Homeless in America during COVID-19

because the government put a moratorium many are just evicting bypassing court. this was done here in america before they take off your front door, stop utilities etc. all the things you're protected against they go rogue..like the black and yellow proud boys bees are going to go rouge before this is over.

Does the CDC own all the property in the USA ?

So, if I stopped by to see you and it was snowing hard and you let me crash on your couch for the night for the princely sum of a soggy roach thus establishing a tenancy...you shouldn't be able to evict me?

What's for dinner tonight and where the fuck is the remote!!!??? Are you gonna shovel the driveway or what...I paid rent here, I got rights!!!
The reason people are being evicted is simple: landlords don't get unemployment.

They also for the most part don't qualify for bailouts.

So they're stuck with having to maintain occupied living units that they're not being paid for.

It's far cheaper for them to evict the Tennant and shutter the unit.

To most people it's all the "evil landlord's" fault. What they don't understand is that the vast majority of the time the landlords themselves are fighting for survival as well.

It's a deplorable position for everyone. The government could help by freezing property taxes and bank payments, but guess what?

They own the banks and the tax dollars are all they have, so they refuse to do it.
States are inanimate and legal fictions. Individual people (Governors) who believe they have more rights than other people "ordered" quarantines. (likely taking their orders from a higher up who has paid them well)

It's any persons right to ignore arbitrary orders from a megalomaniacal despot. Kind of surprised there hasn't been tar and feathers used yet.
The reason people are being evicted is simple: landlords don't get unemployment.

They also for the most part don't qualify for bailouts.

So they're stuck with having to maintain occupied living units that they're not being paid for.

It's far cheaper for them to evict the Tennant and shutter the unit.

To most people it's all the "evil landlord's" fault. What they don't understand is that the vast majority of the time the landlords themselves are fighting for survival as well.

It's a deplorable position for everyone. The government could help by freezing property taxes and bank payments, but guess what?

They own the banks and the tax dollars are all they have, so they refuse to do it.
It would be nice if the Republicans were more concerned about helping all of the American economy instead of causing another recession so their kin can snatch up all that cheap real estate.
https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2020/05/13/rental-assistance-coronavirus/Screen Shot 2020-12-18 at 8.40.01 AM.png
With Utah’s eviction moratorium set to expire Friday, the state is scrambling to launch a $4 million program this week to help tenants cover their rent payments.

Nevada is using $2 million from a state settlement with Wells Fargo for a renter assistance program, while the city of Austin is determining who is eligible for its $1.2 million program through a lottery. Philadelphia is offering struggling renters up to three months or $2,500 of help but has warned upfront: “Funding is limited. Not every applicant will receive assistance.”

Across the country, dozens of state and local programs have emerged to prevent a potential wave of evictions as the country’s unemployment rate reaches historic highs and moratoriums that prevent landlords from removing tenants from their homes begin to expire.

But these patchwork measures are not likely to be enough to prevent millions of people from losing their homes in the coming months, housing industry officials and economists say. Amherst, a data and analytics real estate firm, estimates up to 28 million renters, or 22.5 percent of all U.S. households, are at risk of eviction or foreclosure because of the coronavirus.

House Democrats included $100 billion for a national rental assistance program in their $3 trillion coronavirus relief bill this week.

Republicans quickly rejected the proposed legislation, and some tenant advocacy groups say $100 billion will not be enough. Many communities were already suffering a housing affordability crisis that made renters more vulnerable to financial shocks from the coronavirus pandemic, they say.

“Rental assistance is a short-term measure,” said Tara Raghuveer, the Homes Guarantee campaign director at People’s Action, a national tenants rights group. As the economy deteriorates, Raghuveer said, “we will have a come-to-Jesus moment. There will be a moment when we realize that what we need is a more comprehensive solution.”

The number of Americans struggling to pay their rent or mortgage has exploded since March as unemployment rates have reached heights unseen since the Great Depression. As of May 7, nearly 4.1 million homeowners were receiving mortgage relief, up 7 percent from the end of April and 2,600 percent from the beginning of March, according to Black Knight, a mortgage technology and data provider.

