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Yeah it sounds like the Russians are hitting everyone down to the districts they are in. Tell them to thank Trump for giving the Russians our voting data so that they could continually attack us with the garbage that they designed to polarize us against 'them'.

The 'them' varies by person, but since we are all human beings, there is plenty of overlap. Understand how Russia is attacking you is important to seeing through this smokescreen.

Ummm so sorry but I've never been attacked by a Russian. There is a wonderful Russian family who just immigrated from there to here a few months ago and lives a few houses down. They have never attacked me. They are great and friendly people!

That's cool I really dont care :) from speaking with people in real life. the general consensus is that republicans are liars but so too are Democrats. Most are done with Democrats lies and tax dollar wasting! They have also been trying to bring down the president since before he was even in office! People are sick of it. I have been told that because the fake Russian narrative did not work the then used a porn star to bring him down. When that didnt work they went on back too the Russia hoax when that didnt work they then decided to try and railroad trump with something that Biden has done. Biden is a liar and I've seen video of him and his lies early on in his political career. This is all been stated from people I have spoken with outside of riu in real life who were at one time Democrats.

You think if they over throw the president in an impeachment it's a win. If it is successful he can just run for presidency again! Not really a win if you ask me. People I have spoken with have lost any care of what Democrats say. They have also said that the Democrats have been guilty of said things they accuse the president of doing. From my thoughts of what people have told me is that when people lie they accuse others of doing what they did. They are doing this to push a mass complex onto the citizens of the U.S. people also say that Biden is on video admitting that he with held federal aid until someone was fired for looking into his son. What are your thoughts and feelings on this?
Enjoying watching right wingers crying over the indefensible
Bye Bye Donald
But if someone hacks the election and Trump wins again I'll put my neighbors on ignore for four more years and proudly fly my Trump baby ballon

I dont care who wins or loses. To me it's just a big soap opera. It's funny and entertaining to watch both sides Duke it out. You have one side calling the other crazy you have the other side calling the other side crazy. I think both sides are crazy and if they sont knock it off there will be a civil war. I don't want a civil war, shit I dont want to see war at all but it seems as if it's going to be inevitable. That is the scary part. Its scary because I dont have a side both sides are crazy, ignorant and selfish. I will not be picking a side if civil war starts. I will be somewhere deep in the woods on property that no one will find smoking buds and waiting it out :)
That's cool I really dont care :) from speaking with people in real life. the general consensus is that republicans are liars but so too are Democrats. Most are done with Democrats lies and tax dollar wasting
Name a Democratic policy that has 1. passed and 2. has affected your life.
I have been told that because the fake Russian narrative
What is this narrative that you speak of?

When that didnt work they went on back too the Russia hoax when that didnt work they then decided to try and railroad trump with something that Biden has done. Biden is a liar and I've seen video of him and his lies early on in his political career. This is all been stated from people I have spoken with outside of riu in real life who were at one time Democrats.
Ive been watching politics for about 25 years pretty close and didn't know shit about him until he became VP. So feel free to show us your evidence of him being a liar.

You think if they over throw the president in an impeachment it's a win. If it is successful he can just run for presidency again! Not really a win if you ask me.
He will be impeached because he broke the law, it is in the Republicans hands if they want to do the right thing and send a message to the future would be dictators running for president that taking bribes from foreign countries is not allowed. But more likely they will dangle this over Trump's head so that he doesn't drag his feet with another government shutdown and puss out hoping that the American voters kick his ass to the curb.

It is even possible the Republicans just wait for their sane members to win their primaries and then impeach Trump.

It is an interesting show Trump has produced.

People I have spoken with have lost any care of what Democrats say. They have also said that the Democrats have been guilty of said things they accuse the president of doing.
Could it just be that you are so annoying they just agree with you to stop you from yelling at them?
They are doing this to push a mass complex onto the citizens of the U.S. people also say that Biden is on video admitting that he with held federal aid until someone was fired for looking into his son. What are your thoughts and feelings on this?
Find this video, I call bullshit. Because it is.
But lots of crazy people in one area DID win the election for Trump. Crazy fat plumpers that drink beer all night and shop at Walmart all day. Fat callous shitheads that live in a bubble and fart maple syrup. That's why they all live in the center of our country. Too fat and ugly to get to the beach. Fucking land whale people.

