I've never seen the helical coils in front of a dish, such antenna's must be made very precisely for good reception and he is operating at 5.8gHz. He is using an immortal T for the radio transmitter working around 900mhz (slightly different in Europe) it has a range of about 10 km depending on terrain and line of sight. You can convert the 2.4mHz control transmitter with a JR module and you can see it sticking out of the bottom of the transmitter.
Good for recon and monitoring the front lines, make a few mods and some 3D printed parts and it can drop a bomb or grenade with the camera pointed straight down. I see when they turn on the landing light the bomb drops, and it is a simple matter of actuating a solenoid instead of turning on the LED. They go through a lot of them, but I wonder how many grenades a bomber can drop and how many sorties it can fly before it gets shot down. One of these can kill or wound a lot of Russians with grenades over the span of a few hours, a lot more than with a rifle. Kill them when they get out of the tucks at the rear, before you need to waste artillery on them, and they get to their positions. Make the fuckers walk 5 miles to get to their deaths. The main point as far as the larger war goes, is these cost $3K and FPV drones cost $300 and are available in large numbers, large enough numbers to make a real difference.
My biggest concern is the Chinese supplying them in large numbers to the Russians, but the Ukrainians are getting more anti-drone guns every day that can knock them out of the air electronically and they can recover them and use them themselves or get spare parts. If the Ukrainians are losing drones, the Russians will lose far more. I think the pentagon realizes at least for this war, tactical drone air superiority is as important as regular air superiority and might even be more effective, more surgical for sure. Dropping a bomb on a city is bad PR, but dropping hunter killer drones to take out the targets and only the targets might be a different matter.
One understands why the Russians have no carrier aviation and why the one they had burnt, the pilots did it or the deck crews!
OK, not Ukraine related but below the above clip. Sorry, I only have regular ball as compared to this guy.
Looks like Elon is giving aid and comfort to America's enemies and fucking over its allies, looks like what Trump did to me. I sure hope someone is coming up with a twitter clone that is useable, the journalists, news organizations and celebs would be on it in a flash and the public would follow. Elon should be a big GOP donor; I wonder what he's spending on politics. Anybody with more than 500 million should have to detail their political donations, or all donations and fill out a government form that is publicly available, income tax forms are not.
Looks like Elon is giving aid and comfort to America's enemies and fucking over its allies, looks like what Trump did to me. I sure hope someone is coming up with a twitter clone that is useable, the journalists, news organizations and celebs would be on it in a flash and the public would follow. Elon should be a big GOP donor; I wonder what he's spending on politics. Anybody with more than 500 million should have to detail their political donations, or all donations and fill out a government form that is publicly available, income tax forms are not.
The Teixeira classified leaks story keeps getting worse
From The NY Times: Airman Shared Sensitive Intelligence More Widely and for Longer Than Previously Known A Discord user matching the profile of Jack Teixeira distributed intelligence to a larger chat group, days after the beginning of the Ukraine war....www.dailykos.com
That is making it harder for Vlad to swallow and sign a peace to end the war, after they kick him out and the war ends, the Ukrainians join NATO! He will want to keep the war going, even if it is only an occasional missile strike, and will fuck himself doing it. They want Vlad gone and humiliating Russia is the way to do it, clean him out of enough military hardware and Belarus can be free too. Vlad is making decisions for egoic purposes and to survive politically, not to win the war. No real plan, just desperate hand to mouth actions.All NATO countries agreed that Ukraine should become a member of the Alliance, - Stoltenberg Джерело: https://censor.net/ua/n3413549