This is what we are worth?

Hundreds of millions of dollars to museums and other countries. FUCKING INSANITY!!! Not a mother fucking penny going to small businesses, the people suffering the most. The only place money should be going is into the pockets of small business owners and to pay for a full fledged declaration of war on China. Didnt you people realize voting for democrat meant voting for big spending on bullshit? Big government = big waste. Seriously, with their track record in handling money, would you ever consider hiring the government to do something for you?
lulz at your complaint about Big government in the same post where you complain that small businessmen were cut out from Mitch's aid package.

The Republican Party has always been a party of the wealthy, for the wealthy and by the wealthy. Trump is no different in this. Small businesses are not owned by the 1% who are truly wealthy, so, they are frozen out by a bill written by Republicans. I mean, duh. That said, I'm kind of glad to see Mitch and Trump give the small business owner a kick in the ass.

Most small businessmen are Republicans. You reap what you sow.

For the record, I'd support a large bill that helps keep small businesses afloat for the next 9 or so months at least. A small government can't do that, btw.
Not a mother fucking penny going to small businesses, the people suffering the most. The only place money should be going is into the pockets of small business owners and to pay for a full fledged declaration of war on China.
Business owners are sole proprietors. They should be one of the last people for bailouts.

war on China for what? For us not wearing masks? For us not spending money contact tracing? For us not locking down until it was under control? What exactly is China’s fault Mr Trump?
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Business owners are sole proprietors. They should be one of the last people for bailouts.

war on China for what? For us not wearing masks? For us not spending money contract tracing? For us not locking down until it was under control? What exactly is China’s fault Mr Trump?
Shutting down travel within their country but keeping international travel open. You think companies like Ford and GE should be getting bailouts before small businesses? Most large corporations have been largely unaffected by this shit while small business owners are going bankrupt everywhere.
Shutting down travel within their country but keeping international travel open. You think companies like Ford and GE should be getting bailouts before small businesses? Most large corporations have been largely unaffected by this shit while small business owners are going bankrupt everywhere.
Where do you think the money comes from for these clowns to spend billions on commercials? Large corporations. Guess who gets take care of. It’s called “politics” for a reason.

If you give money to people they will give it to the businesses and the corporations.
Shutting down travel within their country but keeping international travel open. You think companies like Ford and GE should be getting bailouts before small businesses? Most large corporations have been largely unaffected by this shit while small business owners are going bankrupt everywhere.
I guess it depends what you mean by large corporations. Big box stores, restaurant chains, movie theators, airports, etc are all big companies IMO, and they are screwed.

Ive heard that about China's response, but never double checked if it is true or what the particulars of it are. But I am also not sure that is as nefarious as it is sold out to be. If Trump hadn't nixed the pandemic team Obama set up, we would have had boots on the ground in China from the start.
Where do you think the money comes from for these clowns to spend billions on commercials? Large corporations. Guess who gets take care of. It’s called “politics” for a reason.

If you give money to people they will give it to the businesses and the corporations.
I havent watched a commercial in over a decade so I'm not really sure what you are talking about.
They are doing fantastic.... The pandemic has been good to them.
I was wrong, I should not have used 'big box stores', I meant chain-stores.
Screen Shot 2020-12-23 at 5.12.08 PM.png

America's stores were in rough shape even before the coronavirus hit, but the pandemic has worsened the toll on traditional retailers.

Forecasters say business will never go back to "normal," as many shops have had an impossible time coming back from this year's long lockdowns.

A record 9,500 stores went out of business in 2019, which seemed massive — but as many as 25,000 could shut down permanently in 2020, mostly in malls, says the an estimate from Coresight Research.

So far in 2020, more than 8,000 retail locations have gone dark for good, Coresight says.
8,000 retail locations of some large companies shut down.
GNC/Men's warehouse/ Peir 1 imports etc. I consider these large corporations. All getting hammered.
I was wrong, I should not have used 'big box stores', I meant chain-stores.
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8,000 retail locations of some large companies shut down.
GNC/Men's warehouse/ Peir 1 imports etc. I consider these large corporations. All getting hammered.
Yeah, clothing is taking a big hit. Everyone working from home wearing tie die greatful dead t shirts and boxers all day. The button up shirt, jacket, tie, and sponge bob boxers combo is the best. Gotta love that zoom life.
I havent watched a commercial in over a decade so I'm not really sure what you are talking about.
You don’t have to watch commercials you just have to be intelligent so it makes sense you didn’t understand it. Here’s how tv works.

Business owners are sole proprietors. They should be one of the last people for bailouts.
And that is the typical thinking that people of low intelligence has.

Let's take the restaurant owner. When this all hit and people stopped dinning out, he had to lay off servers and cooks. But that doesn't relieve him from the bills he pays on the building. Or the insurance. Or the food he has on order. None of it.

So now he goes under so that when things go back to normal, those cooks and waiters have no job to go back to.

But you'll of course counter with: They'll find another job.

No, they wont. Because all those small businesses that all those people worked for are gone now. Everybody else that didn't fold up is for the most part laying people off.

What's more, the Christmas season is over now, so all those hired for the Christmas rush are going to be laid off in the next few weeks.

And then you're going to have about 30 million people going after the very few jobs available from the massive corporations that didn't go broke. And they will be in the drivers seat offering minimum wage only and people will take it.

They'll have to, because most small business owned by a sole proprietor that used to employ them and care about them are gone now.
Shutting down travel within their country but keeping international travel open. You think companies like Ford and GE should be getting bailouts before small businesses? Most large corporations have been largely unaffected by this shit while small business owners are going bankrupt everywhere.
Take your anger to your Republican masters. A much better bill was written and passed by House Democrats more than SIX months ago. This is just a stopgap measure that your Republican masters put out to cover their asses and you are right, they SHAFTED the small business owners.
And that is the typical thinking that people of low intelligence has.

Let's take the restaurant owner. When this all hit and people stopped dinning out, he had to lay off servers and cooks. But that doesn't relieve him from the bills he pays on the building. Or the insurance. Or the food he has on order. None of it.

So now he goes under so that when things go back to normal, those cooks and waiters have no job to go back to.

But you'll of course counter with: They'll find another job.

No, they wont. Because all those small businesses that all those people worked for are gone now. Everybody else that didn't fold up is for the most part laying people off.

What's more, the Christmas season is over now, so all those hired for the Christmas rush are going to be laid off in the next few weeks.

And then you're going to have about 30 million people going after the very few jobs available from the massive corporations that didn't go broke. And they will be in the drivers seat offering minimum wage only and people will take it.

They'll have to, because most small business owned by a sole proprietor that used to employ them and care about them are gone now.
Most small business owners are the cheapest whiniest Retrumplicans there are.

I support the same level of assistance provided in the first package for everybody. Small business owners whined about how their employees made more on assistance bill than they would if they were working. As if that meant there were problems with the bill.
Business owners are sole proprietors. They should be one of the last people for bailouts.

war on China for what? For us not wearing masks? For us not spending money contact tracing? For us not locking down until it was under control? What exactly is China’s fault Mr Trump?
Hey, he claims he's from the UK! Seems to be an American Trumper to me using VPN SW to pop up in the UK. I've got VPN SW as part of antivirus SW and can pop up where I want, but I never use it, no need.