My First Grow -BagSeed- From some Mids ANY TIPS ARE WELCOME and ENCOURAGED! Pics

hey watsup guys. just got back from wal-mart.. disappointed AGAIN because all of their gardening stuff is gone because winters coming.. kinda sucks. they dont have SHIT!! soo there wasnt much for me to get..
plants look good man, they will get some more growth since you added some more lights, i wouldn't fill that pan up with water, i would just water then normally. you want to get nats and other stuff from that much water sitting out in the open like that, if you want to help with humidity then just use a cup or two of water, what exactly were you looking for at wal mart
[QUOTE="SICC";3415409]plants look good man, they will get some more growth since you added some more lights, i wouldn't fill that pan up with water, i would just water then normally. you want to get nats and other stuff from that much water sitting out in the open like that, if you want to help with humidity then just use a cup or two of water, what exactly were you looking for at wal mart[/QUOTE]

thanks.. yeaaaa im hopin they will grow a bit more now.. i ended up shutting off the top light (the one with the incandescent bulb) because i checked the temp. and it was 91 degrees in there.... soo i shit it off.. and it cooled down a bit. down to 81 degrees. im gonna put another 100 watt daylight CFL in there and lower it down a bit.. might as well.. i dont wanna waste the lamp if i can use it.. ya know what i mean?? and ok. i wont fill up the pan with water. and ill try to put a couple cups of water in there somewhere and see if that helps the humidity. well gonna go switch out that bulb.. and mist them too. be bak on laterbongsmilie
sounds good man.. it seems like your fixing your problems... i will stay tuned and see what you end up with.... looking good man...
thanks guys... but yeaaa. my mom bought a coffee maker yesterday.. and it came in a pretty big box.. soo im gonna buy another one of those clamp lights... and cut a hole in the top of the box and put the light right on top of the box.. and im gonna plant a few seeds (from some schwagg.. same seeds as before) in these small plastic plant containers i got at wal-mart the otha day... and im also gonna poke a few holes here and there on the sides of the box to let some fresh air get in and let some of the heat get out.. im thinking about just vegging these for like a week.. and then flower them.. and just see what i end up with.. also.. im thinking about getting rid of the other lamps i have hanging in my closet.. and just buying 2 or 3 more of those 24 inch flourescent tube lights... well and buy the daylight bulbs to replace them with... idk i feel like it might be better than hanging the other lamps.. either that or instead of using 2 or 3 of the flourescent tubes... maybe ill just buy 2 or 3 of the clamp lights that i have.. and put 1 of them over each plant.. or if i can.. fit 2 plants under each clamp light.. idk.. just thoughts.. lol. but im gonna go water them and check on them to see how they are... one last question ( i know you guys are probably sick of ALL my questions by now.. lmao ) when using those clamp light ( or any lamps actually ) do Halogen/Flood Lights work any good...?? i would get the daylight ones of course (for vegging) but just wondering if those work any better... cuz i know they ummm.. not sure how to word it.. they concentrate all of the light straight down..? if that makes any sense.. instead of the regular light bulbs.. that let light go everywhere... not sure if that made ANY sense what so ever. lol. kk. im off for a lil bit.
ok. so i went in and watered my plants.. and noticed that there was one leaf that was really really yellow and brown.. it was the one that had the yellowish/brown tip.. and it was making its way all the way down the leaf.. soo i looked on here to see what people did.. and the most common thing i saw that people did.. was to cut it off... soo thats what i did. not sure if that was the right thing to do or not.. but i already did it.. i just panicked.. but other than that everything looks GREAT!! :mrgreen: also i noticed that where the leaves branch off (nodes) there are little baby leaves forming.. :mrgreen: i was madd happy when i say them.. i took a few pics.. im a loser i know.. but like i said.. this is gong to be one of the LONGEST threads... cuz i have NO LIFE.. and nothing better to do that to go on here daily and update everyone wen my plat grows 1 fuckin centimeter... lol.. sooo im just apologizing for that now.. but its my 1st grow and im really excited about it.. but heres a couple pics of those baby leaves i found.. and i "attempted" to LST one of my plants.. it was the smallest one and the one with the weakest stem.. and also i put a bigger fan in there.. because the one i was using before just wasnt puting out enough air i guess.. when they were smaller they would move around when the fan was on... but as of the last 5 days or soo... they stopped blowing.. so i put a bigger fan in there and put it on low.. and now theyre swaying back and now theyre swaying back and forth pretty nicely.. soo im happy about that.. im worried it might get a little too cold in there.. but if that happens.. then i will just put the 100 watt incandescent DAYLIGHT bulb back in and move it up to keep the heat up..... kk. heres the pics...

