Biden Screws Up

I disagree strongly.

Are you already snowballed into forgetting about the economic collapse that was led by the shit pandemic response of Trump and the Republicans? And that was after Trump's stupid trade wars that case out economy Trillion+ dollars. Which happened after Trump shut down the government in the middle of the holidays for his temper tantrum after he got a deal for 80 billion to build his stupid wall and he veto'd it like a jackass. Which cost Americans billions.

I would strongly consider where you get your information from because you are sounding like the stuff that the Chinese cultists are spamming Americans with man.

Best of luck!
I do lots of fly fishing.....gotta get my hip waders out for this pile.
No. You were trying to equate the Democrats with the Corrublicans. The two players are very different for perhaps the first time in acentury.
He's young (I hope) & hasn't learned enough yet about how the Republicans have been fucking over the average (dumb as a rock, usually) American ever since Lincoln (Don't anyone give me that shit that Lincoln was a Republican)
He's young (I hope) & hasn't learned enough yet about how the Republicans have been fucking over the average (dumb as a rock, usually) American ever since Lincoln (Don't anyone give me that shit that Lincoln was a Republican)
I would not dream of perpetrating such calumny upon you good Sir.

As most of us know, Lincoln is a division of the Ford Motor Company.
Hate Biden. Love Biden. One thing is for sure. He'll never screw up like trump did with this clown and be made a fool out of.

Kim was getting his rockets ready to launch while trump was shaking his hand and defiling the United States flag by letting it touch a North Korean flag. Kim Launched more rockets during trumps first 2 years than NK launched during the former 3 Presidents.

Talk about a screw up. trump was a screw up and an embarrassment to America. That's why we voted his pathetic ass out of office and elected Biden. America is doing much better under Biden than under that piece of shit before him. If he screws up he screws up. I'm just glad to have an actual adult that cares about America as President.

Where & for what?
Do you tie?
I love fishing
This is my favorite place to fish, it's fucking awesome.
Fishing — ROSCOE, NY (
The whole town is dedicated to fly fishing
I don't know where you live, but if you ever make it to NY, you have to go there
Oh, catch & release with Brown's as long as your arm :)
Fly fishing for trout is big in my Irish family, on both sides. Northern California has some world class streams.
Hate Biden. Love Biden. One thing is for sure. He'll never screw up like trump did with this clown and be made a fool out of.

Kim was getting his rockets ready to launch while trump was shaking his hand and defiling the United States flag by letting it touch a North Korean flag. Kim Launched more rockets during trumps first 2 years than NK launched during the former 3 Presidents.

Talk about a screw up. trump was a screw up and an embarrassment to America. That's why we voted his pathetic ass out of office and elected Biden. America is doing much better under Biden than under that piece of shit before him. If he screws up he screws up. I'm just glad to have an actual adult that cares about America as President.

Individual 1 is of the species Feces Giganticus.
Fly fishing for trout is big in my Irish family, on both sides. Northern California has some world class streams.

Oregon has some epic rivers and streams as well. Overfishing has shut down many rivers I used to fish in the past. Back in the 80's I used to fish a stream called Rock Creek that flowed into the Nehalem river which empties into the ocean. I used to bushwack my way through some nasty brush but once at the creek I could pull at least one trout out of every pool. Nice cutthroats. 12-16 inches beautiful orange meat. Damn I miss those days. Fishing for steelhead in the snow etc... I need a time machine.
Oregon has some epic rivers and streams as well. Overfishing has shut down many rivers I used to fish in the past. Back in the 80's I used to fish a stream called Rock Creek that flowed into the Nehalem river which empties into the ocean. I used to bushwack my way through some nasty brush but once at the creek I could pull at least one trout out of every pool. Nice cutthroats. 12-16 inches beautiful orange meat. Damn I miss those days. Fishing for steelhead in the snow etc... I need a time machine.
There is a section of the McCloud River that has progressive restrictions through the Preserve up to no fishing at all, intended to keep that stretch as it always was, no planted fish. Hatchery fish can't compare to native trout in taste. Oh, the brook trout! (technically a char) Ice cold snowmelt from Mt. Shasta.
There is a section of the McCloud River that has progressive restrictions through the Preserve up to no fishing at all, intended to keep that stretch as it always was, no planted fish. Hatchery fish can't compare to native trout in taste. Oh, the brook trout! (technically a char) Ice cold snowmelt from Mt. Shasta.
In the mid 70s there was an attempt by the Shasta Beverage Co to penetrate eastern markets. The slogan was "Shasta the cola that hasta"

I grew up in a German-speaking place, so my sister and I were quick to customize the jingle.

SCHEISSta the cola that HEISSta lol
There is a section of the McCloud River that has progressive restrictions through the Preserve up to no fishing at all, intended to keep that stretch as it always was, no planted fish. Hatchery fish can't compare to native trout in taste. Oh, the brook trout! (technically a char) Ice cold snowmelt from Mt. Shasta.

On the North Fork of Clackamas river brook trout is about the only thing your allowed to catch and keep. There's no limit. Probably because they are not a native fish to the area and compete with the native species and eat the eggs of spawning native salmon and steelhead which they're trying to restore and have stopped the hatchery releases on that section of the river. They were stocked in Timothy Lake at one time and made their way downstream.

Oak Grove Fork and tributaries between markers at upper end of Harriet Lake and Timothy Lake Dam
  • 2 trout per day, 8 inch minimum length.
  • No limit on size or number of brook or brown trout.
Where & for what?
Do you tie?
I love fishing
This is my favorite place to fish, it's fucking awesome.
Fishing — ROSCOE, NY (
The whole town is dedicated to fly fishing
I don't know where you live, but if you ever make it to NY, you have to go there
Oh, catch & release with Brown's as long as your arm :)
I'm in Upstate NY, wine country, tons of glacier made lakes. Some very deep(Seneca lake 800ft. ) I live on a lake known for largemouth/smallmouth bass (DEC tagged a 10lb. Smallmouth right in front of my house.......many fishing tournaments here for Bass and Muskies(huge of course)....hell , even pan fish fun on a fly rod......seems more intimate(am I full of shit) than a spinning rod....something about the action an feel.......then of course, what's more fun than tying flies with a good buzz.
1st off, he is a she (unless surgery was involved.
Nope, I ain't blocking it.
She wants to talk/write shit, I'm going to make pay for her bullshit.

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I live in a county that is 70% goons. So when I come here it's not deal with more fucking goons. Hopefully most will be dead in 6 months so a new variant isn't produced from their stupidity that will affect us non goons.
Laugh away. It's better than crying, I guess.

Who controls the White House? Democrats
Who controls the House? Democrats
Who controls the Senate? Democrats
Who won the popular vote for President? Democrats (we've won the popular vote for the past 4 presidential elections)
Whose party leader is under multiple lawsuits and should be convicted of felony crimes? Republicans
Which party lost control of all three elected seats of power over Trump's term in office? Republicans

We are laughing at Trumptards.
that's because most have moved to the border

this is matamoros
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Biden stopped the wall. They all rushed the border. Or don't they show you that on MSM?