Socialist hellhole California moves from 8th to 6th largest economy in the world, surpassing France

no work today, eh?

Gotta meet w/ the acct. (done) and legal weasel (still to do) about if I'll have to have land I'm selling surveyed again when it was surveyed when I acquired it and used the survey to prove to the local county that their estimates of my taxes were way out of proportion.

How 'bout you?
Waiting for the mud to dry?
Whaddya mean today?

This one's about three posts/inane text walls away from going FULL Lemongrab....shouldn't be long now....

Nothing like addition to the cornucopia proving your sterling ability (lack) to provide content to prove the point I made of your muppet-ness.

Dance, monkeys, dance.

Do the work yourself.
In fact, LINK to articles and opinions that support your claims, or 'tis but anal effluvia burbling past your 3 remaining teeth.

so you can't tell me how reducing the deficit more than any other president in history is part of obama's evil plan to "altar" (LOL) the united states into fiscal insolvency?

you are horribly impotent, but not in the sense that it related to your tiny, minuscule, flaccid penis.
so you can't tell me how reducing the deficit more than any other president in history is part of obama's evil plan to "altar" (LOL) the united states into fiscal insolvency?

you are horribly impotent, but not in the sense that it related to your tiny, minuscule, flaccid penis.

Bucky, If you chose not to read or misconstrue what you read as supporting your stance, and yet continue to deride me for pointing out you're a hypocrite I can't help that.

You can lead a jackass to water but you can't make it think (or be less stubborn).

But it is good to know you still want my junk. ;)
Bucky, If you chose not to read or misconstrue what you read as supporting your stance, and yet continue to deride me for pointing out you're a hypocrite I can't help that.

You can lead a jackass to water but you can't make it think (or be less stubborn).

But it is good to know you still want my junk. ;)

if you posted something showing that obama hasn't lowered the deficit by over a trillion dollars, i missed it.

but i didn't miss that, because you didn't post it, because it doesn't exist.

history lesson, hysterical homeboy.

bush came into office sitting on a surplus (left to him by bill clinton, who was president from 1992-2000).

he took that surplus and instantly turned it into deficit, then made that deficit worse, then made it the largest deficit anyone has ever seen in american history.

obama inherited that deficit and has only lowered it. so all the debt that has stacked on during his term is attributable to one person only, the guy you voted for in 2000 and 2004, george w bush (unless of course you voted for the american third position candidate, which i find likely).

so obama has not added a penny to the debt through his own actions, and has only prevented trillions and trillions from being added to the debt by cutting the deficit more than any other president in history.

these facts are referred to as facts.

and it is going the opposite direction of "altaring" (LOL) the country into fiscal insolvency.

anyhoo, would you vote for david duke over hillary clinton? after all, you said LITERALLY ANYONE EXCLAMATION POINTS would be better.
if you posted something showing that obama hasn't lowered the deficit by over a trillion dollars, i missed it.

<snip meandering explanation of ineptitude>

bush came into office sitting on a surplus (left to him by bill clinton, who was president from 1992-2000).

<snip convenient assumption>

obama inherited that deficit and has only lowered it. so all the debt that has stacked on during his term is attributable to one person only, the guy you voted for in 2000 and 2004, george w bush (unless of course you voted for the american third position candidate, which i find likely).

so obama has not added a penny to the debt through his own actions, and has only prevented trillions and trillions from being added to the debt by cutting the deficit more than any other president in history.

these facts are referred to as facts.

and it is going the opposite direction of "altaring" (LOL) the country into fiscal insolvency.

From the top file from the list (aka overview) :


Not reading must be (pardon @ttystikk) a democrat "thing" for Obammie to construe the above as what was it again?

"there ya go. now you can tell us how obama is trying to "altar" (LOL) us into fiscal insolvency by cutting the deficit more than any other president in history."

Here's a time for your math skills to shine! :D

anyhoo, would you vote for david duke over hillary clinton? after all, you said LITERALLY ANYONE EXCLAMATION POINTS would be better.