What about all the poc who votes for trump? What about the disabled people who voted for trump? What do you have to say about them? O00o do tell and dont hold back!
Name a Democratic policy that has 1. passed and 2. has affected your life.

What is this narrative that you speak of?

Ive been watching politics for about 25 years pretty close and didn't know shit about him until he became VP. So feel free to show us your evidence of him being a liar.

He will be impeached because he broke the law, it is in the Republicans hands if they want to do the right thing and send a message to the future would be dictators running for president that taking bribes from foreign countries is not allowed. But more likely they will dangle this over Trump's head so that he doesn't drag his feet with another government shutdown and puss out hoping that the American voters kick his ass to the curb.

It is even possible the Republicans just wait for their sane members to win their primaries and then impeach Trump.

It is an interesting show Trump has produced.

Could it just be that you are so annoying they just agree with you to stop you from yelling at them?

Find this video, I call bullshit. Because it is.

Nothing has affected me one bit :)
I will not post anything that is a political video as I'm not sure if it violates things. However I did search JOE BIDENS LIES and a video from a liberal platform (tyt) has done a video of his lies. Feel free to search the internet. Something tells me that if a democratic platform has video evidence of a Democrat lying about things. Then something is just not right :)

I dont yell at anyone. I simply have asked people of all walks of life who live in my liberal city if the have a moment to discuss politics with a young person. Only a few have said no and I thanked them any way and that was it. Nice try :) for 25 years you have been following politics. So for 25 years you have been brainwashed, gotcha, next :)
Yeah, or I just don't like reading a wall of text. You go to racism a lot, is your handler pushing you guys to spread hate for some reason? Hmm, wonder what it could be.... Giuliani is not looking good right now, Roger Stone? Mueller 6-0.....

Who knows, your not political, but are trolling a political website.

I am fine with it at the end of the day, the world will keep turning, and nobody is going to go to war with the idiot in the White House. He needs congress to ok it. Russia has been working hard to hoodwink as many vulnerable people as they could in order to get them into their little manufactured bubbles.

Just like everything Russia and Trump does it is all inflated, people are going to always vote like idiots, but I still have faith in humanity and that mostly people do the right thing when push comes to shove.

So even if Trump is able to pull off a win, he will lose the Senate and the House meaning he's still screwed since the Republicans will have no more use for him.

Glad to be an American in today's age that that can now happen. We still have a long way to go, but our representatives need to understand the reality that ALL of our population is dealign with, Republicans are going to start losing their Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only party and accept the agenda of the rest of America to have a chance going forward.

It is called progress.

Um so sorry but what do you have to say about all the poc who have voted for DONALD J TRUMP, what do you have to say about the people of the LGBTQ community that have votes for trump? What do you have to say about the trans people who voted for trump? I just watched a video of a trans woman getting assaulted for wearing a MAGA HAT in public by fellow Democrats? What do you have to say about that trans woman who voted for trump? Please tell and domt hold back, I wish to learn so she'd some insight :)
Gordo just barebacked tRUmp lol.

I dont know who that is. Sounds serious! I hope trump made him use protection! No one should backrear anyone with out protection unless they have been in a long term relationship with that person and love each other. Its dangerous to rearback anyone you do not know. It also causes the price of healthcare to go up! If people are going to rear back others they should be in a loving, long term relationship with one another. You know because of std' and shit.
Do you understand what cat fishing is?

Edit: And are you from a battle ground state?
LOL, he has lots of friends. Russian trolls online and in Facebook are much more common that anybody with a stake in online advertising will admit. The problem is so massive and such a problem that even Facebook's own advertising numbers are laughable. According to data they developed from their own user information, A facebook ad can reach not only every 30 year old person in the US PLUS 10 million more. BONUS!

I'll be willing to bet that the 20% of fake accounts make up more than their numbers in traffic on the site too.

@SoMe_EfFin_MasS_HoLe even denies they exist. Which ought to be a ban-able offense. It makes him either a Russian Troll or such an ignorant fool that his posts are not worthy of the bandwidth.

Facebook’s massive fake numbers problem

Brian Wieser, advertising analyst and global president of business intelligence at GroupM, suggests the true figure for inauthentic Facebook accounts may be around 20%. Two years ago, he published research that showed a mismatch between census data and the number of users Facebook told potential advertisers it could reach.

