Lung Cancer: Marijuana a risk factor or treatment option

This is a pretty interesting read. It's from 2005. They said they were not able to observe a connection between smoking cannabis and lung cancer, although there was cellular damage. I pretty much believe anything carcinogenic can promote the growth of cancer cells, whether it be smoke, burnt chicken, whatever... you name it lol. Pretty much anything good. I stay eating barbecue and burning jibbas though.

Yea, prove it.
You think it would be legalized if it was carcinogenic?
what about cigarettes? they are legal. If you think the Gov is concerned about health your right bad health. There is money in sickness, cancer, etc. As long as they can reap $$$ and legally kill the people or peasants.
Why are you even here?

That study you posted is old. Cannabis does produce some nasty things when combusted. The odd thing is that it doesn't increase risk of lung cancer.

My mother has copd. Cannabis actually helps her breathe. Go figure.

Now take your out of date reefer madness ass out of here.
I believe you about your mom and copd. my mom likewise had same experience.

I got covid in December. I continued to Vap. It made me cough up the mucus that was laying in my lungs. the Vap dilated my bronch tubes that shit came out. I did not have it as bad as my wife and she doesnt enjoy weed. So i believe it helps the lungs to Vap . no combustion for me anymore. Im spoiled to the taste, smell with no tar and smoke to gag.
Pot may not cause cancer but it surely causes asthma, bronchitis, throat and esophagus issues and a host of other issues. Use some common sense fellows and don't think smoking ANYTHING is good for you.
" Cannabis is such an Awesome medicine, most people take it just for the Side Effects."
Moderation is always Key. Know what your Consuming.
People who live outdoors and sit by the campfire on a regular basis, inhale a bunch of smoke particulates, too. But then they are also usually people who hike in the fresh air, as well. People who work in stores or factories around fabrics, also inhale a bunch of particulates....and the list goes on and on. But, obviously, lighting up a joint and directly inhaling them is going to add up a lot faster. Just limit your smoking and use a bong or some kind of water-filtered device. Those will remove a bunch of the larger particulates that would otherwise be inhaled through joint smoking. Bottom line: Something is already in us that will eventually come out and get us. Inevitably, we will die. Enjoy the ride!
Concentrating anything carbon based, burning it and inhaling it in you're lungs will eventually cause damage. Cannabis also deposits tar in you're lungs, whether or not it's as bad as a cigarette is debatable
Feel ya on the vaping! Those 6 footers and gravity bongs had their place in the history books but lungs definitely can’t hang like they used to.
Feel ya on the vaping! Those 6 footers and gravity bongs had their place in the history books but lungs definitely can’t hang like they used to.
yep back in the day I would clear a gram in my ice pincher. Iron lung..but i would cough up black lung cookies. Not
my 2c would be what about the fact that chewing tobacco causes mouth cancers? seems then like cancer can be related to something in tobacco regardless of how you take the tobac in. would chewing marijuana cause mouth cancer? a fair amount of people only eat it or use tinctures but have there been any studies? I wonder if chewing cocoa leaves causes increased cancer rates in aborigines.? if taht were true I would think it increases the possibility that the connection between drugs and cancer is broader than just nicotine. versus just looking at inhaling smokes of any kind, which seems to be anywhere from super bad to extremely super bad for you.
my 2c would be what about the fact that chewing tobacco causes mouth cancers? seems then like cancer can be related to something in tobacco regardless of how you take the tobac in. would chewing marijuana cause mouth cancer? a fair amount of people only eat it or use tinctures but have there been any studies? I wonder if chewing cocoa leaves causes increased cancer rates in aborigines.? if taht were true I would think it increases the possibility that the connection between drugs and cancer is broader than just nicotine. versus just looking at inhaling smokes of any kind, which seems to be anywhere from super bad to extremely super bad for you.
Actually, it depends on how the chewing tobacco is processed. For example, Sweden has high rates of "snus" usage but low rates of oral cancer. The reason being, the tobacco used in Swedish snus is pasteurized right after harvest, thus eliminating the fermentation that occurs in other chewing tobacco. This matters because it halts the production of nitrosomines that occurs during fermentation. Swedish Snus is a great option for nicotine users who are interested in harm reduction.
Most population studies indicate that cannabis use reduces rates of several different cancers. Obviously, non combustion ingestion is preferable if you want to lower your risk even further.