Won't Anything Satisfy The Right?...

Which part of Obamacare does hipaa fall under?


just wow.

i mean, i even posted the link.

obamacare was still republicare and 10 years away from being romneycare when hipaa was passed.

if freedomworks is actually paying you $0.07 a post to troll us, they should demand their money back.

if you are doing this of your own free will, you should give up.

you are dumber than chumlee, and a dead ringer of fat stacks to boot.

just wow.

i mean, i even posted the link.

obamacare was still republicare and 10 years away from being romneycare when hipaa was passed.

if freedomworks is actually paying you $0.07 a post to troll us, they should demand their money back.

if you are doing this of your own free will, you should give up.

you are dumber than chumlee, and a dead ringer of fat stacks to boot.

Massachusetts has the highest premiums in the country because of Romneycare. Take that problem national, and then call it Obamacare.

I'm just waiting for the part where you tell me how it is necessary for the government to collect so much data on people.
Massachusetts has the highest premiums in the country because of Romneycare. Take that problem national, and then call it Obamacare.

I'm just waiting for the part where you tell me how it is necessary for the government to collect so much data on people.

Buck doesn't grasp Obamacare makes it much harder to repeal current laws and easier to define other taxes.
what would chumlee do?

The guy from Pawn Stars? I don't know, that's why I'm asking..

Who told you I'm fat? Where do you come up with this stuff? The type of construction I do requires an athletic build. Muscular and fat people don't last very long in my line of work. They are not limber or flexible enough. I burn more calories in an hour, than you do in an entire day.
The guy from Pawn Stars? I don't know, that's why I'm asking..

Who told you I'm fat? Where do you come up with this stuff? The type of construction I do requires an athletic build. Muscular and fat people don't last very long in my line of work. They are not limber or flexible enough. I burn more calories in an hour, than you do in an entire day.

Magic Mike, is that you?
Andy Jackson also beat the British at the Battle of New orleans, presided over the dismantling of the corruption of the previous regime, and beat the living shit out of a would be assassin on the steps of the Whitehouse with his cane.

Theodore Roosevelt also founded the national parks service, turned the US from a backwater into an international power, ended the Russo-Japanese war with diplomacy, instituted the anti-trust laws which helped the country shake off the chokehold of the Money Trust (until woodrow wilson betrayed us to the warbergs, rothschilds and jp morgan...) and secured the Panama Canal construction for a song.

not too shabby for a couple racist bastards.

Andrew Jackson, Trail of Tears, nuff said.

Teddy Roosevelt, was a vandal, he carved his face into a mountain and stole Panama from the Colombians.
that idea came from you:

you must be VERY high right now.

i approve


actually, i was LOL..and stop changing my quotes damn it!:cuss:LOL
you are dumber than chumlee

Chum has a net worth well over $2 million, makes $25k per episode, has a number of endorsement deals and currently drives a Rolls Royce. He's a bit of an expert on pinball machines and collectible shoes. He has a girlfriend that is far hotter than he has any business dating and he is a beloved TV celebrity. Pretty dumb.

Just sayin'.
Included in that OATH is the promise to UPHOLD the CONSTITUTION......are you people really that blind and/or out of touch?

No. And he does. It says"...to the best of my abilities." And this is a lay opinion with no facts at best. Nothing at all legal about it.

We are lied to across the board. Anyone should be able to see that by now.

So, you cannot know, ever, what Treasons are being attempted and what, little ole car accidents, aircraft wreaks, and potassium cocktails are used to preserve the Union, do you?

So, this is just whining to me, or what I like to call Politics. :)

So, you are now going to claim you are not lied to and are not blind? Riiiiiiight.
Seriously? Are you actually saying that the current POTUS is upholding the Constitution of the United States? OMFG, I am so glad I probably only have 25 or so years left on this planet, I could not imagine being a young person today and looking to the future and knowing that I would have to live among mental zombies.
Seriously? Are you actually saying that the current POTUS is upholding the Constitution of the United States? OMFG, I am so glad I probably only have 25 or so years left on this planet, I could not imagine being a young person today and looking to the future and knowing that I would have to live among mental zombies.

Another GWB? Is that the answer to all this?
you mean far more "we're not laughing with you..we're laughing at you" kinda grace?..

Exactly. I guess people couldn't handle Bush's "whiteness"....

Doesn't that just sound silly and reaching for a dumb excuse?

The race card is played out and just reflects poorly on the user.

All presidents get hit with ridiculous amount of criticisms. It has nothing to do with color, nothing.