It's good to know you fantasize about David Dukes penis too.

Just because I think even democrats can do better than Hitlery doesn't mean (this cycle) I'm voting democrat since Bernie got burned (here's hoping he goes indie!).
I'm your worst (dem) nightmare Bucky. I'm the educated independent voter. :fire:
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Now to get back to taxation........

Good to know the gov't is getting smarter and realizing they'll have to actually steal money from the people instead expecting them to give it up as evidenced in this article about how,

<Excerpt for Bucky since it seems he can't click. We need a social program to help these people!>;)

Good to know our gov't trusts us and needs more armed federal agents inside the country than we have marines defending it.
I'm the educated independent voter.


you're not educated. you can't even answer a simple question.

how did obama "altar" (LOL) the course of the nation towards insolvency by cutting the deficit more than any other president in history?
Now to get back to taxation........

Good to know the gov't is getting smarter and realizing they'll have to actually steal money from the people instead expecting them to give it up as evidenced in this article about how,

<Excerpt for Bucky since it seems he can't click. We need a social program to help these people!>;)

Good to know our gov't trusts us and needs more armed federal agents inside the country than we have marines defending it.

the freebeacon?

LOfuckingL. so much for independent. that rag is a wet dream for racist right wing conspiracy theorist retards.

let me know when armed IRS agents and EPA agents start storming people's houses for money, retard.
the freebeacon?

LOfuckingL. so much for independent. that rag is a wet dream for racist right wing conspiracy theorist retards.

let me know when armed IRS agents and EPA agents start storming people's houses for money, retard.

'Free bacon'

Makes more sense now, doesn't it?


you're not educated. you can't even answer a simple question.

how did obama "altar" (LOL) the course of the nation towards insolvency by cutting the deficit more than any other president in history?

I brought and posted the info.

I didn't link to it, I actually screenshot it (so you wouldn't have to use the clicky finger), highlighted the parts that were relevant (deficits for Clinton, Bush, and Obama), explained that it was from about federal deficit history, and it's pretty self evident after viewing it that the liberal skittles shitting unicorn pap spewed by Barry about cutting it more than any other president is just that.

But you're right.
My teaching skills for the remedial are poor as I assume at least the comprehension of a normal 10yo public school child that is not failing math, and in that you defeat me by being that shining example of the far (shallow) end of the Bell Curve.

Bush's highest deficit was -$458.5B in his last year in office, his lowest was the surplus started by Slick Willie @ +$128B
Obummer's highest deficit is -$1.4T in his 1st year followed by 3 more years of -$1T+ deficit with his lowest in 2015 @ -$438B (just $20B lower than Bush's highest) but it's PROJECTED to be -$685B in 2016.

Is there some sort of "Hooked on Phonics" for math I can send you? ;)

Dance, money, dance.
only off by over a trillion dollars, moron.

bush left office with a deficit of $1.539 trillion.

this is agreed upon by everyone, except of course retarded right wing conspiracy theorists who think that the EPA is going to show up with guns and rob them blind.

Astonishing in their ignorance.

If this gets much worse, the morons will overwhelm the informed and the end of civilisation will result.
'Free bacon'

Makes more sense now, doesn't it?


I try to link to HuffPo when possible <see the Hitlery will be the next president thread>, but it being "left wing propaganda" it's tough for me to cater to your accepted news venues w/o going to some sites that are "right wing propaganda", because they are the only ones interested in the fallacies of the left (as the HuffPo left is of the right).

Just because the Beacon reposted the article doesn't make it untrue.

e.g. from the article (more clicky finger saving):

Update June 23 (2016), 10:15 a.m.: Following publication of this article, Adam Andrzejewski, the CEO of Open the Books who wrote the report, pushed back against the EPA’s statement, and provided contract data to back up his claims.

“How can the EPA spokesperson deny hard facts from their own checkbook?” he said. “Alongside our oversight report, also released a PDF of all raw data. This line-by-line transactional record from the EPA’s own checkbook on page 113 clearly shows that in 2013 and 2014 the EPA purchased tens of thousands of dollars of ‘Unmanned Aircraft’ from Bergen RC Helicopters Inc which on a net basis amounted to approximately $34,000.”

