Search results

  1. Mcgician

    Roots showing above soil??

    Lucky for you I know how much 500ml is. lol. There's no way for me to tell you from my computer what you should do. The point I'm trying to make is, you need plenty of room for the roots to grow, and good drainage. Bottom line is, (as I said before) the roots are starving for oxygen. Find a...
  2. Mcgician

    Roots showing above soil??

    From the sounds of things, you should definitely transplant IMO. Also, lay off watering until the plant needs it. More often that not, that's the reason for this type of thing.
  3. Mcgician

    For The Love Of GOD HELP

    You're not the only one that's been looking. P-91 was a strain I grew for 7 straight years! I happened by it by pure chance/luck. A buddy of mine had a roomate that was growing outdoors in PB of all places, one day spotted a police or DEA helicopter doing circles over his property, and...
  4. Mcgician

    Grow #2 vegging under 600w mh light, flowering under 2 x 1000w hps

    I'm a rockwool cube/slab grower as well. If I may offer a little advice. First off, for such a small veg area, you could get by with far fewer watts than a 600. I'd suggest T5's for veg, and use the 600 as an intermediate staging light, such as weeks 4-6,7, then put the plants into the flower...
  5. Mcgician

    Roots showing above soil??

    You could also have very compacted soil. What's happening is the roots are seeking out oxygen. Too much water or too little room in the pot, or compacted soil, or combinations thereof are the reasons you're seeing what you are.
  6. Mcgician

    Intake passive vs active, CFM recommendation

    I'd say run the setup as is, see how it works for your environment, then make your decision on whether to add an intake fan. In my current situation, I use a passive intake, and it works well enough for me. I'm also not using Co2 though, so the fan is constantly going. What I have done...
  7. Mcgician

    First Grow - 3000w - Ebb & Gro - H&G - Sealed

    Nice job ordering the Max Fan. You won't be disappointed. Moving air within the growroom is fundamental rule number 1, right next to enough light. I'm personally NOT a fan of those "batwing" style reflectors, but good luck to you using them. Also, I'm eager to see the results of your STG...
  8. Mcgician

    Enough of the partisanship.

    Agreed. Problem is, too many people NEED their respective parties to shrink the huge sum of political ideas and issues into a smaller mass concievable/understandable to their pea-sized brains in order to make sense of things. It's truly sad, and the crutch of democracy.
  9. Mcgician

    What strains are you growing?

    I've added Hashberry and White Indica from Ceres Seeds to the mix this time around, and in about 90-100 days I should have and answer as to has those work out, but so far, Bubblegum has been the most consistent workhorse. Without resorting to straight sativa genetics, I'm still trying to find...
  10. Mcgician

    Pink Floyd Light Show- Opinions on Doing Hallucinogens

    shrooms are "poison" even more so! After all, they're fungus! Believe me, I know where you're coming from. I've done my share of psychedelics in my time, and nowadays just smoke or drink wine or beer, but if you haven't experienced Floyd on LSD, you're truly missing a noteworthy piece of...
  11. Mcgician

    initial grow inquiry

    I started out using that type system years ago. Works very well for the most part, but it does have its downsides. The pluses are, the plants will stay very close to the ground, making the job of lighting the plants somewhat easier if headroom is an issue. Downside is, using hydroton is great...
  12. Mcgician

    Pink Floyd Light Show- Opinions on Doing Hallucinogens

    Pink Floyd without LSD is Sacrelige. Rethink your plan.
  13. Mcgician

    For the Tranceheads...

    Here's another one... nN46SLQTezo v9vylSSEuFo
  14. Mcgician

    dwc or recirculating drip???

    I have a top feed recirculating drip system using rockwool cubes/slabs, and wouldn't trade it for the world. Smaller water needs than ebb and flow, and much more accurate as far as knowing what the plants are feeding on and what the current pH/nutrient solution strenth is.
  15. Mcgician

    For the Tranceheads...

    Thanks! I've been hard at work putting the goods together for another mix. Been waiting for some sick tracks and there have been several in the last few months I've been wanting to use, but haven't had the time lately because of a new job and all of our mutual second "jobs". I should have...
  16. Mcgician

    'Tea Party' Photo showing crowd is a fake

    And the least represented. People need to wake up to the fact that their freedoms are being stripped/stolen from them every day Obama is in office. Except, of course for those that don't work, don't have legal citizenship, or own their own business. Fuck Obama, and his cohorts! By very...
  17. Mcgician

    Only Flowering With Red Led, GOOD OR BAD?

    From the research I've done on led's, they have a long way to go in proving their worth when it comes to flowering. They are great for vegging from what I know, but budding with them has turned out to be a big disappointment for most that have tried.
  18. Mcgician

    Hydro Nutrient Question/Comparo

    nobody here whatsoever has used these nutes before? not even 1??
  19. Mcgician

    My pH is all over the place-- PLEASE HELP

    Since you're trying to grow hydroponically, buy your stuff from the appropriate places. That's rule number 1. Secondly, your pH down should be phosphoric acid, as it's not just a pH adjuster, but a nutrient as well. You'll want to use as little of it as possible though so you do not create a...
  20. Mcgician

    Marijuana Motorcycle

    While the cops were retards for pulling over and harrassing the dude on the "potbike", what goes without saying, is that cops are always looking for some stupid shit to annoy people with. IMO, the rider is an idiot for attracting attention to himself like that, especially on a motorcycle. Riders...