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  1. majek

    wondering if these are preflowers forming on my outdoors plants

    Yep it's female and she's starting to flower by the looks of it. Good luck :)
  2. majek

    How do they look

    Yeah you can super crop at any time but the longer you wait the branches will grow more stiff and ridgid and they will take longer to recover. I like to start about a week after I see the buds start developing, that way I can train them to grow the way I want with the buds directly under the light.
  3. majek

    303 Legal Recreational Grow #1 - KushBerry/White Widow/ChemDawg

    So here's my second bad attempt at taking closeup pictures, this time I brought in a CFL and pointed it at the plants instead of using the crappy flash on my camera. Still looks blurry and grainy but I can get the lens a little closer to the buds now. I'd like to introduce you to the newest...
  4. majek

    When and how to sex them.

    Yeah that's about normal when you let them mature on their own, but those pictures don't show alternating nodes so they were most likely forced into maturity under 12/12. The first indication of a mature plant is alternating nodes, the plant will start to grow 1 leaf set at a time instead of 2.
  5. majek

    First time grower - may have stuffed up

    There's nothing wrong with seeded bud it is still smokable, but the quality will be diminished. Once they are seeded there is not much you can do. The trick is to remove the pollen sacs before they open, if the flowers never get pollenated they will fill up with resin instead of developing seeds.
  6. majek

    First time grower - may have stuffed up

    If you can see more female flowers than male ones you can try to remove them with tweezers or something. If you leave them they will pollenate the buds and they will be full of seeds. From my experience with hermies usually only 1 or 2 branches are effected you might be able to remove the male...
  7. majek

    First time grower - may have stuffed up

    Looks like a male or hermie plant to me, I hate to be the bearer of bad news :( Those are pollen sacs eventually they will open and release pollen into the air.
  8. majek

    Just starting out? How many plants did you ruin? What strain do you recommend?

    Yeah autos are mostly ruderalis hemp, they grow a lot shorter with just 1 main stalk and not much side branching. The yield and quality is not worth the time it takes to grow IMO, still 10-12 weeks. If you want short and bushy plants the best approach is LST training, topping and super-cropping.
  9. majek

    Just starting out? How many plants did you ruin? What strain do you recommend?

    The most common mistakes newbs make are growing in inadequate soil, not having enough light or ventilation, and under/over watering. If you can correct these 3 issues your plants will stay healthy and thrive every time. The strain you are growing also makes a big difference. Most indoor growers...
  10. majek

    Just starting out? How many plants did you ruin? What strain do you recommend?

    Trial and error is the best way to learn. Everyone makes mistakes, it's all about learning from each experience and not repeating them. I've killed a few plants in my day, it took me 3 or 4 harvests before I actually had something worth smoking. After 3 years and lots of practice/research I can...
  11. majek

    When and how to sex them.

    You can always force them into maturity by switching to 12/12, it usually takes 1-2 weeks after the switch before you can sex them. The best thing to do is veg them until they grow alternating nodes and preflowers on their own.
  12. majek

    When and how to sex them.

    Most plants will start growing preflowers independent of light cycle when they are mature enough. All strains mature differently but it usually takes 3-4 weeks from seed. I would recommend transplanting them into their final pots as soon as possible though.
  13. majek

    Growing shorter and bushier plants

    Got any pics? 3 gal pots should be fine but not optimal for root growth. Root-bound is a myth in my opinion you can grow in any size pot really. If you want to keep them short and bushy topping and super-cropping is the way to go.
  14. majek

    Alittle confused - Transplanting and Feeding question

    There is no problem with using MG as long as you go with the moisture control or organic mix. The others have time-released nitrogen capsules that are too hot for young seedlings and too much peat moss it's not good for drainage. I would still recommend transplanting into FFOF as soon as...
  15. majek

    How do they look

    Looking good :) They are not stretched too bad they will be fine but you might want to look into super-cropping and lollipopping, now would be the perfect time to start.
  16. majek

    Growing shorter and bushier plants

    Home depot also has 5 gal orange buckets, I recommend using those. I have a clone in a 5gal bucket and it's loving its new home.
  17. majek

    FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

    Tincanny are you dyslexic or something? If you did your homework at all you would know that sativa dominant plants grow more branches and yield more, not less than indicas. That's cannabis 101. Cmon now at least pretend to know what you are doing.
  18. majek

    Tired of people say MG is not for Cannabis. I'm going to shut all of you up.

    Nothing is wrong with MG soil as long as you use the organic mix, the others contain time-released nitrogen capsules that are way too hot for young seedlings. Some mixes also have wayy too much peat moss which holds too much water and doesn't allow the pot to drain properly. I agree with the...
  19. majek

    Red stems on seedlings

    It's perfectly normal for some young seedlings to have purple or red stems, it's a genetic trait. It's when they get older red leaf stems can be a sign of a sulfur deficiency.
  20. majek

    Spots on leaves, unlike pictures I've seen. Is there a problem?

    Yellow spotting like this is almost always a sign of cal/mag deficiency. Cal/mag are also the 2 nutrients that are most likely to get locked out if your water is too acidic. Do you check your ph?