Payday lenders that charge 400 percent interest want access to small-business loans

The problem is most acute among renters, who are more likely to hold the kinds of jobs that have been lost during the pandemic, economists say. Thirty-three percent of renters still have not paid their May rent at all or in full, compared with about 25 percent during the same period in April, according to a survey by Apartment List, an online rental marketplace. More than 40 percent of renters said they were worried about covering their next month’s rent, while only 20 percent of homeowners shared the same concern about their mortgage, according to a survey by the Urban Institute released last week.

The numbers would be worse if not for the $1,200 stimulus checks and enhanced unemployment insurance passed by Congress in the Cares Act, said Ed Mills, a policy analyst for Raymond James Financial. “There is no doubt that there is a severe economic shock that has occurred, but it has been somewhat mitigated,” he said. “So far what we have done seems to have prevented some of the worst-case scenarios from playing out.”

If the economy does not recover quickly, a national rental assistance effort may become a more pressing issue, Mills said. After the 9/11, the Federal Emergency Management Agency leveraged the Stafford Act, typically used after a natural disaster such as a hurricane, to provide up to 18 months of rental and mortgage assistance to people affected by the attacks. A similar program could become necessary this time, Mills said.

“We have a precedent of providing housing assistance,” he said. “Not all disasters destroy your home. Sometimes it destroys your income.”

Many renters have been temporarily protected by eviction moratoriums put in place in March and April as the spread of the coronavirus shuttered much of the U.S. economy. But those protections are not universal and will soon lapse in places. A 120-day federal ban on evictions included in the Cares Act covers only the 30 percent of renters who live in properties with a federally backed mortgage or who receive other kinds of federal assistance.

Renters’ level of protection varies widely by state, with some people covered by overlapping eviction bans established by governors, state legislators or the courts, said Emily A. Benfer, director of the Health Justice Advocacy Clinic at Columbia Law School.

In some states landlords are still allowed to file eviction notices even if the courts are closed, and in others late fees can continue to accumulate through the moratoriums, said Benfer, who has been maintaining a database of eviction policies during the coronavirus crisis. Nine states, including Arkansas, Oklahoma and Ohio, never enacted state-level eviction bans, and moratoriums in Colorado, Rhode Island and several other states are set to expire in a few weeks, she said.

The housing market faces its next crisis as May rent and mortgages come due

In the meantime, local officials say they are scrambling to bridge the gap.

Under the Utah program, renters affected by the coronavirus and ineligible for unemployment benefits could receive $1,500 a month under the program. “We know there are individuals and families in Utah who may be falling through the cracks,” said Jonathan Hardy, director of the state’s Housing and Community Development Division. “We don’t want anyone to lose their housing as a result of this pandemic.”

Arizona has received nearly 11,000 applications from renters seeking help from a new $5 million rental assistance program. But by Friday, only $394,751 had been distributed to 391 renters, according to the Arizona Department of Housing. Thousands of renters submitted incomplete applications, the state said.

Washington state’s King County, which includes Seattle, was already struggling with a homeless problem when the coronavirus hit, said Gordon McHenry Jr., president and chief executive of United Way of King County. In mid-April, the organization raised about $5 million for a rental assistance program in hopes of helping 2,000 residents cover their housing expenses. But 72 hours after the program was launched, United Way received 7,000 applications and had to shut down the application process, McHenry said.

The nonprofit group is still working through that backlog but also is getting applications from people seeking help with their May rent, McHenry said. In April, the money was distributed on a first-come, first-served basis, he said. For May, the group may need to be more strategic and focus on those in most need of help, he said.

“We’re trying to raise more money and going through this very tough process of deciding who gets help,” McHenry said. “We’re spending it as it comes in.”
James a lot of people thrown out onto the street voted for Trump and the republicans, they are fucking themselves and others too. I know I've said it here many times, but it needs to be said again, because many folks don't get it or are in denial about it. These people, the Trump supporters, are at war and in war sacrifices have to be made and ya take a hit for the home team too. How can I say that half the country is in a psychological state of war against the other half and has been for years? Simple, the preponderance of evidence and the way humans operate psychologically.

