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  1. majek


    Any reason why you chose not to top them? You still can if you just switched to 12/12.
  2. majek


    Nice setup, those chemdogs will get super frosty if they are anything like my dinachems. Keep it up!
  3. majek

    anyone know what this looks like ?

    It looks over-watered, let the soil dry out completely between waterings. Some plants are more thursty than others so you can't always give them the same amount of water.
  4. majek

    Does it help to remove bud sites?

    Well yes and no, if you cut the top of a branch it will focus all of it's energy on the lower growth, but the tips of each branch receive the most light so they grow larger than the lowers that are shaded by fan leaves.
  5. majek

    trimming during lst

    Well yes there are exceptions where trimming fan leaves won't hurt, but the op's plants are much younger than the plant in the pic above. Younger plants will take longer to recover and it will stress them more.
  6. majek

    trimming during lst

    I suggest topping the plants, it will help the light penetrate the lower branches and they will grow stronger and spread apart from each other.
  7. majek

    Does this look normal?

    Looks like a potassium or possibly phosphorus deficiency, or both. Are you feeding it any nutrients?
  8. majek

    4th Week of Flowering - Do I need to add nutrients?

    I agree with the advice about nutrients, those time released N capsules are very hot they can burn the plants if you are not careful. Most mj growers don't like it because you never know how much you are feeding them. The plant looks healthy but it won't stay that way for long without nutrients...
  9. majek

    clone help?

    Yes it is normal all cannabis plants have hollow stems, some are just thicker than others. Can't tell you if the clone will survive or not without a picture.
  10. majek

    Sex help!

    Hard to tell from the pic but it does look like a male, sorry to be the bearer of bad news :( I would wait another week just to make sure though.
  11. majek

    What Are You Listening To?

  12. majek

    What Are You Listening To?

  13. majek

    soil from a failed seed

    I personally don't I just make a 1 inch hole in the soil and stick them in. 99% germination rate why mess with soggy paper towels when you can let nature do it's thing.
  14. majek

    Growing shorter and bushier plants

    Sure you can, but only if they are healthy enough to survive. Its best to clone the lower-most branches of the plant because they contain hormones that develop roots faster than the upper branches.
  15. majek

    My first.Normal or not?

    Only when the plants are mature enough and already have preflowers and alternating nodes. Otherwise the plant is still technically in the seedling stage.
  16. majek

    My first.Normal or not?

    Yeah she's very hungry, showing signs of nitrogen deficiency by the yellowing leaves and zinc/sulfur def. based on the purple leaf stems and stunted growth. Also remember flowering does not begin as soon as you switch to 12/12, it usually takes 1-2 weeks after the switch before the plant starts...
  17. majek

    soil from a failed seed

    Seeds germinate best in warm (not hot), moist (not muddy) soil. They should also be kept under a light it will help the plant find it's way to the surface faster.
  18. majek

    soil from a failed seed

    Sure you can reuse it, lots of outdoor gardeners reuse their soil over and over but the more you water you are washing nutrients out of the dirt. Never dig up your seeds just let them sprout on their own, in good dirt it should only take 24-72 hours. If it doesn't sprout in 3 days it's either in...
  19. majek

    FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

    UVg_5TVndQU 7:10, reminds me of someone familiar :)
  20. majek

    FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

    By the time HimTranny harvests his 2 grams of milkweed I will be harvesting my 7th plant. Tell us again what's the point of all this? If your goal is to grow less bud in more time you are doing a great job, keep it up! Here at rollitup we like to grow money trees, not funny trees.