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  1. majek

    hairs turnig brown

    There are a number of things that can cause the pistils to die and turn red or brown. Outdoors they die faster because they are exposed to the elements and pests/insects, or they can die if you touch or handle the plants too often. In nature the pistils will curl up and die because they think...
  2. majek

    yellow spots???????

    Well from my experience yellow spots are usually a sign of cal/mag deficiency, but it could be caused by a number of things. At this young seedling stage it could be possibly be a nitrogen def. as well. Have you fed it any nutrients?
  3. majek

    Here is a weird one

    Well its never a good sign if you can pull the fan leaves off that easily, especially if the sugar leaves fall off as well. Sounds like the plant may have suffered from transplant shock and never fully recovered. Without roots it can't uptake water and nutrients so your theory is accurate. If...
  4. majek

    FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

    This is what I find so amusing about skinflabby, he says he is too poor to afford real nutrients but somehow he managed to afford a 1k watt hps and pour unknown chemicals on his plants. You can't perform an "experiment" without controlled conditions, plants should be labeled and...
  5. majek

    FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

    This thread is getting more retarded every day I feel like my IQ drops every time I read his posts. Funny thing is he really thinks he is gaining popularity or something. My site gets more hits in 1 day without advertising than his youtube page and website and this thread combined. This is a...
  6. majek

    FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

  7. majek

    light vs pots

    Yeah roots are very sensitive to the light, that's why lots of growers transplant in the dark so they don't add any stress to the roots. Black pots work best but any color is fine as long as the light doesn't leak through. I would advice against using anything white or clear though.
  8. majek

    calyx or seeds?

    Technically calyxes are seed pods, they are the same thing but if the plant is never pollenated the calyxes will fill up with resin instead of producing a seed.
  9. majek

    Outdoor Clay Soil Question

    I don't see why it wouldn't work but you might want to use something other than trash bags so the roots can breathe. Smart pots would work or a potato sack would allow the roots to grow through it.
  10. majek

    THEY ALLWAYS THIS HAIRY?? and thank you riu community ;-)

    Nice recovery I'm glad you learned from the advice and fixed your temps :) You will learn something new every day growing is a journey. A little bit goes a long way when it comes to proper lighting and temperature/humidity. To answer your question, yes all female plants are covered in hairs...
  11. majek

    need your opinion on my plant

    If it's kush it will grow short and bushy naturally, I suggest topping and LST training to help the lower branches receive more light.
  12. majek

    need your opinion on my plant

    Looking good but a bit pale, give it some nitrogen and transplant into a larger pot as soon as possible. Good luck!
  13. majek

    ICE WAX (bubble hash) with Matt Rize

    Hey Matt awesome tutorials and videos, thanks for sharing your knowledge and experience for everyone to learn from. Just a few questions... I have a 5 gallon set of 420 bags but I never really had enough trim to work with until now. How much trim do you think is adequate for the 5gal set? The...
  14. majek

    howmany weeks from seed does the average grower normally wait before switching 12/12

    It's best to wait until the plant is mature (preflowers, alternating nodes) but you can force most plants into maturity at any time by switching to 12/12 (except autos). All plants mature differently some can take 6-8 weeks before they show preflowers, but indoors that might be too long for...
  15. majek

    Darker Green Leaves?

    It just means there is an abundance of N in the soil but lots of nitrogen is a good thing as long as its not burning the plants. Just give them pure water once or twice they should be fine. I always feed every other watering and when I use plain water I let them get real dry and flush them good...
  16. majek

    When to transplant?

    As for transplanting it's hard to tell without pictures. You can also transplant at any time but if the plant is too small it will be stressed more and take longer to recover.
  17. majek

    When to transplant?

    You can switch to 12/12 at any time, it's all about preference and how much space you have. I only veg my plants for a week or two in 2.5x2.5 tents, any longer and they will outgrow my space. In a 3x3 tent you can go a little longer but remember plants can stretch 2 to 3 times in height during...
  18. majek

    Should I add more light to newly planted seed?

    More light never hurts but a seedling doesn't need much. I start my seeds under a 250w then move them under the 400w at about 1 week once they start growing side branches to help the internode length stay short.
  19. majek

    trimming during lst

    I agree with you both, if the plant is in veg it will constantly grow new leaves so trimming a fan leaf or two won't hurt. If the plant is flowering it is a completely different story, the fans store sugars that feed the flowers and they also absorb sunlight that helps the flowers grow. From my...
  20. majek

    Does this look normal?

    Well considering it is 90 days old and in a very small pot for it's age, it's almost at the end of its life cycle so feeding it now won't do much good. Just let her finish and use much bigger pots next time.