My First Grow -BagSeed- From some Mids ANY TIPS ARE WELCOME and ENCOURAGED! Pics

WooooHooo :bigjoint: im not a stranger anymore!!! just wanted to say that. lol.
heyy can i still LST now that ive switched to a 12-12 cycle?? or do i have to stop now?? or... can i LST it until it starts budding? and does it get any easier from here?? i think ive heard people say the first few weeks are the hardest.

i think you can LST all the way through. the problem is as the plant grows the stem gets harder, and this is harder to maintain an LST'ed plant. i dont think it gets easier, just come up with new ways to hold it down. the paperclips probably wont do it anymore, you will probably have to tie her down with something soft like yarn, and then tape the yarn to the sides of the pots. use slip knots on the yarn as to not damage the stem's. good luck.
Sounds good man, im not too sure on that light, again i think i said just to sticc to the reg CFL's but it should be fine, i guess you can keep it in there and see what happends, and dont worry about the heat at night, sound like i got the same closet thing going as you, i do the same thing, i have a blacc curtain hanging down to blocc out light, if it was a big problem yo would be able to tell from the condition of the plants, if anything the stems will go a lil purple, like mine, but i have NEVER had a problem in my cab, i dont even checc my humidity or how hot it is in there, tho i now kno its not that hot, but before i had alot more CFL's in there, LST should be fine, if i was you, i would just vegg a lil longer, so you can get some more growth, but its up to you, it wouldnt hurt them to go bac to 18/6, and dont worry about the seeds, i have NEVER bought any, tho i do i have my medical card so when i find seeds, which hasnt happened in a while its always some good dank, i got a good selection now, but im going to have to order soon any ways, but if i was you, look into clonning, then that way you can keep a good strain you like, like the indica you got, that short stocky one just clone it and keep a mother
yeah homie... hopefully that indica gets some pubes and not balls... they are looking good and i am liking that lst you got going on... i didnt really lst my micro after it started sexxing... i didn want to stress it and plus i already had it growing in the shape i wanted... some people lst for more growth and bud sites (which i will do on my current grow), but i lst'ed my micro for shape... anyways... your shit is looking good homie... keep it up.. and i agree with sicc on the lights... like i have said i KNOW that cfl's work.. i guess extra litght and a mixed spectrum isnt bad, so as long as you have room, i would go ahead and keep the other one in.. i dont think it would hurt anything... but that is just my opinion and not fact...
Hey man you're doing great! I am digging that LST technique, you should keep doing it in a spiral and make a coil of cannabis :bigjoint:
Then just pop the CFL in the middle of the coil of cannabis and your set!

Also, I think I read that you overfed nutes earlier in the journal, did you fix this? I nuteburned mine but the buds are still FAT:leaf: Just make sure you give it nutes every other feeding, not every feeding.
CFL's FTW!!!
Heyyy guys. Watsup. Thanks again for all the tips and help. I hooked up my timer. And It does work. Thank god!! Awww man. Yesterday I texted my dealer. And just figured I'd ask him if he had any seems from some of the bomb weed he had. An he said yea!!! He said he ga some purple gaze seeds and some sour diesel seeds!! I was happy as shit!! And ge was gonna bring them own after work. ( he asked me if I would give him a cut tho :-( ) bu I text him around 7:30 cuz that's when he was supposed ti come by... An he text me back and sai he totaled his car!!!!!!! That fucking sucks!! I'm gonna talk to him today. Make sure he's okay and shit. And see what he sais about thr seeds. Well I'm at my girlfriends house. So I'm not sure how the plants look. But I'll let u guys know tomorow.
i am not sure where Sicc is going with this, but i would be hesitant to agree to giving someone a "cut", unless you know them REALL WELL. be careful chb, i would hate for something to go bad for you. and you know your mid grown at home will probably be much better than where/when you buy it.
just tell him the plants didnt make it through veg... unless he is a real good homie, then tell him you "microed" your buds and only got a gram dry off of each show him piks of mine if he doesnt think it is possible... proof homie.. it's all ya need... watching for an update...
The pinkish lights you are talking about sound like the Gro-Lux bulbs I use in my shop lights.
The ones I have are supposed to have a balanced blue-red spectrum so it can work for veg and flowering.
Blue spectrum is for veg and red is for flowering... but the plant can use a mixture through the whole probcess it just prefers more lue during veg and more red during bloom.
You'd have to read up in the lighting section for more specifics...

Flood lights put off too much heat and not enough of the right kind of light.
Your better off buying more of the fluorescent tubes you got from wal-mart.

You mentioned something about your mom maybe not watering them enough.
You want to make sure you water them enough so that water starts running out the bottom of whatever containers you have them in.
You don't need to create a flood but you want to make sure all of the soil is getting water not just the top half.

65 degrees is about as low as I would let the temperature get in my grow room.

That's just to help answer some of the concerns you had that I didn't see anyone commenting on.
Your grow is looking good man keep up the good work.

