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  1. TheresNoLuckLikeBudLuck

    People bein assholes

    Sometimes you can teach and old dogs new tricks....Sometimes :joint::peace:
  2. TheresNoLuckLikeBudLuck

    Please help me

    You dont want to use the blacklight. As everyone stated go get some CFL. they are cheap, keep them close to the plants. and you should really spend some money on the hps. that one 119.95 is really good because it is blue enhanced, which is an execellent all around light. You have time to save...
  3. TheresNoLuckLikeBudLuck

    People bein assholes

    Dank, you probably wanted to proof read that, because it is a little hard to understand.
  4. TheresNoLuckLikeBudLuck

    People bein assholes

    NGT everytime i see your Avatar, it makes me laugh.:mrgreen: :peace:
  5. TheresNoLuckLikeBudLuck

    24/24 better than 18/6?

    I personally know plants grow at night. My plants are on 12/12 now but even at 18/6, when i checked my plants in the morning, i know what has grown due to the fact that the new growth is much lighter in color, because it has not been exposed to a full day of light. If you dont believe me...
  6. TheresNoLuckLikeBudLuck

    People bein assholes

    By the way Medicine Man is no newbie to this site, He could have easily searched for the word bleach, and found out that he shouldnt give it to his plant. And no, we are not all assholes, just a bit sarcastic towards people who should know better. I hope you dont leave this site because it's...
  7. TheresNoLuckLikeBudLuck

    undense buds

    you could have harvested too early on your first grow, but yeah if your inside, get the HPS, you'll defintely see a difference
  8. TheresNoLuckLikeBudLuck

    The Mexification of America.

    Mexican Brick Packed from the south and Canadian sweet bud from the north, and felony charges in the middle. Just combine the whole continent and call it MEXI-CANED-AMERICA And Legalize weed, so the canadian can show the mexicans how to grow good weed and american's can reap the bene's:peace:
  9. TheresNoLuckLikeBudLuck

    MH and HPS lighting combined

    get that hps, and your lighting will be awesome. Plants use red and blue spectrum of light. With that combination you should have some pretty good plant growth in veg and flower stages. Good Growing:peace:
  10. TheresNoLuckLikeBudLuck


    i've used a 400w hps for a couple grows, got a mh for this grow, and my next which will come sometime
  11. TheresNoLuckLikeBudLuck

    russ0r's Hydro attempt

    that does work, just make sure you have good airstones in your res
  12. TheresNoLuckLikeBudLuck

    russ0r's Hydro attempt

    you want to give your roots time to breath, if you ran it 24/7 your leaves would begin to droop due to overwatering. you can check my gallery and see that i used to have aeroponics setup, and i left my pump on for two straight hours, and my plant was super droopy. As far as my drip system it...
  13. TheresNoLuckLikeBudLuck

    24/24 better than 18/6?

    you say tom-A-toe, I say Tom-auto. I use 18/6, and yes you should care about root growth. More roots = healthier plants = more buds = pack it again = more high.
  14. TheresNoLuckLikeBudLuck

    russ0r's Hydro attempt

    Russ how big are your individual hyro pots. They dont seem big enough to handle a full size plant, maybe i dont get the scale from your pics. Also I have a GH waterfarm kit, drip feed, kinda like what you got, and i run 15 minutes on, 30 minutes off. And dont feed at night. This schedule was...
  15. TheresNoLuckLikeBudLuck

    When do I switch from Fluro to MH?

    I agree with dursky, move that cfl down. Your plants are stretching for light. i have a 400w hps, with a MH conversion bulb, and I usually wait until they at lest have grown one full set of leaves. But usually wait untill they have two sets of leaves, just to make sure not to stress the litlle...
  16. TheresNoLuckLikeBudLuck

    Smallest grow room..

    If your growing just one plant, i would say your good. The only problem is it might get hot if your not careful
  17. TheresNoLuckLikeBudLuck

    1st Attempt

    They look good to me, but then again i like all the ladies
  18. TheresNoLuckLikeBudLuck


    Thanks People:peace:
  19. TheresNoLuckLikeBudLuck


    Also, what exactly is the need for the 15 degree temp drop at night? just because its natural or for some other reason?
  20. TheresNoLuckLikeBudLuck


    My res never gets above 73, its usually 67-68, but when it gets close to time to change the res, its about 72-73