This is what we are worth?

Most small business owners are the cheapest whiniest Retrumplicans there are.

I support the same level of assistance provided in the first package for everybody. Small business owners whined about how their employees made more on assistance bill than they would if they were working. As if that meant there were problems with the bill.
If you get paid more to sit on your ass, what's the motivation to go to work?
And that is the typical thinking that people of low intelligence has.

Let's take the restaurant owner. When this all hit and people stopped dinning out, he had to lay off servers and cooks. But that doesn't relieve him from the bills he pays on the building. Or the insurance. Or the food he has on order. None of it.

So now he goes under so that when things go back to normal, those cooks and waiters have no job to go back to.

But you'll of course counter with: They'll find another job.

No, they wont. Because all those small businesses that all those people worked for are gone now. Everybody else that didn't fold up is for the most part laying people off.

What's more, the Christmas season is over now, so all those hired for the Christmas rush are going to be laid off in the next few weeks.

And then you're going to have about 30 million people going after the very few jobs available from the massive corporations that didn't go broke. And they will be in the drivers seat offering minimum wage only and people will take it.

They'll have to, because most small business owned by a sole proprietor that used to employ them and care about them are gone now.
When you’re a sole proprietor there is no one to help you. It’s kind of what you sign up for. You sign up knowing there are no investors, there is no one to “bail” you out.

Guess you don’t understand the word sole in sole proprietor. This should help.

A sole proprietorship, also known as the sole trader, individual entrepreneurship or proprietorship, is a type of enterprise that is owned and run by one person and in which there is no legal distinction between the owner and the business entity.
When you’re a sole proprietor there is no one to help you. It’s kind of what you sign up for. You sign up knowing there are no investors, there is no one to “bail” you out.

Guess you don’t understand the word sole in sole proprietor. This should help.

A sole proprietorship, also known as the sole trader, individual entrepreneurship or proprietorship, is a type of enterprise that is owned and run by one person and in which there is no legal distinction between the owner and the business entity.
Many small business are private corporations, especially those with a few employees, sole proprietorship is quite common for small operations and trades. A private corporation limits liability and offers more financial flexibility, your corp can invest your profits back into the business or even stocks and show no profit and your income tax is what you choose for a salary. There are other perks as well, if you make 200K in profit as a proprietorship you pay $200K worth of tax, if you make it as a corp, you can pay yourself $100k and pay the tax on that, but if you reinvest the other 100K you get a break. It's generally only worth incorporating if you make above a certain amount a year.
Many small business are private corporations, especially those with a few employees, sole proprietorship is quite common for small operations and trades. A private corporation limits liability and offers more financial flexibility, your corp can invest your profits back into the business or even stocks and show no profit and your income tax is what you choose for a salary. There are other perks as well, if you make 200K in profit as a proprietorship you pay $200K worth of tax, if you make it as a corp, you can pay yourself $100k and pay the tax on that, but if you reinvest the other 100K you get a break. It's generally only worth incorporating if you make above a certain amount a year.
I was speaking more of sole proprietors when I speak of small businesses. I don’t consider million dollar corporations small businesses. However, my govt disagrees.
That’s a lazy persons way of thinking.
Funny thing is I have seen this first hand. It's also a complaint of hard working folks knowing they are the ones who will have to foot the bill eventually. Here in Canada they just handed out cheques with no vetting for months. Fraudsters ran rampant. Most of those that ripped off the system had no money before and still don't. Those who bust their back sides every day will have to pay that.
I was speaking more of sole proprietors when I speak of small businesses. I don’t consider million dollar corporations small businesses.
Agreed. When I said small businesses need bailing out the most and are getting nothing, i was talking about places with a dozen employees or less. Anyone who thinks of million dollar corporations when they hear "small business" is to far gone to be saved....
Funny thing is I have seen this first hand. It's also a complaint of hard working folks knowing they are the ones who will have to foot the bill eventually. Here in Canada they just handed out cheques with no vetting for months. Fraudsters ran rampant. Most of those that ripped off the system had no money before and still don't. Those who bust their back sides every day will have to pay that.
I know there are people doing it. Anytime there’s a lot of money there are a lot of scammers lined up.
Funny thing is I have seen this first hand. It's also a complaint of hard working folks knowing they are the ones who will have to foot the bill eventually. Here in Canada they just handed out cheques with no vetting for months. Fraudsters ran rampant. Most of those that ripped off the system had no money before and still don't. Those who bust their back sides every day will have to pay that.
Yeah here people are bitching about a couple hundred dollars in UE and stimulus checks when Trump is funneling hundreds of millions into his and his buddies pockets.
Agreed. When I said small businesses need bailing out the most and are getting nothing, i was talking about places with a dozen employees or less. Anyone who thinks of million dollar corporations when they hear "small business" is to far gone to be saved....
That we can agree on. When you order food and the OWNER is cooking it (or taking your order). That’s a small business. AND those are the people you need to seek out and help, by ordering there goods or services
You're way underestimating what has been pilfered from the US,here's a hint, it starts with a T.
Even if there were ten Trump clones in office it wouldnt be a drop in the bucket compared to what the massive army of full time politicians pilfer every day. Being a career politician should be illegal.

Every position in government should have a mandate that the individual earn at least 5,000$ per year at a minimum wage labor position. Force them to work with the people they are making decisions for. Thats only 10 hours a week. Not much to ask for.
Hundreds of millions of dollars to museums and other countries. FUCKING INSANITY!!! Not a mother fucking penny going to small businesses, the people suffering the most. The only place money should be going is into the pockets of small business owners and to pay for a full fledged declaration of war on China. Didnt you people realize voting for democrat meant voting for big spending on bullshit? Big government = big waste. Seriously, with their track record in handling money, would you ever consider hiring the government to do something for you?
If Americans got along with Americans, America would be a force to reckon with.
Even if there were ten Trump clones in office it wouldnt be a drop in the bucket compared to what the massive army of full time politicians pilfer every day. Being a career politician should be illegal.

Every position in government should have a mandate that the individual earn at least 5,000$ per year at a minimum wage labor position. Force them to work with the people they are making decisions for. Thats only 10 hours a week. Not much to ask for.
I like the idea to make them work a minimum wage job. That's brilliant, lol. I know where Trump would work. Mickey D's. I'm sure he wouldn't mind too much though. He can eat all the Big Macs he wants
Even if there were ten Trump clones in office it wouldnt be a drop in the bucket compared to what the massive army of full time politicians pilfer every day. Being a career politician should be illegal.

Every position in government should have a mandate that the individual earn at least 5,000$ per year at a minimum wage labor position. Force them to work with the people they are making decisions for. Thats only 10 hours a week. Not much to ask for.

Trump took the grift to a whole new level here.
"First they break your legs, then they hand you crutches"

If government hadn't allowed the supply of money to be controlled by nefarious actors, this situation wouldn't exist. It's really too bad people don't solve problems by striking the root causes.
