Biden Screws Up

What would you suggest?

Republicans Refuse Federal Funds

tbh i'm not sure how States can refuse UI and rent because it's a Congressional Bill ie LAW..does anyone remember l-a-w? since it has nothing to do with the 1%..<sigh> but don't you touch that 2017 tax cut, Willis.
Republicans caused the mess, it's on them.

Sorry, I simply don't see how Biden fits into the cause side of the equation.

But really, folks. People experiencing homelessness don't vote. So they aren't going to get priority treatment by lawmakers. I am sympathetic and would support rent subsidies but that is not going to happen in a Senate with 50 Senators on each side. Republicans would never allow the legislation to move forward. And voters don't care. Given conservative attitudes toward the homeless, this isn't a winning issue for Democrats in 2022. It's not.

Biden and the Democratic Party congressmen will be judged by how well they handle the end days of the epidemic and the financial well being of voters in 2022. Not saying Democrats aren't working on solutions to homelessness, they are. Just saying that it's not a priority right now. Biden isn't going to spend political capital on this problem right now. He took presidential orders on the subject as far as the courts would allow and they rolled him back. Democrats didn't select those SCOTUS judges. Republicans did.

Elections matter. You have to win in order to enact the changes you want. We need many more than 50 Democratic Caucus Senators.

Vote Republicans out.

how about supporting the law congress gave us? <rhetoric> does anyone remember The American Care Act of 2021?

you know they know that the homeless don't vote; so let's take housed people and make them homeless..any way to suppress the vote.
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Amazing huh?
Yea, I'm going bitch about Biden specifically & the WH & Congress in general.
The Buck stops here?
You fucked up Joe.
All of them fucked up, big time.
What the fuck were/are they thinking?
Apparently fucking nothing if your a renter or homeowner out of work due to Covid or Delta.
Renters in South Look Most Vulnerable After Eviction Ban Expires (
This is fucking monumental (do I curse too much? Tough shit)
,I curse when I'm mad and I've been mad a lot lately and this shit about throwing people out of their homes during a fucking Pandemic makes me fucking livid.
They have $46.6 BILLION sitting around earmarked for rental subsides & they do nothing basically, while only $3 billion has been used.
Jesus fucking Christ, they're blatant ineptitude is on full display with the Republicans saying no extension & the Congress essentially saying we have better things to do, like take a vacation and go fishing.
That's what they are doing right now while people are tossed into the streets, into they're cars or into homeless shelters.
Not thousands, or even tens of thousands, nope, fucking MILLIONS more homeless are going into an already fucked up system.
You thought homelessness was a problem before?
Just wait, you haven't seen shit yet.
But if you want to take look at what this NATION is facing, take a gander at life in LA.
A sign of the future?
Fucking guaranteed.

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Nice huh?
Get used to it

Biden, Pelosi and Clinton are destroying this country. They almost demand everyone get the covid shot then let thousands a day cross our border and ship them all over the country spreading the virus. Biden has done more to hurt this Country in 30 days than any Pres did in their whole term.
Republicans caused the mess, it's on them.

Sorry, I simply don't see how Biden fits into the cause side of the equation.

But really, folks. People experiencing homelessness don't vote. So they aren't going to get priority treatment by lawmakers. I am sympathetic and would support rent subsidies but that is not going to happen in a Senate with 50 Senators on each side. Republicans would never allow the legislation to move forward. And voters don't care. Given conservative attitudes toward the homeless, this isn't a winning issue for Democrats in 2022. It's not.

Biden and the Democratic Party congressmen will be judged by how well they handle the end days of the epidemic and the financial well being of voters in 2022. Not saying Democrats aren't working on solutions to homelessness, they are. Just saying that it's not a priority right now. Biden isn't going to spend political capital on this problem right now. He took presidential orders on the subject as far as the courts would allow and they rolled him back. Democrats didn't select those SCOTUS judges. Republicans did.

Elections matter. You have to win in order to enact the changes you want. We need many more than 50 Democratic Caucus Senators.

Vote Republicans out.
Democrats are a joke as much as Biden is. He is making this Country a world wide embarrassment.
Biden, Pelosi and Clinton are destroying this country. They almost demand everyone get the covid shot then let thousands a day cross our border and ship them all over the country spreading the virus. Biden has done more to hurt this Country in 30 days than any Pres did in their whole term.
I disagree strongly.

Are you already snowballed into forgetting about the economic collapse that was led by the shit pandemic response of Trump and the Republicans? And that was after Trump's stupid trade wars that case out economy Trillion+ dollars. Which happened after Trump shut down the government in the middle of the holidays for his temper tantrum after he got a deal for 80 billion to build his stupid wall and he veto'd it like a jackass. Which cost Americans billions.

I would strongly consider where you get your information from because you are sounding like the stuff that the Chinese cultists are spamming Americans with man.

Best of luck!
Democrats are a joke as much as Biden is. He is making this Country a world wide embarrassment.
Laugh away. It's better than crying, I guess.

