loaded dervish

    Topping vs. LST vs. Natural

    I like to plant outdoors in may only go to my plants to fert or pull males. I toped some so they dont get big to hide easyer and i noticed that the plants i let grow naturaly would yeild more becuse they are bigger it all depends on the conditions you are growing in if you got a small area fim...
  20. loaded dervish

    Joey Weed AK47 Grow

    I would love to grow buds like that on my first try you have a green thoumb took me a couple grows to get resalts like that keep it up!!