Well-Known Member
WooooHoooim not a stranger anymore!!! just wanted to say that. lol.
heyy can i still LST now that ive switched to a 12-12 cycle?? or do i have to stop now?? or... can i LST it until it starts budding? and does it get any easier from here?? i think ive heard people say the first few weeks are the hardest.
i think you can LST all the way through. the problem is as the plant grows the stem gets harder, and this is harder to maintain an LST'ed plant. i dont think it gets easier, just come up with new ways to hold it down. the paperclips probably wont do it anymore, you will probably have to tie her down with something soft like yarn, and then tape the yarn to the sides of the pots. use slip knots on the yarn as to not damage the stem's. good luck.