this is where i cut the yellow/brow leaf

heres the set up with the new fan



yellow leaf

dying leaf after i cut it off

dying leaf again

new fan i have in there

side view of the ugly leaf. lol

Baby Leafs

Baby Leaf 2

k. thats it for pics now.. the small plant im tryna LST is already growing back up towards the light which is pretty cool. i might try doin it to another plant.. but its hard cuz i think my pots are a little too small. =( im gonna flower them soon tho. in maybe a week... 2 weeks at the most.. but i just want to get shit going..and i know theyre gonna like double in size too. soooo. yeaaa.. lol. k. just wanted to put those up.
Everything is lookin good man, you can make something like my CFL holder that i posted pics up on the other page, you just need some of those "Y" socket thing so yo can have two CFL per clamp light, the florescents are good, i guess you can use those to VEG, then switch to the Clamp lights and CFL's for flowering. What you did was good, that leave was gonna die off, i would just let your water sit out for a day before you give it to the plants, just let everything settle out. not too sure about the flood lights tho i think those are actualy MH bulbs but im not too sure
those flood lights put off alot of heat imho... like i have said before... just stick to the flouros and cfl's... they do work and you dont have to wonder if it will do a good job or not... i saw that you are drying that fan leaf... you can smoke it ( i smoked mine), but thc has not been developed in those leaves yet, so they prolly wont get you that stoned at all... but like i said, i smoked mine... i couldnt see myself throwing them away.. i did the same with the one of mine that turned male... didnt do shit for me, cept satisfy my need to smoke something i grew... when you flower so early, it does sorta double, but being that small to begin with, the doubling wont be very noticable... just keep it in mind when you lst it... lst helped my grow out more than anything i think.. i formed the way i wanted my plant to receive light... very benefical... they are looking good and good luck with the seedlings... the first two weeks are the hardest... i just remembered that with my last set of sprouts... today is the first day of week 3, so i am stoked......well, week 3 since sprouted... from what i have read, they just get big fast after this point... if you are wanting to keep them small i would go ahead and throw them into flower next week... it will still grow for a lil bit before it matures enough to show sex, so keep that in mind as well..
[QUOTE="SICC";3420086]Everything is lookin good man, you can make something like my CFL holder that i posted pics up on the other page, you just need some of those "Y" socket thing so yo can have two CFL per clamp light, the florescents are good, i guess you can use those to VEG, then switch to the Clamp lights and CFL's for flowering. What you did was good, that leave was gonna die off, i would just let your water sit out for a day before you give it to the plants, just let everything settle out. not too sure about the flood lights tho i think those are actualy MH bulbs but im not too sure[/QUOTE]

heyy watsup Sicc.. yea the flourescent light seemd to be working pretty good.. i was at my girldfriends for the weekend... i had my mom water them for the weekend... lol. she takes care of them wen im not there.. which is usuallly only on the weekends.. but phewww. im glad you said cutting off that leaf was a good idea.. it seemed like a good idea at the time... but then after.. i was like shit... i probly shoulda asked before i cut it off.. but ill admit.. im a VERY impatient person.. lol. and im gonna look into seeing if the flood lights are MH bulbs.. that would be cool.. i know i would have to keep them far away tho.. but anywayz.. yea i just got home now.. and went in there to take a look... its AMAZING how much these things can grow in 2 friggin days!! i mean its not like drastic or anything.. but they look alot bigger than before i left on friday. but im thinking about switching them over to 12-12 sometime this week.. just to get the process goin.. and so far 3 of the 6 seeds germinated.. i was kinda hopin for more after a couple days... =-/ but ill givem a couple more days.. and plus i got some seeds from this bag i got over the weeked.. just some mids again.. but they were pretty good. soo im gonna put those seeds in the paper towel as well.. and see what happens with them.. the one plant im LST'ing is looking pretty healthy too... im gonna try and bend it a little more today.. there was one problem tho.. on another plant. the leaf was dry.. like crispy dry.. :sad: i KNOW thats not good.. wen i checked them this morning they were very dry.. im thinkin maybe my mom didnt water them enough..?? or maybe cuz i have that new fan on them maybe its drying the soil out too much..? idk. im getting ready to take pictures soon cuz im going to spray them and thats usually wen i take pics.. the baby leafs are looking good too. i think its because i have a couple lamps facing directly on the sides of the plants.. but im just suprised at how much these lil guys.. well hopefully GIRLS can grow in just a couple days.. cant wait to start flowering them.. and im hopin to order seeds soon too. and let you guys know how that process goes.. im gonna order from Nirvana... soo far that seems like my favorite place... also.. i switched out my 100 watt CFL that i had in the clamp light.. because.. now with the fan going too... it feels wayyy too cold in there.. :sad: and also SICC.. wanted to let u know that the little trick of puting a pan with some water in there to get some humidity up deffinetly worked. :lol: soo thank youuuuu!! ok. im gonna go spray them down and use the paper clip(s) to hold down the pther plant im LST'ing.. and u can tell me how it looks. =) and ill take some pics while im doin it to let you guys see how they look. BRB..... :bigjoint:
subscribed....keep us posted.
thanks for subscribing.. and dont worry.. ill deff keep you updated.. sadly i have NO life... soo i like to post at least once everyday.. besides the weekend cuz im at my girlfriends house.. but i DO check for responses over the weekend.. just lettin ya know.
heres the plant that had the crispy leave. =(