An investigation found such mismatches still exist. Facebook’s Ads Manager, an online tool to help advertisers build campaigns, claims an advertisement aimed at people in their 30s living in the U.S. can reach up to 51 million people. U.S. census data from June show there are fewer than 44 million people in this demographic. Facebook said figures shown on Ads Manager were estimates.
Look at you all, a young person comes here with no political affiliation and drops facts, truths and observations and only a few have a decent response. The rest just call names deny proven historical facts and post dumb memes. Hahahahahahaha. So many brain washed people on both sides of the political aisle. No one has a good argument so they resort to bashing a young person. I love it so many sad, angry, bitter, triggered, uneducated, racist people. No wonder why so many Democrats are walking away and will be VOTING for Trump. My vote will not be one so dont worry. It's just funny that so many people are so angry and that why you are going to lose the election too the Republicans.
Um so sorry but what do you have to say about all the poc who have voted for DONALD J TRUMP, what do you have to say about the people of the LGBTQ community that have votes for trump? What do you have to say about the trans people who voted for trump? I just watched a video of a trans woman getting assaulted for wearing a MAGA HAT in public by fellow Democrats? What do you have to say about that trans woman who voted for trump? Please tell and domt hold back, I wish to learn so she'd some insight :)
Look at you all, a young person comes here with no political affiliation and drops facts, truths and observations and only a few have a decent response. The rest just call names deny proven historical facts and post dumb memes. Hahahahahahaha. So many brain washed people on both sides of the political aisle. No one has a good argument so they resort to bashing a young person. I love it so many sad, angry, bitter, triggered, uneducated, racist people. No wonder why so many Democrats are walking away and will be VOTING for Trump. My vote will not be one so dont worry. It's just funny that so many people are so angry and that why you are going to lose the election too the Republicans.
No sir my friend they are definitely not about that life! All poops and giggles while behind a computer or phone screen but too afraid of the out side world to leave their moms basement or their section 8 hovel! They tout around and brag they are these smart, moral, sane people. They are not they eat their own like dirty hamsters. It must really suck to have only internet friends and be afraid of the real world. I'm wanting to educate my self on the political climate because I'm not a voter and have no clue what's going on in the political world. Instead of showing good cause and trying to sway someone to vote for their party or candidate. They see the name DONALD J TRUMP and fly out of the fucking soil and attack you like a pack of rabid water drunk fungus gnats! They say, they hate and dont support our elected President but, they are just too dumb, brainwashed and idiotic to see and understand that they are really just supporting PRESIDENT DONALD J TRUMP more and more as every day gets closer to 20202. They just cant set the crazy aside to see. So when DONALD J TRUMP WINS AGAIN IN 2020. I'm going to come here and laugh my ass off. Haaaaaaaaaaa

You say that you are very young, and don't vote because you don't know anything about politics!

This juvenile trump-chump trolling is getting really old. :roll:

That's cool I really dont care :) from speaking with people in real life. the general consensus is that republicans are liars but so too are Democrats. Most are done with Democrats lies and tax dollar wasting! They have also been trying to bring down the president since before he was even in office! People are sick of it. I have been told that because the fake Russian narrative did not work the then used a porn star to bring him down. When that didnt work they went on back too the Russia hoax when that didnt work they then decided to try and railroad trump with something that Biden has done. Biden is a liar and I've seen video of him and his lies early on in his political career. This is all been stated from people I have spoken with outside of riu in real life who were at one time Democrats.

You think if they over throw the president in an impeachment it's a win. If it is successful he can just run for presidency again! Not really a win if you ask me. People I have spoken with have lost any care of what Democrats say. They have also said that the Democrats have been guilty of said things they accuse the president of doing. From my thoughts of what people have told me is that when people lie they accuse others of doing what they did. They are doing this to push a mass complex onto the citizens of the U.S. people also say that Biden is on video admitting that he with held federal aid until someone was fired for looking into his son. What are your thoughts and feelings on this?
You're dumb.
Name a Democratic policy that has 1. passed and 2. has affected your life.

What is this narrative that you speak of?

Ive been watching politics for about 25 years pretty close and didn't know shit about him until he became VP. So feel free to show us your evidence of him being a liar.