Our conditioned feelings (approach & avoidance) drive our intentions at the root of our thoughts, in this context, thoughts are emotion driven logic or more correctly pseudo logic that are commonly known as rationalizations. The process starts with our perception of reality and the selection or avoidance with the sources of information and discomfort felt mostly on a subconscious level by many. They go right past the reality thrown in their faces daily, so much so they can't really avoid the truth on some level, they ignore it. That's the first layer of perceptual filtering, but even when confronted with the truth, in person you will often see hands thrown up in a defensive gesture as if to block or push it away. Next comes the internal filtering and distortions as the information has to make it's way past the ego and that sometimes takes the mental gymnastics that you hear in their arguments. We all have conditioned feelings of how the world should be and of our place in it, we also resist change, good or bad as our minds seek stability and coherence.

We are one big habit, our conditioned personalities of habits and preferences ride on top of our genetic propensities, including basic intelligence. Delusion is normal, we all do it all the time, nobody thinks they are gonna die, people assume they will live forever moment to moment and nothing will change. Most people know on one level they are going to die and all that they are or have been will be annihilated all the material things they have lived for will be gone or rendered useless and meaningless by old age and decrepitude. We all know it will happen one day, nobody gets out alive and it is the background radiation of our lives, but it also gives them meaning and purpose, you only get one crack at reality. The material elements came together and created a conscious being who could perceive and comprehend it at some level, even if in a limited and self centered way.

Our feelings set our intentions and emotion and thinking starts from there, "something ain't right!" We then proceed to find information sources the "feel right" and ignore those that contradict the narrative, even Trumpers know that a house or a mind cannot stand divided. It's when the mind is divided that people experience pain on many levels, the ego not only provides a framework to hang reality on, it is our face to the world and so is our consciousness itself. We not only have internal "commitments", we have external ones too, because much of human consciousness is used in dealing with other people and our various layers of identity. You are husband, a lover, a father, an employee, a pot grower, a rebel a member of your community, and a citizen of your state and country. You are also a lover of poetry, music, justice and truth. It gets complicated behind the eyeballs sometimes.

When people feel threatened they band together, organize to solve the problem and defend themselves and the truth that unites them at the core of their tribe, break that truth and you break the tribe. Needless to say much of evolution involved war between tribes and trade too, either of which can fuck you if you ain't too smart or your tribe's truth sucks. The same evolutionary pressures existed inside human communities too as individuals sought statues, resources and breeding opportunities. You can be rich and ugly as a toad with shit for a personality, but you won't have a problem getting free pussy, females have a different reproductive strategy and seek resources and status too.

The long and the short of it is these people are at war because they are putting the cause of their tribe and chief before themselves. The other is the brown folks, immigrants who are "taking over" and their liberal allies, those coastal elites living the good life in the cities they see in commercials on TV, the smiling happy, often biracial couples they see living the American dream. You'll notice the ideological conservatives have run for the hills and some are now their fiercest enemies. The country is experiencing a major cyber attack right now, a pearl harbor, yet again, Trump has said nothing, he won't lose a vote. Over 300,000 dead and a 911 scale of death every day now and spectacular incompetence, it does not matter and is dealt with as described above. The same for bounties on US troops and fucking themselves over in a million ways, they will sacrifice because they are at psychological war. Nothing else can jerk your chain so hard as this state of mind, it makes everything else possible, even worshipping a miscreant like Trump. It is also the only known explanation of the basic psychological factors that fits the known facts and theory.

There are other factors like disinformation and propaganda radicalizing them and social media providing social and emotional support while providing a tribal home, but this is foundational, everything else including wealth inequality is of secondary importance. Even their religious faith takes second place to their prejudices and drives them more, their country was thrown under the bus long ago.
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It would be nice if the Republicans were more concerned about helping all of the American economy instead of causing another recession so their kin can snatch up all that cheap real estate.
https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2020/05/13/rental-assistance-coronavirus/View attachment 4771457
Don't blame republicans for it. They're all equally to blame.

