Lung Cancer: Marijuana a risk factor or treatment option

I never once said it was good for the lungs. It can cause irritation and other types of inflammation.

What it doesn't do is cause lung cancer or increase the risk of it by itself.

Certian strains and terps actually act as a bronchodilator and open airways.

There are over 60 cannabinoids and no telling how many terpenes that have medicinal value. Including anti-inflammatory.

It also makes a big difference in how clean the grow is and what products are used.

Its cool though. I'll take what I know to be truth from first hand experience with family that have copd and other lung disease over some regurgitated shit some twerp read.

That is not directed at you Dr amber tricome.

What's sad is my mom never smoked a cigarette. Spent years at a company that allowed smoking inside.

I treat her daily with smoked and vaped cannabis to help her breathe. Even seen an increase in lung capacity.

Studies from both sides to back the argument. I'll keep on with what's working.
very good! keep on smokin'!
I read a study released just a couple of years ago, by the American Association for Thoracic Surgery. They did a huge meet study, combining the results of other studies plus their own.

The findings related to cancer;
Smoking tobacco increases the risk of cancer.

Smoking cannabis did not increase the risk of cancer.

Smoking both was the same risk as smoking tobacco.

The study did not address other diseases related to smoking.
What it doesn't do is cause lung cancer or increase the risk of it by itself.

lol.... You have no clue what you're talking about.

You don't know shit about physiology or pharmacodynamics, and you are utterly clueless to the effects of respirable particulates & carcinogenic polyaromatic hydrocarbons on the lungs.

Pick up a textbook.

lol.... You have no clue what you're talking about.

You don't know shit about physiology or pharmacodynamics, and you are utterly clueless to the effects of respirable particulates & carcinogenic polyaromatic hydrocarbons on the lungs.

Pick up a textbook.

We read studies too.

No one is saying smoking is harmless, just that it doesn't raise risk of cancer.

Maybe if you were less defensive you'd be taken more seriously.
I'll take what I know to be truth from first hand experience with family that have copd and other lung disease over some regurgitated shit some twerp read.

newsflash: The thread pertains to smoking cannabis and an increased risk for lung cancer --> not chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Separate entities altogether.

to be clear, Nicotine is a carcinogenic. THC is not.

To be clear, we're discussing the effects of marijuana and [all] of it's chemical-constituents. Not THC in isolation.

And I've already posted peer-reviewed evidence for the presence of mutagens, carcinogens and polyaromatic hydrocarbons.

To be clear, we're discussing the effects of marijuana and [all] of it's chemical-constituents. Not THC in isolation.

And I've already posted peer-reviewed evidence for the presence of mutagens, carcinogens and polyaromatic hydrocarbons.


Then you should be arguing about smoking tomato vines, have you seen the mutations coming out of hog lots?

The color of the mailbox has little to do with the flames coming out of the Barn.
To be clear, we're discussing the effects of marijuana and [all] of it's chemical-constituents. Not THC in isolation.

And I've already posted peer-reviewed evidence for the presence of mutagens, carcinogens and polyaromatic hydrocarbons.

find me one cancer patient that has cancer because of marijuana use. smoking anything is bad for you, doesn't matter what it is, there are better ways to ingest things than burning it. i'm not arguing with the study you posted, i'm saying that even though it contains those things, there's not one single case of marijuana causing cancer. so maybe the nicotine does play a larger part than you seem to want to admit.
something definitely does. if you have two things that contain many of the same chemicals, and one gives people cancer, and one doesn't, maybe you should look at the things that are different, instead of the things that are the same?
Not a chance.

Quote me one one more time to show you are not upset.

Factoid boy is what I will call you. Spouts of some shit he read yet can't grow a plant or diagnose problems.

I'm talking lung disease all together. The benefits of cannabis cancel out the negative.

I've read your post in other threads. Strutting around like a rooster all puffed out. Anyone disagrees you have a conniption.