Lung Cancer: Marijuana a risk factor or treatment option

Some experiment to have;

Take a nice clean white towel, cigarette, and a joint.

Light the cigarette, take a puff, exhale through towel... note the brown mouth inlay
Do same with joint, note the brown mouth inlay..

inconclusive but is eye opening
Funny story about this, real quick.
When i was younger and much more rebellious and easily influenced, a friend and i decided to shotgun a steam roller to my cats face... now... this cat like having smoke blown in its face, I understand that was a little harsh.. and i have never done it again...
but its face fit in the tube so perfectly....
the smoke stained the face fur of this solid white cat in a perfect circle for a week and we just so happened to be going somewhere for a few days and had a family friend to look after it...
My dad was not happy, but he did spit his false teeth out trying to contain a laugh.
i had to tell him. i couldn't come up with anything at all.

anyways! sorry to interrupt the debate.
Guys I am and have been pro marijuana since I was a kid

Me too.

It's kinda funny how most of us knew as kids that smoking was bad for your lungs.

So now I'm supposed to believe that marijuana smoke doesn't actually contain mutagens & carcinogens - and actually reduces the risk of lung disease lol

Maybe marijuana smoke does have vitamin C in it?


The highest tertile of cannabis use was associated with an increased risk of lung cancer RR=5.7 (95% CI 1.5 to 21.6), after adjustment for confounding variables including cigarette smoking.

Long term cannabis use increases the risk of lung cancer in young adults.

Cannabis smoking may have a greater potential than tobacco smoking to cause lung cancer.[1-4] Cannabis smoke is qualitatively similar to tobacco smoke, although it contains up to twice the concentration of the carcinogenic polyaromatic hydrocarbons.[1]

Not anything you smoke is good for lungs. Weather it is tobacco , marijuana, crack... when u look at hard core marijuana smokers such as Bob Marley, Snoop Dogg, B real of Cypress hill or Cheech and Chong, you can see how chronic smoking has aged them tremendously.
I think it’s unwise or naive to think that putting smoke into your lungs won’t cause some kind of respiratory Impairment.
Choose your own poison. Shit, just being stuck on the highway with some ignorant motherfucker blasting black smoke out of their tail pipes with these old cars is enough to choke the shit out of you.
Not anything you smoke is good for lungs. Weather it is tobacco , marijuana, crack... when u look at hard core marijuana smokers such as Bob Marley, Snoop Dogg, B real of Cypress hill or Cheech and Chong, you can see how chronic smoking has aged them tremendously.
I think it’s unwise or naive to think that putting smoke into your lungs won’t cause some kind of respiratory Impairment.
Choose your own poison. Shit, just being stuck on the highway with some ignorant motherfucker blasting black smoke out of their tail pipes with these old cars is enough to choke the shit out of you.

.. so what you're telling me is smoking crack = smoking weed on my lungs?? nahhh... and cigarettes/car exhaust have a bunch of other carcinogens. weed is unprocessed... a lot different than smoking crack/cigarettes/car exhaust

The people you list were also workaholic/artists who basically live/d off of very little sleep.. Im guessing that may have something to do with their appearance (and bob looked pretty good imo until that C ate him up RIP). A lot of the older stoners I know actually look pretty damn good for their age... a lot still exercise, eat well, get plenty of sleep etc..
Not anything you smoke is good for lungs. Weather it is tobacco , marijuana, crack... when u look at hard core marijuana smokers such as Bob Marley, Snoop Dogg, B real of Cypress hill or Cheech and Chong, you can see how chronic smoking has aged them tremendously.
I think it’s unwise or naive to think that putting smoke into your lungs won’t cause some kind of respiratory Impairment.
Choose your own poison. Shit, just being stuck on the highway with some ignorant motherfucker blasting black smoke out of their tail pipes with these old cars is enough to choke the shit out of you.
I never once said it was good for the lungs. It can cause irritation and other types of inflammation.

What it doesn't do is cause lung cancer or increase the risk of it by itself.

Certian strains and terps actually act as a bronchodilator and open airways.

There are over 60 cannabinoids and no telling how many terpenes that have medicinal value. Including anti-inflammatory.

It also makes a big difference in how clean the grow is and what products are used.

Its cool though. I'll take what I know to be truth from first hand experience with family that have copd and other lung disease over some regurgitated shit some twerp read.

That is not directed at you Dr amber tricome.

What's sad is my mom never smoked a cigarette. Spent years at a company that allowed smoking inside.

I treat her daily with smoked and vaped cannabis to help her breathe. Even seen an increase in lung capacity.

Studies from both sides to back the argument. I'll keep on with what's working.