To date, not one single democrat has even introduced it. It's a bipartisan "screw the poor and middle classed" effort on their part.
Don't blame republicans for it. They're all equally to blame.

To date, not one single democrat has even introduced it. It's a bipartisan "screw the poor and middle classed" effort on their part.
Both sides are not the same, one side are traitors and support it. That's the narrative they want you to believe, if you lose the senate and they hamstring Joe and nothing gets done, they will blame Joe and the democrats. Why is tort reform so important to you? The Democrats have had covid relief on Mitch's desk for months, judges were more important.

Perhaps Mitch is sabotaging things because he knows Donald won't sign it unless he joins him in a coup? Do you think that Donald openly threating Mitch with the party's destruction unless he breaks the constitution in a spectacular fashion that ends in a rope, is the only means he is using? He will also veto the military spending bill over it too.
because the government put a moratorium many are just evicting bypassing court. this was done here in america before they take off your front door, stop utilities etc. all the things you're protected against they go rogue..like the black and yellow proud boys bees are going to go rouge before this is over.
Where are you hearing this? I find it hard to believe that any landlord would try anything that hasn't gone through a court, the risk is just too high. Under law landlords are already considered to have the upper hand and that is why we have to jump through so many hoops to evict people. In every state there are also free legal services for the poor who cum in their pants if they are given a case as simple as an illegal eviction.
Don't blame republicans for it. They're all equally to blame.

To date, not one single democrat has even introduced it. It's a bipartisan "screw the poor and middle classed" effort on their part.

What? For real? You think relief should be held up to protect business who ordered their workers to no wear masks from lawsuits? Sorry, republicans are to blame, because they are not building a future because they realize they have no future. They are just trying to get their's while they can. They are robbing the house because they get kicked out for good.
Don't blame republicans for it. They're all equally to blame.
No, they're not equally to blame, not by a long shot.
The Dem's handed McConnell/Trump a plan in July for the vitally needed aid package to support families/small businesses & they have done fuck all too address it.
Now, it's past the 11th hour & McConnell is still only concerned about COVID-19 litigation & "bailing out Blue States"
Fucking no comparison at all.
The Democrats have a soul/heart
The Republicans instead have a life draining vacuum.
Don't blame republicans for it. They're all equally to blame.

To date, not one single democrat has even introduced it. It's a bipartisan "screw the poor and middle classed" effort on their part.

"House Democrats included $100 billion for a national rental assistance program in their $3 trillion coronavirus relief bill this week.

Republicans quickly rejected the proposed legislation, and some tenant advocacy groups say $100 billion will not be enough. Many communities were already suffering a housing affordability crisis that made renters more vulnerable to financial shocks from the coronavirus pandemic, they say."

Looks like the bill is ready to go and that the Republican led senate are sitting on it, or am I not understanding something?

Do you really think that the Democrats would not vote this through, and try to help the rest of America, if the Republicans would stop tanking our economy prior to a Democratic POTUS taking over once again?
Nothing matters to the republicans and Donald will most likely veto anything that come across his desk.
The excuse is base names now internet regulation, but the reason is a coup, support him in sedition or the party get's it. He will seek revenge on them before the Georgia run offs and post presidency, Donald is driven by revenge and retribution and they take first and second place in his mind. Donald is addicted to grievance like a junkie is to heroin, he saviors the anticipation of it and fantasizes about it, it's one of the few pleasures he enjoys in life. Like all addictions, attaining the desire seems important, but offers not many rewards per se when finally attained.
Senate Sends Military Bill to Trump’s Desk, Spurning His Veto Threat
The move raised the prospect of a legislative showdown in the president’s final weeks in office on the bill that authorizes pay for the troops.
Senate Sends Military Bill to Trump’s Desk, Spurning His Veto Threat - The New York Times (nytimes.com)

WASHINGTON — The Senate overwhelmingly passed a sweeping military policy bill on Friday that would require that Confederate names be stripped from American military bases, clearing the measure for enactment and sending it to President Trump’s desk in defiance of his threats of a veto.

