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  1. Spliffer1

    What's going on with my fan leaves?

    I follow and respect your train of thought, and I don't have the experience to rule it out, but I've had excellent results with the FF OF mix, before. Just not with this strain. Main reason I question this is, I have the mother in the same mix, and she's doing great. Seems if it were salt burn...
  2. Spliffer1

    What's going on with my fan leaves?

    I'm running (6) Pineapple Trainwreck from clones, and they've developed a problem I can't identify and correct. Anyone else ran this strain, before? Pineapple Trainwreck from clone, transplanted when rooted, and immediately sent into 12/12- and they went apeshit! They are exactly 4 wks into...
  3. Spliffer1

    Plants Cupping/canoeing Please Help

    In my own experience, not only will hi temps/too intense light cause that, but your humidity being too low will, too. Combine low humidity with hi temps, definitely will taco your leaves!
  4. Spliffer1

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Thanks, JD! That confirms what he has been telling me, he's also using 1 gal., and producing some rockin' ganj Makes sense that it would depend on the breed. Longer flowering strains would probably need more root space. These are said to finish in around 55 days- we'll see! Thanks man!
  5. Spliffer1

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    I can't believe I haven't found this thread sooner! I have a limited space, and believe I would fare better with several smaller plants, rather than 1 or 2 larger plants, as I'm only using 1- 400 mh/hps. I'm going to get some clones of one of the cheeze breeds, and put them straight into 12/12...
  6. Spliffer1

    recommended veg time ?

    Those look nice, for sure! But as he said- they'll near triple in size throughout flowering- height and girth- (giggle). You could have a couple of monsters there, by the time they're done. I usually veg 3 wks, sometimes 4 max, and that usually gives me a full yet manageable grow.
  7. Spliffer1

    Week 6 flowering changed from bottled water to tap filtered and distilled

    Def need to keep the ph adjusted, as you suggest. Also need to get the air and water temps DOWN into an acceptable range. Those high temps can slow growth to a crawl, and stresses the plant a great deal. Your leaves spotting/yellowin could be a cal/mag deficiency. Your ph, uncontrolled, can lock...
  8. Spliffer1

    Molasses & hydroponic use

    I'm curios about using molasses in my hydro bubbler, also. I have used it in soil (outdoors) for some time, and it is incredibly beneficial for your soil, both as an amendment and an additive. I use it in the spring when I prep my soil. At the feed store here, I get the granulated...
  9. Spliffer1

    Cloning troubles

    I persoanally haven't has good results using cuttings from between nodes like that, but that's me. If she doesn't show some leaf soon, she doesn't have a great chance. Your roots didn't or haven't continued growing for whatever reason. It's all about the roots!!!!! Have you ever seen the...
  10. Spliffer1

    Cloning troubles

    They use those leaves much as a seedling uses it's cotyledon leaves for food in it's infancy. They live off of the stored sugars and carbohydrates in those leaves until their roots form and begin to feed themselves. If you have roots showing, don't feed them anything, yet. The leaves will...
  11. Spliffer1

    how you use ur dyna gro?(hydro)

    I've used Dg grow and bloom for a couple of years with pretty good results. I've heard it both ways, as you will too. I found this feeding schedule on here one day, and it seems to be accurate with the nutes I've tried. This is my THC Bomb @ 4 wks. --3 wks in veg (w/DG Grow) and 1 wk in flwr...
  12. Spliffer1

    General Organics Nutrient Box

    I just switched from DG to the Bio box you speak of this morning, as a matter of fact. A couple of friends said it's the shit, so thought I'd give it a try. It came with very little feeding information so I went to their website- and found this pdf-...
  13. Spliffer1

    Set my ass straight

    I apologize deeply to all for the confusion, Mr. G- doubly so, as I just realized I was totaly responding to the wrong person-the other dipshit who posted his pics on your thread. My bad, I was stoned and my train derailed, while I wandered off. This shit's pretty good!
  14. Spliffer1

    Set my ass straight

    Mr. Ganja, I'll resume after saying I have a great deal of respect for you and your experience. You have, directly and indirectly, helped me with a number of issues and I've seen you help a lot of others. I don't mean any of this to be mistaken for disrespect. Shall we resume? And again-...
  15. Spliffer1

    Help needed 400w dwc Leaves curling up

    Right on! Roots showing is a good thing. It will focus most of energy growing a root network over the next few days to a week, it'll happen surprisingly quickly. Then you'll notice the plant beginning to grow, and then you can begin adding a little bit more juice. I found a "generalized" nute...
  16. Spliffer1

    Help needed 400w dwc Leaves curling up

    I don't like to cut off any of the fan leaves until they're 40-50% dead. I believe as long as there's some healthy surface on the leaf it will help, particularly at this stage, they need all the green surface area they can get. As the leaf begins to die off, usually beginning at the tips, I'll...
  17. Spliffer1

    DWC rookie mistske

    I'll toke to that!
  18. Spliffer1

    Set my ass straight

    What kind of lighting are you using, and how far in proximity from your plant?
  19. Spliffer1

    Set my ass straight

    After looking closer at the pics, that's nute burn- looks primarily Nitrogen (in my opinion). If the mother is treated right, and the cuttings are taken from the proper location(s), the carb buildup will be high enough to sustain the little one plenty long enough to devlope a small root system...
  20. Spliffer1

    Set my ass straight

    Well, while I must respect your opinion, I suggest getting caught up on available info before going too far. I started playing with this shit back in the 70's using willow water, and thru a LOT of trial and error, and by RESEARCH, I've learned a few things about cloning! (Certainly a lot I have...