“All of the assertions in our oversight report are the quantification of actual spending records produced and reported to us by the federal agencies themselves,” Andrzejewski said."

If you want to make sure it wasn't taken out of context GO READ THE ARTICLE and follow the links therein.

Bummer, You're a typical Dem and therefore won't even consider doing that simple thing.
I wish you the best of luck getting your constitutional rights back that way.
You're gonna need it.
I try to link to HuffPo when possible <see the Hitlery will be the next president thread>, but it being "left wing propaganda" it's tough for me to cater to your accepted news venues w/o going to some sites that are "right wing propaganda", because they are the only ones interested in the fallacies of the left (as the HuffPo left is of the right).

Just because the Beacon reposted the article doesn't make it untrue.

e.g. from the article (more clicky finger saving):

If you want to make sure it wasn't taken out of context GO READ THE ARTICLE and follow the links therein.

Bummer, You're a typical Dem and therefore won't even consider doing that simple thing.
I wish you the best of luck getting your constitutional rights back that way.
You're gonna need it.

the huffington post is a pulitzer prize winning news source.

the EPA uses drones to monitor air quality, check for clean water act violations, and take meteorological measurements. not much of a cause for concern, unless of course you are a retarded right wing conspiracy theorist.
and the IRS has about 3,000 agents who work on criminal cases. not just crazy ol' grandpa writing off his cats as dependents, but often violent and armed criminals.

so it kinda makes sense for them to have guns as well.
only off by over a trillion dollars, moron.

bush left office with a deficit of $1.539 trillion.

this is agreed upon by everyone, except of course retarded right wing conspiracy theorists who think that the EPA is going to show up with guns and rob them blind.

Where is your proof? Cite me JUST 1 of "everyone".

I posted mine from and what source do you cite as more credible?

You and tty can pat each others crotches for the rest of the evening w/ your supposition until you have at least something to justify your opinion (since you have no proof) of deficit.

Here, trash this:

President Barack Obama
President Obama has the largest deficits. By the end of his last budget (FY 2017), the total deficits will be $6.695 trillion for his eight years in office. Obama started off launching the $787 billion economic stimulus package that cut taxes, extended unemployment benefits, and funded job-creating public works projects. The Obama tax cuts added $858 billion to the debt in its first two years. Most important was increased defense spending, which added as much as $800 billion a year. Federal income decreased due to lower tax receipts from the 2008 financial crisis.

Both Presidents Bush and Obama had to contend with higher mandatory spending for Social Security and Medicare than their predecessors did. That's because health care costs were rising, and the American population was aging. In 2010, Obama launched the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act to reduce the debt by $143 billion by 2020. For more, see National Debt Under Obama.

President George W. Bush
President Bush is next, racking up $3.293 trillion over two terms. He responded to the attacks on 9/11 with the War on Terror, driving total military spending to at least $600 billion a year. The Bush tax cuts, also known as EGTRRA and JGTRRA, cut taxes to address the 2001 recession. Unfortunately, the cuts did not sunset when the recession was over, adding to the housing boom and depleting revenues during the 2008 recession. He attacked the 2008 financial crisis with the $700 billion bailout. Congress added it to the mandatory budget, where it became the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP).
Where is your proof? Cite me JUST 1 of "everyone".

I posted mine from and what source do you cite as more credible?

You and tty can pat each others crotches for the rest of the evening w/ your supposition until you have at least something to justify your opinion (since you have no proof) of deficit.

Here, trash this:

even your own source lists bush's last deficit as 1.413 trillion you retarded fuckwad.

Screenshot 2016-06-27 at 9.58.45 PM.png

you are really not good at this.

since obama never added a penny to the deficit, it cannot be said that he added a penny to the debt either. that was all the doing of george w bush, whose poster adorns your bedroom wall, who inherited a surplus from US president hillary rodham clinton.

go kill yourself.