Won't Anything Satisfy The Right?...

Why would you joke about her son being autistic? What has that small child ever done to you? That's sad buck. You are pathetic. It's low, even for you. First you go on a racist rant, talking shit about "Negroes" and now you're making fun of autistic children?

I surely don't want time to go by any faster, but I can't wait for next november....In a funny way Buck could be helping the cause with his racist tones and publicly making fun of sick people...
I surely don't want time to go by any faster, but I can't wait for next november....In a funny way Buck could be helping the cause with his racist tones and publicly making fun of sick people...

that is one ugly fucking dog in your avatar.

if the democrats want some quick votes, they'll just bring up background checks. you guys will fall off the cliff.

Sorry for your loss Nitro, I lost my best friend earlier this year and I still haven't adjusted. She was easily the only lady that was happy to see me every time no matter what. I've been traveling too much since to fair to a new dog so I have wait until next year to get another. She was a white shepherd/ yellow lab mix. Cool dog, but had bone cancer, was sad. She looked like an albino deer.
scenario: local pizza place..jammed at lunch..i'm sitting at counter waiting for the "slice-to-go", and i'm hearing above all the talk and TV blasting..customer talking way above the crowd at what a no-good son-of-a-bitch this guy obama is..it seems he's now unhappy with the fact that obama apologized for miscommunication about those "VALUE" policies and is now working with insurance companies to retract the cancellation..so the guy who was clearly overworked, stressed and aged probably more than 10 years his physical body is (not to mention loser with a beat up acura) riled up the pizza owner..and they are BOTH yelling about how it's not good enough now to fix that issue.."i hope the insurance companies refuse to re-instate"..we need to get rid of it, we need to get rid of it..see you at the meeting.. do you think they were talking about the ACA, really? they can't handle a black man in power. period.
You're a welfare recipient (a.k.a welfare trash) and you look down on someone for driving an Acura? An pretending its about racism is even funnier. But claiming a lie is just "miscommunication" is just plain dishonest. For someone who thinks so highly of herself, you show an alarming lack of morality. Trying to avoid the wrath of the public by delaying ACA provisions until just after the next election cycle is no virtue. It's just another deceit foisted on the people.
oh you mean "extend"?..policies are negotiated on a year-to-year basis..individual as well as business unless previously negotiated..that is why open enrollment occurs from oct 1st to december 15th..by september they have all the actuarial stuff in place to increase the premiums for the following year..
the ACA is here to stay an no amount of naysaying is going to change that..just take it as a "you never know who's listening"..in biz you need to be middle of the road..no bumber stickers..no political or religious talk..you are basically asking for "no-sales" or loss of customer base..
Yet Obama unilaterally has delayed parts of it on a whim. Democrat congressmen are crossing the aisle to condemn it. Yeah, it's set in stone. Like Prohibition.
the ACA is here to stay an no amount of naysaying is going to change that..just take it as a "you never know who's listening"..in biz you need to be middle of the road..no bumber stickers..no political or religious talk..you are basically asking for "no-sales" or loss of customer base..

To the bolded: it can if it comes to a vote. That is the power of our system.
Of course, gatekeeping what comes to a vote is the other great pillar of power.

Ok then, how about a bone in the nose Bush, got any of those?

Since nobody else has offered it, here's this one.

Yet Obama unilaterally has delayed parts of it on a whim. Democrat congressmen are crossing the aisle to condemn it. Yeah, it's set in stone. Like Prohibition.

Well we got change didn't we.

I guess that's what happens when we elect a community organizer instead of a president.
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