Who controls the White House? Democrats
Who controls the House? Democrats
Who controls the Senate? Democrats
Who won the popular vote for President? Democrats (we've won the popular vote for the past 4 presidential elections)
Whose party leader is under multiple lawsuits and should be convicted of felony crimes? Republicans
Which party lost control of all three elected seats of power over Trump's term in office? Republicans

We are laughing at Trumptards.
Why are these homeless camps all over the USA but I don't see them in Mexico? It's rare for me to see a homeless person here and when I do I give them some money. I don't see tents in the street or anything like that. Maybe someone can explain. But in fact I recently saw figures that say there are many more -as-a-percentage- in the UK.
He is making this Country a world wide embarrassment
Read this article, you Trump loving ignoramus.
America’s Image Abroad Rebounds With Transition From Trump to Biden | Pew Research Center
Holy shit!!!!
Biden is more popular universally, by far, than that (soon to be going to jail :) ) asshole Trump.
Who could have expected that?
Everyone except the assholes that like Trump (but they're all dying now, so hopefully sooner than later they'll all be fucking dead from Covid-19/Delta.)
And that sir, is a fucking fact (you should get your news elsewhere)
Why are these homeless camps all over the USA but I don't see them in Mexico? It's rare for me to see a homeless person here and when I do I give them some money. I don't see tents in the street or anything like that. Maybe someone can explain. But in fact I recently saw figures that say there are many more -as-a-percentage- in the UK.

that's because most have moved to the border

this is matamoros
Yes--BUT these are not Mexicans, they are people from other countries trying to transit into the USA and getting stuck at the border.

i agree, but there is a small portion of Mexicans in it, not all of them are, most of them have come out of the south along the border with guatamala and yucatan area, the rest is from across your border being allowed in....then migrate through Mexico to the US border....
Read this, as should every Democratic Congressperson & Biden.(you know the Republicans are)
Democrats Take a Vacation as Millions of Americans Face Eviction (
Covid-19/ Delta? That's the major problem facing America today?
I don't think so.
One of them, yes, but not necessarily the most damaging in the long run.
Once we get all the assholes down South vaccinated or they die off, then we can move ahead and recover, that will happen inevitably.
But, one thing that isn't going away soon is Homelessness & it's going to get worse, much worse actually.
Jesus fucking Christ, we knew this was going to happen in fucking July, and what did the Dems do?
Jack shit, Fuck all, not a God Damn thing, that's what.
Fucking disgusting/sad.
And just wait until the Republicans start blaming the Dems for the Homeless, even though they voted against the extension.
That should be entertaining.
Why are these homeless camps all over the USA but I don't see them in Mexico? It's rare for me to see a homeless person here and when I do I give them some money. I don't see tents in the street or anything like that. Maybe someone can explain. But in fact I recently saw figures that say there are many more -as-a-percentage- in the UK.
ooo, ooo, I know, let me answer:

Yours is a trick question. You can't see anything in Mexico or the US from a couch in the UK.
Biden, Pelosi and Clinton are destroying this country. They almost demand everyone get the covid shot then let thousands a day cross our border and ship them all over the country spreading the virus. Biden has done more to hurt this Country in 30 days than any Pres did in their whole term.

Almost demand?? Oh my gosh, that sounds horrible! I can't even imagine what it would feel like to have someone almost demand something! Wow, I'd be furious!
Democrats are a joke as much as Biden is. He is making this Country a world wide embarrassment.
So true. President Joe Rob has been in positions of power for almost 50 years, and never once has he grabbed a subordinate female by her genitalia. (and the poor lady that accused him of hugging her was so sad. Everyone knew she had made false allegations in the past, so sympathy was the overwhelming reaction. Both to her and President Joe Rob) It's sad, but he will never be a bully. He doesn't even kick down.

Folks around the world are saying how different the US has been the last six months. How we are honoring treaty obligations. Standing up for our friends and not kissing dictators' asses.
Amazing huh?
Yea, I'm going bitch about Biden specifically & the WH & Congress in general.
The Buck stops here?
You fucked up Joe.
All of them fucked up, big time.
What the fuck were/are they thinking?
Apparently fucking nothing if your a renter or homeowner out of work due to Covid or Delta.
Renters in South Look Most Vulnerable After Eviction Ban Expires (
This is fucking monumental (do I curse too much? Tough shit)
,I curse when I'm mad and I've been mad a lot lately and this shit about throwing people out of their homes during a fucking Pandemic makes me fucking livid.
They have $46.6 BILLION sitting around earmarked for rental subsides & they do nothing basically, while only $3 billion has been used.
Jesus fucking Christ, they're blatant ineptitude is on full display with the Republicans saying no extension & the Congress essentially saying we have better things to do, like take a vacation and go fishing.
That's what they are doing right now while people are tossed into the streets, into they're cars or into homeless shelters.
Not thousands, or even tens of thousands, nope, fucking MILLIONS more homeless are going into an already fucked up system.
You thought homelessness was a problem before?
Just wait, you haven't seen shit yet.
But if you want to take look at what this NATION is facing, take a gander at life in LA.
A sign of the future?
Fucking guaranteed.

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Nice huh?
Get used to it.
Yeah I've been to you country 3 times now and the homeless crisis is the US is just absolutely staggering. Even when we went to Hawaii it was bad in Honolulu and it's and island paradise.
The homeless that come from the tunnels and onto the streets at night in Las Vegas was just amazing.
LAs homeless was also like nothing I've ever seen anywhere else in the world and I've been through Europe, Asia and North America.
The rich get richer and everyone else get homeless!!