The 84-13 vote to approve the legislation reflected broad bipartisan support for the measure that authorizes pay for American troops and was intended to signal to Mr. Trump that lawmakers, including many Republicans, were determined to pass the critical bill even if it meant potentially delivering the first veto override of his presidency.

The margin surpassed the two-thirds majority needed in both houses to force enactment of the bill over Mr. Trump’s objections. The House also met that threshold in passing the measure on Tuesday, raising the prospect of a potential veto showdown during Mr. Trump’s final weeks in office.
BTW the country has been and is under massive cyber attack a real Pearl harbor one. Donald has done or said shit about it and won't sign the bill first over military base names and now supposedly over internet regulation. I think it's support me in sedition or I will destroy your senate majority and Mitch was told directly too. Vlad trying to cover his ass with the cyber attack news breaking, called to congratulate President elect Biden and pulled the rug from out under Mitch. He would have waited until the electors votes were certified by congress, but had to jump early and had to congratulate Joe and call him POTUS elect on the senate floor. Donald went wild over that and now the threats to destroy the party are in the open and no covid relief either or anything else.

Mitch would like to help and if the election were closer he might even have tried a coup. At this point a word from Joe would burn the country to the ground, lead to military intervention on Joe's side and lead to the public hanging of a lot of republicans real fast. It they break the constitution, those who protect and defend the constitution will break them, even if they have to go outside the constitution to do it. The penalty they pay would be in proportion to the deaths and destruction they caused, if enough shit happens anything might follow. Unlock the gates of Hell at your peril, break the constitution and cause civil war and that Hell won't be long coming.

It won't happen though, Mitch is gonna have to cut Donald's throat, but he seems to be doing pretty good on his own right now. Georgia is on everybody's mind, Donald's too, but he is gonna use it to beat on Mitch to get what he wants or destroy Mitch. It's lose lose for Mitch and win win for Joe.

Yeah. In a bill they knew wouldn't pass. Typical.

That's like putting aide in a bill that lowers the buying age of assault rifles to 12 years old. You can't say you really offered it because you knew it was never going anywhere.

Yeah. In a bill they knew wouldn't pass. Typical.

That's like putting aide in a bill that lowers the buying age of assault rifles to 12 years old. You can't say you really offered it because you knew it was never going anywhere.
Im disagreeing with you saying that 'they're all equally to blame'. If that was the case the Senate Republicans would have passed something that wouldn't get through the Democratic house that addressed this issue.

The 'Both sides' doesn't work because the Republicans are not taking that bill and nixing all the things they dislike, adding in crap they know the Democrats won't like and throwing it back in the pot.
Im disagreeing with you saying that 'they're all equally to blame'. If that was the case the Senate Republicans would have passed something that wouldn't get through the Democratic house that addressed this issue.
Listen to yourself. :rolleyes:

They're working together NOT to do it. It's just like that wrestling crap where they do all this theatrical crap like they're enemies, then pretend to beat the hell out of each other in a ring for 10 minutes, then after a shower and change they go out to dinner together and laugh about it.
Listen to yourself. :rolleyes:

They're working together NOT to do it. It's just like that wrestling crap where they do all this theatrical crap like they're enemies, then pretend to beat the hell out of each other in a ring for 10 minutes, then after a shower and change they go out to dinner together and laugh about it.
I could see that before one of the parties started representing all of America and not just he Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only agenda. The Democrats have too many different groups to legislate for. While the Republicans only have to stop shit form going through to succeed since the 70's.

That is why I don't buy the 'both sides' are in on it stuff either.

Im not saying that what you are describing doesn't happen, but that was before a foreign nation started to attack our citizens. The game has changed the day Trump got into office. He blew the Republican scam wide open and the Democrats all had something easy to focus on.