Lung Cancer: Marijuana a risk factor or treatment option

The link between Marijuana, smoking tobacco and lung cancer is quite interrelated. Studies show that marijuana smoke has many of the same harmful substances as tobacco. Illegal marijuana, unlike tobacco, doesn’t have any controls on its strength or quality. People don’t use the same amount in one dose. Medicated marijuana always prescribed by doctor.
The link between Marijuana, smoking tobacco and lung cancer is quite interrelated. Studies show that marijuana smoke has many of the same harmful substances as tobacco. Illegal marijuana, unlike tobacco, doesn’t have any controls on its strength or quality. People don’t use the same amount in one dose. Medicated marijuana always prescribed by doctor.
getting a doctors prescription is usually just a pass to smoke weed, how can the doctors make an informed dosage suggestion when they don't have any info on what it is they're prescribing? they have no idea what weed you're getting, what effects its supposed to have, how much thc, terpenes, cbd, cbc or any other cannabinoid it contains.
smoking anything is bad for you. weed contains tar, which is bad for your lungs, along with other things that can't be good for you to inhale. that doesn't stop me from doing it, but i don't delude myself that i'm doing something good for my lungs. it's much better for you to vape, eat, use tinctures...breathing in the smoke of any burning plant isn't good for you, and never will be.
Commonly, marijuana is called as ‘pot’ or ‘weed’ and it is obtained from a plant named ‘cannabis sativa’. The leaves, flowers, stem and seeds of this plant are used as a drug. Cannabis is a bushy plant with five-pointed or seven pointed leaves. Marijuana is consumed in a number of forms. The powdered form of the drug is called dried marijuana. Marijuana is also found in a viscous, wax like liquid called dab. Marijuana abuse and addiction are serious problems that should be given the importance they need. If a loved one is abusing marijuana, make sure to address the condition before a permanent damage is caused to them by the drug.
Commonly, marijuana is called as ‘pot’ or ‘weed’ and it is obtained from a plant named ‘cannabis sativa’. The leaves, flowers, stem and seeds of this plant are used as a drug. Cannabis is a bushy plant with five-pointed or seven pointed leaves. Marijuana is consumed in a number of forms. The powdered form of the drug is called dried marijuana. Marijuana is also found in a viscous, wax like liquid called dab. Marijuana abuse and addiction are serious problems that should be given the importance they need. If a loved one is abusing marijuana, make sure to address the condition before a permanent damage is caused to them by the drug.
is that a direct quote from "reefer madness" ?....the powdered form?....
Commonly, marijuana is called as ‘pot’ or ‘weed’ and it is obtained from a plant named ‘cannabis sativa’. The leaves, flowers, stem and seeds of this plant are used as a drug. Cannabis is a bushy plant with five-pointed or seven pointed leaves. Marijuana is consumed in a number of forms. The powdered form of the drug is called dried marijuana. Marijuana is also found in a viscous, wax like liquid called dab. Marijuana abuse and addiction are serious problems that should be given the importance they need. If a loved one is abusing marijuana, make sure to address the condition before a permanent damage is caused to them by the drug.

What? where do you get this bullshit from?
Depends on what dumbass grew it.. Just came from 2 dispensaries where every strain smelled like different nute lines, resin boosters, soaps, you name it. Not a single weed aroma from 50 strains I checked. That shit is causing lung cancer. You can feel it fucking your shit up.
thats horrifying. Where was that so I make sure I never go there.
The benefits of smoking weed for Lung Cancrr far outweigh the damage already caused by the a lung Cancer. So as a health care provider who has been working with Cancer Patients for the last 15 years i think smoking bong hits a couple times a day is an awesome tool to have in your treatment plan if it makes you feel better.
Some experiment to have;

Take a nice clean white towel, cigarette, and a joint.

Light the cigarette, take a puff, exhale through towel... note the brown mouth inlay
Do same with joint, note the brown mouth inlay..

inconclusive but is eye opening
This doesnt measure toxins or carcinogens in anyway. Another thing too is tobacco smoke actually holds itself in where weed smoke is more of a dialator helping loosen up resins and tars making them easy to cough up/ spit out. Long debate
Marijuana smoke contains many of the same chemicals as tobacco smoke. Chances are if you smoke enough of anything, you are putting yourself at risk for lung cancer. This includes marijuana. Smoking anything is terrible for your lungs. It all comes down to how much you consume, the amount of time, quality of the product, genetics, and so many other factors. I had a source that compared chemicals in tobacco and marijuana smoke but the page no longer works. It was from a medical book and I don't know the name of it. It was a study from the late 90s I believe. Would be nice if several different independent studies were done on the quality marijuana from today compared to yesterdays marijuana's numbers. Would also like to see how much safer tobacco is if grown with actual quality. I smoke everyday and don't worry about it.
From my understanding, most of the studies involved in asserting smoking cannabis has an increased risk of lung cancer is due to the fact that in their studies, many people who smoke cannabis also smoke tobacco. Especially back in the 90s.

