Golden Teacher PF tek, Mono Tek grow

because it was pinning lol i assumed contam. i thought why else would the mycelium think it was done. only factor I could find was light. also it was only the jars closet to the light jars right on other side recieving much less light didn't pin.
on a completly off topic thing.

once after i spawned a wbs jar, there was a tiny little bit of colonized wbs left in the jar. like a quarter of a teaspoon any ways it fruited two tiny little shrooms. lol it was the smallest amount of substrate i've seen fruit.
because it was pinning lol i assumed contam. i thought why else would the mycelium think it was done. only factor I could find was light. also it was only the jars closet to the light jars right on other side recieving much less light didn't pin.

Well, having a jar next to a strong light is something I wouldn't advise, because though an insignificant trigger in itself, it is still a small trigger. What I am explaining is you can keep jars in a room that is lit without the light triggering pinning.

If anyone reads this conversation the last few posts, they have the secrets to an awesome pinset.
When I say light I mean ambient light, not thinking someone would place jars in direct sunlight or close beside a light. I have never hidden my jars away from whatever light is in the room they are, it is not a significant pinning trigger. Consolidation, drop in co2 levels, evaporation, and then light. That is the reason not to peek into a tub or tray before full consolidation, not because of the light but in the drop of the co2 level. If a tray or tub is fully colonized it will knot and pin without a drop in co2 but it will not be an even pinset, likewise an unconsolidated tray or tub will knot and pin if co2 drops. Evaporation is not possible without a co2 drop so thats number 3 on the list of triggers. Light is a distant 4th, as you can grow mush in the dark if you have the other 3 factors.

yeah i do my jars on a shelf in my closet, they still get light but just practically nothing. STRONG LIGHT can be a problem, which for my jars would have been 46 watt daylight florescent light with in about a foot and a half.
on a completly off topic thing.

once after i spawned a wbs jar, there was a tiny little bit of colonized wbs left in the jar. like a quarter of a teaspoon any ways it fruited two tiny little shrooms. lol it was the smallest amount of substrate i've seen fruit.

I have actually seen RR do that with a jar that had just a bit left in it, of course RR has done about everything possible. The bible is my all time favorite.
its not really bad pinset, but matured badly. tiny caps and long stems and what not.

not my pic jut one i saved so i'd remeber
its not really bad pinset, but matured badly. tiny caps and long stems and what not.

not my pic jut one i saved so i'd remeber

Was gonna say I have seen much worse. I have a small tray that is setting pins right now that looks to be awesome, will post a pic tomorrow, when I expect it to be fully set.
awsome i have a tray I put in the fc but im not sure what to expect from it. it colonized so slow. some areas are even sorta thinly colonized, so it may contam.
No worries on hijacking the thread, its good information! Yall are friends trying to help.

Dankies, They are doing well, growing daily. heres a few pics for ya


Thanks for following along!

nope the 6th hasnt done anything. i must have not shook the syringe hard enough and injected a blank dose. unlikely but possible.

I am planning on buying a PC for my caregivers house, and just PC everything over there. Its a huge pain in the ass, but the only way to keep peace in the house.

Are there any acceptable Pressure cookers under 200 dollars? the 21 q all american is 230ish which is a bunch for my budget. If it really makes that much difference ill wait and get the good one, i just dont know i trust presto pressure cookers or not.

well I dont know a good site but id assume ebay or list has some. THing is if you buy a cheap one it can have shit rubber and can blow up easier. People have different opinions obviously but imo if you keep it cleaned out and nice you shouldnt have a problem.
I know the american one is real good man so why not invest a little more you know? I know I dont fully trust pc so i would want high quality.

Look on ebay or craigs for a better deal on the american!