heres a cloe up of the crispy leave

i had to tie a little plastic thing to the stem cuz it was leanin over a little too much

close up of the middle of the plant

its actually getting pretty big!! =-D

this one has really fat leaves.. and is short and stalky.. unlike the other ones.. not sure what that means.

this is the one im LST'ing

here it is before i pinned it down with another paper clip

and after i did

another look from a different side

and from the top now..

heres anotha pic of one plant one of my favorite plants.. (i have 2.. Mary and Jane) lol.. i know i know.. real original right..?? lol

and on last pic..

ok any help or tips are welcome as long as your not an asshole about it... you wont like me when im mad.... :fire: lol. naa ive just been looking for an exuse to use that smiley.. cuz it looked cool. but im off to home depot to shop around for things to but for my plants. be back later...
Your plants are looking good, much better light setup than mine :P
Goodluck, can't wait to see the buds produced.
whats up chb! your grow is looking nice. i like your lst's, i think that is the better way to go. if you get time look up how to FIM. i did it to only one of the tops to a side branch, and that side branch is much larger and has more growth on it now than almost any other part of my plant. yeah i thought of ordering some seeds offline, but that is a topic i would not want to debate with my wife, so I will have to wait till I have enough BDFK (Bitch Dont Fucking Know about) money to do it. i do have a good resource for some killer herb which is normally seedless, but my last bag had 3 seeds, 1 that looked good, and 2 that I will germinate anyway just to try. they will be the next grow. peace
everything is lookin good, that short stock one is a good indica, and the one that got crispy might have got a lil nute burn, just feed her with plain water for now
Your plants are looking good, much better light setup than mine :P
Goodluck, can't wait to see the buds produced.

thanks. =) yeaa i just started them on the 12-12 cycle today. well last night at 7 i shut the lights off.. and now its time for the budding.. my favorite!! and if u go to wal-mart they have those clamp lights there. the one i got was like 6 or 7 bucks. and its 150 watt ma.. you should take a look and maybe get one.. my light setup moght "look" good.. but i dont think it is.. lmao.. i have a couple lamps tied to a pole (using shoelaces and lots of electrical tape) i used to hang my clothes on. lmao. but the clamp lights helped me out alot!! but i will deff keep everyone posted. cant fuckin wait for buds to start formin!! :-P
whats up chb! your grow is looking nice. i like your lst's, i think that is the better way to go. if you get time look up how to FIM. i did it to only one of the tops to a side branch, and that side branch is much larger and has more growth on it now than almost any other part of my plant. yeah i thought of ordering some seeds offline, but that is a topic i would not want to debate with my wife, so I will have to wait till I have enough BDFK (Bitch Dont Fucking Know about) money to do it. i do have a good resource for some killer herb which is normally seedless, but my last bag had 3 seeds, 1 that looked good, and 2 that I will germinate anyway just to try. they will be the next grow. peace

thanks alot jgoembel... and ok ill look that up. because i have another batch of plants i just started growing last night too. well right now its only 3. but im shootin for 6.. just waitin for the other seeds to germinate.. but i want to experiment with those opnes as far as LST'ing and topping and FIM.. and it sucks cuz the only time/way i can get seeds if from the mids i get.. which arent that bad.. and sadly doesnt have that many seeds.. and i think back to when i used to sell.. and how many seeds i used to throw away.. i would get like a half pound.. and smoke a blunt or 2... and just spread the whole bag on my table and pick through it and throw out any seeds i saw.. and it makes me wanna ry wen i think about that.. lmao. cuz now im searchin for seeds and thinking about paying money for them!!! lol. but i can get really good weed too.. usually purple haze.. grand daddy purple.. sour diesel.. and some kind of kush.. but theres never any seeds in it. :sad: im thinkin about callin him up and askin him if he ever gets any seeds... and if he does if i can have him... cuz hes not the smarted person.... sooo i dont think he could even attempt to grow any.. lol. but thats actually a really good idea.. im gonna ask him today.. that would be fuckin AWSOME!!! but thanks again mann.
[QUOTE="SICC";3434058]everything is lookin good, that short stock one is a good indica, and the one that got crispy might have got a lil nute burn, just feed her with plain water for now[/QUOTE]