Of course, no smoke is good to inhale. I think you accept the risks of damage when you smoke a ton of anything. That said, I know a guy who's been a heavy smoker of cannabis since he was 14. he's in his mid-50s now and gets checkups often. His lungs have a clean bill of health. Where as those who smoke the same quantity of tobacco have pretty black lungs. So I don't think they're the same.

Here is a study:
We've known for a long time that smoking tobacco cigarettes is the No. 1 risk factor for developing lung cancer. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that "in the United States, cigarette smoking is linked to about 80 percent to 90 percent of lung cancers. Using other tobacco products such as cigars or pipes also increases the risk for lung cancer." But what about that other smoke-able substance, marijuana? Can smoking cannabis – another term for the weed that's garnered a lot of attention in recent years as a potential medicine – put you at higher risk of developing lung cancer down the road?

Any health expert in her to shed more light on this?

We haven't seen any deaths for the people who use marijuana. There is a lot of research that needs to be still done on this topic.
So there are conflicting studies present concerning the subject at hand, and this is mostly due to a multi-causal situation, when we have several factors present that interchange each other. This is the presence of an anti-cancerogenetic vector in the form of various cannabinoids, but foremostly THC:
"THC and CBD can induce signs of apoptotic and necrotic cell death in tumor cells.""

The problem of conflicting results from studies is well known through the scientific world and has several reasons. Actually there are systematics present to mitigate this and still combine the results in a true manner ("Meta-Studies") and here the empirical data gathered from the US health sectors show this relationship:

- lowest risk of lung cancer: (0% of rel.) 0% smoke nor substance
- INsignificant increase in lung cancer (~1% of rel.): strict MJ only smoker
- very high & highest risk in lung cancer: (100% of rel.) tobacco smoker
- INsignificant decrease in lung cancer: (98% of rel.) tobacco & MJ smoker

The explanation is that cannabis contains suppressors of cancercells and its presence enables natural killercells and cytotoxical T-cells to induce Apoptosis (a self-destruct program which enables our immunesystem to order a controlled self-deconstruct mechanism after the cell has been found to produce foreign antigenes, typically displayed at the MHC-I receptor epitope. It is one of the seven stages of onkogenese which causes this self-control mechanism to not work properly anymore, but the presence of THC or other cannabinoids have shown to hinder the evil mutation to do its job.
But there are many forms of cancers and also the plant material contains different carcinogenetic agents, so the main conclusion that can be drawn from this relationship is that, in most cases, tobacco is responsible for lung cancer - and not cannabis.

The question is actually whether the amount of reduction of cancercases in combined smokers far outweigh the increase in a tiny amount of strict users. Or if it's actually worth to talk about the insignificant cases (and draw conclusions from it) when the 100% & 98% numbers clearly reveil the culprit!
Where are the elevated numbers of rastafarians with lung cancer? Are you guys seriously thinking that cannabis causes cancer? Lmao people will believe anything these days. It has more tar than tobacco, but that "tar" or resin is actually beneficial to the health of many different animals, hence why you don't EVER hear of someone dying from smoking weed. I mean...hmmm...we have been consuming it for THOUSANDS of years no? Chemicals, nutes, pesticides, not even part of the convo. Thats not the fucking plant. The plant doesn't hurt, it helps.

I would also say that pure tobacco, probably isn't THAT bad for you either, maybe its the formaldehyde they are putting in it? Or maybe the other 500 things they are putting in it? What kind of fucking jackass compares weed to cigs? Holy fuck.
Where are the elevated numbers of rastafarians with lung cancer? Are you guys seriously thinking that cannabis causes cancer? Lmao people will believe anything these days. It has more tar than tobacco, but that "tar" or resin is actually beneficial to the health of many different animals, hence why you don't EVER hear of someone dying from smoking weed. I mean...hmmm...we have been consuming it for THOUSANDS of years no? Chemicals, nutes, pesticides, not even part of the convo. Thats not the fucking plant. The plant doesn't hurt, it helps.

I would also say that pure tobacco, probably isn't THAT bad for you either, maybe its the formaldehyde they are putting in it? Or maybe the other 500 things they are putting in it? What kind of fucking jackass compares weed to cigs? Holy fuck.

Tobacco smoke restricts the lungs also holding in those cancerous chemicals. Marijuana is a dialator releasing tars when coughing. Also doesnt have the 1500 chemicals added to it. Imo cannabis alone would never give you cancer. May even stop or slow cancerous growth. But using bith together is even worse than cigs alone.