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  1. Spliffer1


    Thanks, guys! I will definately remember the potatoe vines, I could use that cover! These flowers had plastic coated wire stems, so I just bent the stem a little and stuck it there. As the bud grows I move them back up towards the top. So far, so good!
  2. Spliffer1


    I have a garden grow that has, well, gotten out of control. I've always used good bagseeds before, so this time I ordered a few different strains to try, mainly based on size- trying to stay small to medium in stature. And freebies. I took advantage of our early spring and ended up with a couple...
  3. Spliffer1

    PH problem. Please help...

    After a bit more research, it would appear you are correct about the additives in municipal water. I have a friend with the water department that I'll be looking up later to discuss with further. Hmm, learning something new every day!
  4. Spliffer1

    PH problem. Please help...

    I keep a small fan running in my grow room for air circulation. I've noticed that if the fan is blowing directly on the plant, it drinks more water than usual, raising the ppm, and ultimately, the ph drops because of it. I've also noticed that the lower my water level is in my res, the more...
  5. Spliffer1

    PH problem. Please help...

    I understand what you're saying, however, dissagree very strongly on the buffer(s). As you mentioned, there are buffers added to some, if not most nutes to help compensate for it's acidity. They do, however, add buffers to many municipal water supplies for the purpose I mentioned earlier. Though...
  6. Spliffer1

    PH problem. Please help...

    I'm pretty new to this too, so don't take my word as gospel. But, after encountering the same problem before, the first thing I would ask you is what kind of water are you using? Problem I had the most with ph was with tap water. Municipal water supplies are often treated with some pretty potent...
  7. Spliffer1

    How's best to clean my airstones?

    I have some new stones on hand, so I've been using them while I clean the others. The h2o2 and boiling seems to be working well, so I'll keep with that. It's not that using new stones each time isn't worth it, and I may end up doing that yet, but I know that 29% h2o2 will kill pretty much...
  8. Spliffer1

    How's best to clean my airstones?

    What's the best method to clean my air stones? I know, I have seen it posted on here before, but damned if I can find it when I need it.. I'm doing a res change and clean, and need to clean a little bit of gunk off one of my stones- from a plant that developed some slime. I got the plant...
  9. Spliffer1

    Hmm. What now?

    Thanks, guys. That's what I figured. Outdoors, it's should go 8-10 wks, and after doing the math puts it mid Oct, which would sound about right. I've not grown this strain before, and wasn't expecting it to bloom so far in front of the others. Learn something new everyday!
  10. Spliffer1

    Hmm. What now?

    I have this cute little Lemon Skunk out back, and it appears to be an early bloomer. I've never seen one bust out flowering this early, where all my others only showing preflower. Question being- will it finish early, at the end of it's 8+ week flowering period, or will the photoperiod dictate...
  11. Spliffer1

    dwc PH help

    Hey, they're all a work in progress. It appears healthy and well, pretty color and nice, fat leaves. My indoor plants are clones from some of my outdoors, or else I'd be using bag seeds, being my first indoor/hydro. I'm running bubblers in 5 gal buckets, my net pots are 5", and may be a little...
  12. Spliffer1

    dwc PH help

    I add nutes and such when I add water to my res. Remember- I'm new at indoor growing, too. So anything I pass along isn't necessarily right. I add nutes when I add water, pre-mixing the solution in a seperate clean bucket. This is where the ppm tester is so very imprtant. I started out adding...
  13. Spliffer1

    dwc PH help

    I'm changing mine at around 3 weeks, trying to keep everything nice and clean. At first I had light getting into my res and the water started turning green pretty quick. I've heard some say they don't change until they switch to flower, however long that may be. I've heard some say 3wks, 4wks...
  14. Spliffer1

    Why does my ph drop overnight?

    Yeah, she seems to be sucking up the nutes, too. My starting ppm yesterday was 465, and it was down to 420 this morning at the same time. Being new to this, I check readings every morning at 5 when my light kicks on, just so I can get a grip on how it responds and reacts on a day by day basis...
  15. Spliffer1

    dwc PH help

    Yeah, I'd go with ro water if I could get it. It's supposed to be the best. Definitely need a ppm tester, dude. I started with a REALLY cheap one I found on ebay for like 8 bucks and free shipping, worked great for my use. I've since got a better one, but not sure if I like it any better than my...
  16. Spliffer1

    Why does my ph drop overnight?

    New in the indoor sector, I have a Northern Lights in a 5 gal bubbler. She's several weeks into veg, and growing like, well, like a weed. Very healthy, massive white rootball, and is now drinking up a lot of water each day. Yesterday morning I checked the ph and it had fallen from 5.8 the...
  17. Spliffer1

    dwc PH help

    What kind of water are you using? Reason I ask is, I tried to use our tap water at first, de-chlorinated of course, but they add something for a buffer that keeps the ph pretty close to around 7. Everytime I would balance the ph, within 8-12 hours it'd be right back up to around 7. This went...
  18. Spliffer1

    Neem oil use in DWC

    Okay, so I've started a bubble system in 5 gal buckets and all seems to going quite well, so far. I've recently added neem to my arsenal of bug weaponry, using it by spray bottle. That seems to be going well, so far. I've been reading that neem oil is often added to the res and absorbed and...
  19. Spliffer1

    "First" grow on a small budget

    Those are looking great, man. That PE is really pretty, looks like it's coming along well. I'm sorry about the LS's being a male. I pulled 2 0f 3 that I had because they were showing balls, and that left me 2nd guessing which one I had cloned. They started into a brief flower period when I first...
  20. Spliffer1

    "First" grow on a small budget

    I'm still in here, been waiting on some new pics of your girls. I wanna see some bud porn! My NL has just gone bananas over the last 2-3 weeks, and my LS appears to be an early bloomer, getting cootchie hair all over!