niiiiiceeeee. i was kinda hopin that thats what it meant (that it was indica) but the short stalky ones is wicked strong too. which i like alot.. and yeaaa... im thinkin it was nute burn as well.. either that or the soil just got wayyyy too dry.. and with the fan..?? but idk.. either way im gonna cuz back on nutes for now.. and see what happens with her.
ok.. i started my 12-12 cycle starting last night at 7pm.. soo it will be lights out from 7pm-7am.. that works out good for me. cuz durin the week.. i leave at 7:30pm.. and get home at around 6:45 every morning. but im gettin a timer today anywayz but sometimes i dont trust timers... =-/ i have pretty shitty luck.
But anywayz.. i had a question.. remember how i bought that 24 inch flourescent light at wal-mart..? it said it was for plants and flowers.. soo i was thinking if it was for flowers.. it would be a light that was high in the red light spectrum.. (for flowering) soo when i bought it i also bought a 24 in. Daylight tube.. which i put in as soon as i got home.. and used it for vegging.. and now that im doin the flowering... i took the daylight bulb out and put the original bulb in.. and the light looks friggin wierd!!?? ill try takin a pic but idk if it will come out or not.. but the light is like.. pinkish..?? like a purple/pink tint. but on the lighter side.. not dark like a black light.. but it just threw me off. i wasnt expecting that.. does anyone know what kind of bulb this is...?? it doesnt say anything on the package.. just that its 75 watts.. thats it.. soo i figured someone on here would know.. im gonna do some searching myself. cuz i dont wanna seem lazy.. and ask for help EVERY time i come across a problem.. lol.
Also ( i know i JUST said i wasnt gonna ask for help everytime i came across a problem.. but im a liar :bigjoint:) when i shut the lights off at night... is there any way to help keep the heat up at night..? the plants are in my close and i have a big long dark blue curtaing hangin up in the doorway.. soo when the lights are on in the closet and my room light is off.. it doesnt look like my closet is like.. a doorway to heaven or sumthin because its glowing white.. (even tho wen I, personally, walk in my closet i feel lie im in heaven lookin at those plants).. but anyways.. lol i get carried away sometimes.. but i have the cutain up to try to keep the warm air from escaping out. but this morning. i opened it up and i could tell it felt MUCH colder in there.. and i looked at the temp.. and it was 65 degrees in there..... which im guessing isnt good. :sad: but i dont want to leave a heater on in there.. and i cant have any lights on... and the heating vent in my room is on the other side of my room 1/2way under my bed.. sooooo i dont know what to doo!!?? or maybe im just over reacting.. and maybe 65 degrees isnt bad..? idk. anyone have any ideas??
And does anyone know how the hell to work those 3-way CFL's?? i got one. and the watts (in incandescent comparison) sais 50-100-150. and its 3000K.. and i want the 150 watt raiting.. but idk if theres a switch on ot.. or it depends on the lamp. like if the lamp has a 60 watt max it will run at 50 watts.. or if it has 150 watt max.. it will run at 150 watss.. etc..? im not sure just figured id throw it out there since im asking all these other questions.. Sorry im soo annoying guys.. lol. i apologize.. i might throw some more pics up just for the hell of it. cuz i like takin pics of them.. and i know i love reading threads that have alot of pics in it. :bigjoint:
k. im gonna go mist the plants now. is there anything differnt i should be doing now that theyre on a 12-12 cycle?? (besides not giving them the High Nitrogen Nutes) by the way i bought some Schultz 10-15-10 all purpose plant food. ill take a pic and show you guys the specs.. and i also got some new soil Miracle Grow - Moisture Control. i got the giant ass bag. the biggest one you can get.. but i wanted to get t for when i transplant and for the new plants.. and also got some pruning scissors.. and got 4 100 watt CFL's soft white i think it was..? i know there the rights ones tho.
Holy shit this post is long.. i know people are probly gonna read 1/2 way (if they make it that far) and just give up on reading this.. lmao. kk. ill be back later. thanks again guys for subscribing and helpin me out
WooooHooo :bigjoint: im not a stranger anymore!!! just wanted to say that. lol.
heyy can i still LST now that ive switched to a 12-12 cycle?? or do i have to stop now?? or... can i LST it until it starts budding? and does it get any easier from here?? i think ive heard people say the first few weeks are the hardest.