He works, you don't. Know your place, sloth.
YOU have no idea what i do, roadkill

He works, you don't. Know your place, sloth.
Clever, but he was quite the hawk in Latin America and the Phillipines. He also broke standard oil. So they both still mean the same thing.
in south america he helped Panama slip the noose of Columbian oppression and secured the rights to build the Panama Canal.
in the Philippines he aided the Pinoys in casting off the oppressive boot of Spanish colonialism, and they are now a free and independent nation. (until abu sayyf has their way)
breaking up Standard Oil is something Obama (or any of the Boooshes) would NEVER do.
i find it unpatriotic that people wish a sitting president ill will..
YOU have no idea what i do, roadkill![]()
for fuck's sake i hope not.
we need a guy like Theodore Roosevelt or Andrew Jackson, not another neo-con stooge.
Andrew Jackson was a racist asshole, but at least he was against a central bank. Theodore Roosevelt inspired the Teddy Bear, wow, what a legacy.
Andrew Jackson was a racist asshole, but at least he was against a central bank. Theodore Roosevelt inspired the Teddy Bear, wow, what a legacy.
the ACA is here to stay an no amount of naysaying is going to change that..
so, they were angry because The One is black?
they blamed his blackness for his incompetence and cupidity?
did they even MENTION he was black?
why do you assume his blackness was the thing they "Can't Handle" when it could well be his FAILURE is the thing they "Cant Handle"?
the left is notoriously forgiving of it's own when they SUCK (thats why you hear the term "Fail Upwards").
even Moonbeam Brown got another turn on the merry-go-round and another shot at the political Brass Ring despite a catastrophic failure as governor the last time, failing MISERABLY as mayor of Oakland, and basically never doing anything but fuck up whenever he holds political office.
will no amount of failure satisfy the left's demand for Fuckups and Clowns in high office?
Yes, there is a high water mark for failure on an executive level. Bush was an unbelievable failure for many reasons....compared to Obama bush was a T-rex. What is this idyllic person that we argue for? Not Obama, Not Bush, there is no getting off easy. Hate comes with every president and for a centrist like Obama really is, perhaps race is part of the shadow of people nipping at his every move. The impetus for arguments' I am seeing, do not suggest any alternatives, or even open up the insurancecorps to questioning or even accountability. I want to see intelligent people on both extremes seeing that a problem does exist.....and its' guiding politics, and we are outmatched unless we attack the corporate bully that buys into law whatever it needs.
Find a cogent metaphor or something valid to add. I like cryptic bullshit, but for the sake of real conversation.....say something.I'm the pickle. But you're out of pepper. Now what?
Find a cogent metaphor or something valid to add. I like cryptic bullshit, but for the sake of real conversation.....say something.
What we have been slowly building over the last 20 years is a partnership with insurance, big pharma, hospital corporations and government. The only thing preventing a complete quazi-nationalization of our healthcare system is the private practice provider. To complete this, we need to get rid of the private practice through incentives. A doctor can charge exorbitantly more for care if he is owned by a hospital and billing under their umbrella. They also won't have to worry about being compliant with new software requirements, working weekends and draw a guaranteed salary+. We'll start seeing free education for MDs with strings attached that gets them under hospital corporation (government) control for X amount of years. This will not lead to single-payer but something akin to our military complex where private industry is maintained by a central government that is too big to fail.
We are developing the worst possible health care delivery system in world for cost and efficiency, and arguing the fringe and playing teams is going to ensure we don't see it until it's over. I want to stop Obamacare but not for political reasons. I would also like to see EMTALA, Stark, HIPAA and the FDA struck from existence.
The trend of this partnership of gov/med is going to increase. The trend of practitioners leaving private practice and becoming agents in this partnership will continue to increase. Costs will continue to skyrocket, we will continue to subsidize insurance companies, pharmaceuticals, and hospital corporations with money from the middle class under the guise of helping the poor. Economically speaking we will be able to beg, borrow, steal and print to feed this monster as long as the dollar is the world's reserve so we got that going for us. People will cheer.
That's my depressing prediction of our system. From reading comments about O'care it seems as though people think it's some giant new step because the bill was such a behemoth. It's actually just an awesome power tool to accelerate the trend we've been on for decades. If by single payer you mean a government takeover for redistribution purposes then we already have it. The redistribution is not going back to us though.
This won't take long to prove. Look at costs now and what percentage of docs are still in private practice. Look again in 3 years at how much smaller that percentage will be and how much more the costs will have increased. It's a corollary.
You have the handle Burger Time and never got to the level with the pickle? How are you supposed to kick my ass if you can't get to the level I'm on?
I would also like to see...HIPAA...struck from existence.
i bet you just hate title II, again.
seek help.
seriously, what can someone hate about hipaa?
local pizza place..jammed at lunch..i'm sitting at counter waiting for the "slice-to-go", and i'm hearing above all the talk and TV blasting..customer talking way above the crowd at what a no-good son-of-a-bitch this guy obama is..it seems he's now unhappy with the fact that obama apologized for miscommunication about those "VALUE" policies and is now working with insurance companies to retract the cancellation..so the guy who was clearly overworked, stressed and aged probably more than 10 years his physical body is (not to mention loser with a beat up acura) riled up the pizza owner..and they are BOTH yelling about how it's not good enough now to fix that issue.."i hope the insurance companies refuse to re-instate"..we need to get rid of it, we need to get rid of it..see you at the meeting..
do you think they were talking about the ACA, really? they can't handle a black man in power. period.