ok.. i started my 12-12 cycle starting last night at 7pm.. soo it will be lights out from 7pm-7am.. that works out good for me. cuz durin the week.. i leave at 7:30pm.. and get home at around 6:45 every morning. but im gettin a timer today anywayz but sometimes i dont trust timers... =-/ i have pretty shitty luck.
But anywayz.. i had a question.. remember how i bought that 24 inch flourescent light at wal-mart..? it said it was for plants and flowers.. soo i was thinking if it was for flowers.. it would be a light that was high in the red light spectrum.. (for flowering) soo when i bought it i also bought a 24 in. Daylight tube.. which i put in as soon as i got home.. and used it for vegging.. and now that im doin the flowering... i took the daylight bulb out and put the original bulb in.. and the light looks friggin wierd!!?? ill try takin a pic but idk if it will come out or not.. but the light is like.. pinkish..?? like a purple/pink tint. but on the lighter side.. not dark like a black light.. but it just threw me off. i wasnt expecting that.. does anyone know what kind of bulb this is...?? it doesnt say anything on the package.. just that its 75 watts.. thats it.. soo i figured someone on here would know.. im gonna do some searching myself. cuz i dont wanna seem lazy.. and ask for help EVERY time i come across a problem.. lol.
Also ( i know i JUST said i wasnt gonna ask for help everytime i came across a problem.. but im a liar

) when i shut the lights off at night... is there any way to help keep the heat up at night..? the plants are in my close and i have a big long dark blue curtaing hangin up in the doorway.. soo when the lights are on in the closet and my room light is off.. it doesnt look like my closet is like.. a doorway to heaven or sumthin because its glowing white.. (even tho wen I, personally, walk in my closet i feel lie im in heaven lookin at those plants).. but anyways.. lol i get carried away sometimes.. but i have the cutain up to try to keep the warm air from escaping out. but this morning. i opened it up and i could tell it felt MUCH colder in there.. and i looked at the temp.. and it was 65 degrees in there..... which im guessing isnt good.

but i dont want to leave a heater on in there.. and i cant have any lights on... and the heating vent in my room is on the other side of my room 1/2way under my bed.. sooooo i dont know what to doo!!?? or maybe im just over reacting.. and maybe 65 degrees isnt bad..? idk. anyone have any ideas??
And does anyone know how the hell to work those 3-way CFL's?? i got one. and the watts (in incandescent comparison) sais 50-100-150. and its 3000K.. and i want the 150 watt raiting.. but idk if theres a switch on ot.. or it depends on the lamp. like if the lamp has a 60 watt max it will run at 50 watts.. or if it has 150 watt max.. it will run at 150 watss.. etc..? im not sure just figured id throw it out there since im asking all these other questions.. Sorry im soo annoying guys.. lol. i apologize.. i might throw some more pics up just for the hell of it. cuz i like takin pics of them.. and i know i love reading threads that have alot of pics in it.
k. im gonna go mist the plants now. is there anything differnt i should be doing now that theyre on a 12-12 cycle?? (besides not giving them the High Nitrogen Nutes) by the way i bought some Schultz 10-15-10 all purpose plant food. ill take a pic and show you guys the specs.. and i also got some new soil Miracle Grow - Moisture Control. i got the giant ass bag. the biggest one you can get.. but i wanted to get t for when i transplant and for the new plants.. and also got some pruning scissors.. and got 4 100 watt CFL's soft white i think it was..? i know there the rights ones tho.
Holy shit this post is long.. i know people are probly gonna read 1/2 way (if they make it that far) and just give up on reading this.. lmao. kk. ill be back later. thanks again guys for subscribing and helpin me out