He will be impeached because he broke the law, it is in the Republicans hands if they want to do the right thing and send a message to the future would be dictators running for president that taking bribes from foreign countries is not allowed. But more likely they will dangle this over Trump's head so that he doesn't drag his feet with another government shutdown and puss out hoping that the American voters kick his ass to the curb.

It is even possible the Republicans just wait for their sane members to win their primaries and then impeach Trump.

It is an interesting show Trump has produced.

Could it just be that you are so annoying they just agree with you to stop you from yelling at them?

Find this video, I call bullshit. Because it is.
It is bullshit. Totally staged. Shown on Infowars and Breitbart.

This guy is very dumb.
LOL, he has lots of friends. Russian trolls online and in Facebook are much more common that anybody with a stake in online advertising will admit. The problem is so massive and such a problem that even Facebook's own advertising numbers are laughable. According to data they developed from their own user information, A facebook ad can reach not only every 30 year old person in the US PLUS 10 million more. BONUS!

I'll be willing to bet that the 20% of fake accounts make up more than their numbers in traffic on the site too.

@SoMe_EfFin_MasS_HoLe even denies they exist. Which ought to be a ban-able offense. It makes him either a Russian Troll or such an ignorant fool that his posts are not worthy of the bandwidth.

Facebook’s massive fake numbers problem

Brian Wieser, advertising analyst and global president of business intelligence at GroupM, suggests the true figure for inauthentic Facebook accounts may be around 20%. Two years ago, he published research that showed a mismatch between census data and the number of users Facebook told potential advertisers it could reach.

An investigation found such mismatches still exist. Facebook’s Ads Manager, an online tool to help advertisers build campaigns, claims an advertisement aimed at people in their 30s living in the U.S. can reach up to 51 million people. U.S. census data from June show there are fewer than 44 million people in this demographic. Facebook said figures shown on Ads Manager were estimates.

Actually I dont use social media. This is the only website I have signed up for. No Facebook, no Twitter, no nothing :) My parents were parents and did not let me or my siblings on social media. We have friends who go out and do things and not sit at home with their faces buried in a computer, t.v. or phone. My parents actually took us out and taught us valuable skills for the real world. Our parents told us no and did not give us a golden star. We are generation z and we are educated, have respect and morals. We were not handed things, we were all taught about the real world. We also wont have the student debt that gen x and the millennials have made. We were not brainwashed into thinking that college is the only way to be successful. We were taught if we want something we need to work for it, that nothing in life is free and if you want to be someone or something then we need to put the work in. So many of you were given a gold star because you could use the potty on your own when you were 7. You were told that you're special and you were spoiled. You were handed everything and worked for none of it. You were raised to think the world owes you everything. You were never punished for your actions so now you think you can do whatever you want with no repercussions, yet when you get arrested you cry. You are slighted at the smallest of things. You were all brought up and raised like animals with no discipline. What a sad bunch of old people! Walking around empty all day and miserable with everything and everyone. Most were and are on medications and can not function with out man made drugs. Hahahahahaha. Thankfully we live in a time when things in the world are peaceful. I would hate to see what would happen if our country was invaded. A bunch of millenials defending us that's cute. Millennials cant even go with out being away from their social media for 30 seconds because they will miss their validation from a like on a post about their vegan food (btw veganism is worse for your body and planet then cows, that's why most if not all vegans look skinny run down and sickly) what a bunch of idiots. Bunch of little softies running around with their fifis getting hurt over everything. Ffs GROW UP.. sad that a gen a person has to tell the adults to GROW UP hahaha. What a bunch of whiny little softies. Soft and smooth like cream cheese you all are! You hurt my fifis now I have to go pet a dog and color in my safe space. When I am much older and gen a really star's taking hold of jobs, positions in government etc. We are going to give you your safe space alright, in the form of a white padded 2×2 rooms with special on fleek jackets :)

You're all done, you're all washed up. Time is running out. Gen z is a extremely conservative generation and lots of the younger side of us will be 18 by 2020. What are you going to do? How does this make you feel? Are you going to run around looking for your participation trophies before you hide in your safe spaces? It's over, you slept on a whole generation that was born at the start of the war on terror. Most if not all of our parents are military! Even the kids who were born and raised by single independent mommies are conservative! You're all screwed! What are you going to do?
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