*Edit* Oh and if a friend gave me seeds when I had no other option Id be happy to give him a cut of the plants I grew with his seeds :]
But any seeds I got on my own, or paid for would be all mine.
Also considering your doing all the work, investing for all the equipment and he probably just picked them out of weed he was smoking... his cut wouldn't be a whole lot.
like i said... go with the mircro it will work... you just gotta have faith homie... but by all means, go with whatever desicion you make... only you know what works for you... you should just veg until you can clone, then throw him some clones for the seeds... that would be a decent trade off... that is what i am doing with my homie that threw me some strain seeds... just depends on how much ambition your dude has and the time he has to invest... if we can do it, why cant he, rite?
The pinkish lights you are talking about sound like the Gro-Lux bulbs I use in my shop lights.
The ones I have are supposed to have a balanced blue-red spectrum so it can work for veg and flowering.
Blue spectrum is for veg and red is for flowering... but the plant can use a mixture through the whole probcess it just prefers more lue during veg and more red during bloom.
You'd have to read up in the lighting section for more specifics...

Flood lights put off too much heat and not enough of the right kind of light.
Your better off buying more of the fluorescent tubes you got from wal-mart.

You mentioned something about your mom maybe not watering them enough.
You want to make sure you water them enough so that water starts running out the bottom of whatever containers you have them in.
You don't need to create a flood but you want to make sure all of the soil is getting water not just the top half.

65 degrees is about as low as I would let the temperature get in my grow room.

That's just to help answer some of the concerns you had that I didn't see anyone commenting on.
Your grow is looking good man keep up the good work.

*Edit* Oh and if a friend gave me seeds when I had no other option Id be happy to give him a cut of the plants I grew with his seeds :]
But any seeds I got on my own, or paid for would be all mine.
Also considering your doing all the work, investing for all the equipment and he probably just picked them out of weed he was smoking... his cut wouldn't be a whole lot.

uhh the first thing your right, no one really commented on, but i have answered everything else :neutral:

anyways, my point was that he now knows you grow, sure he asks for a cut, but when it comes to that time, next thing you kno thing you kno your house is broken into and your plants are gone, hes gonna want t see them eventually, and "see how there doing"
Heyy guys. Yea I hardly have anyaetbice on my iPod so I can't really write much right now. But just wanted to let you guys know I do know this kid VERY well. I know him from elementary school. Like 2ns grade. I didn't see him in high school. Then u randomly met up with him a couple months ago. And have been buyin from him ever since. But yeaaa I'm not sure if I'm gonna end up gettin seeds from him. Cuz I haven't heard from him today. Nit sure if he got arrested ir the accident was his fault. Idk. I'm hopin I can still get them from him tho. I really need to get some good seeds tho. And I'm still a little nervous about ordering seeds online. :-/ and yeaaa. As far as a cut fir him. I was pretty honest with him. I was like well just for example... If u give me 10 seeds. Not ALL of them will grow... And then I was like there's a 50-50 chance they'll be male. And if they do grow and they ARE female. I'll probly only get like a half ounce off like 5 plants.... ( I was obviously exxagerating lol ) and u told him it takes MADD long to grow. And he was like ughhhhh. Ok. Well idk I'll be happy with a couple buds. Just to try ut out. Sooo I'm not worried about it. If I get the seeds i'll grow them and give him a couple buds. And I he bitches. Then I'll just take them back from him and say fuck you. Lol. I'll be Putin up some pics tomorow morning!!
[QUOTE="SICC";3444620]uhh the first thing your right, no one really commented on, but i have answered everything else :neutral:

anyways, my point was that he now knows you grow, sure he asks for a cut, but when it comes to that time, next thing you kno thing you kno your house is broken into and your plants are gone, hes gonna want t see them eventually, and "see how there doing"[/QUOTE]

Yeaaa SICC has been VERY VERY helpfull. And u appreciate it alot Mann cuz I know it must get annoying answering all my questions.... But yeaaaa ti tell you the truth. I didn't even think about that. ( my plants gettin stolen ) thys a good point. But j don't think he would do that. He's kind of a goofy mother fucka. Lol and if my plants ever got stolen he's the only other one besides my mom and my gf that know about it. And I would hunt his ass down!! An j know where he lives too. But I doubt it will come down to that. :-)
[QUOTE="SICC";3444638]Sounds good man, just lookin out for ya[/QUOTE]

Yeaaaa. I appreciate it Mann. You've been REALLY REALLY helpful. I can't thank you enough. And thanks to everone else too for answering all my question and helpin me with my 1st ghetto grow. :-) and I'm sure you guys will be here to help me through the flowering cycle as well. I cant wait till they finish and u can dry them and smoke them. I'm gonna have like a few grams to just dry and smoke. And the rest I want to cure as long as i can. Thanks again SICC. and everyone else for all your help!! :-) it would be so much harder to grow this without you guys.
Sorry SICC I didn't mean to suggest that you were providing bad advice or not enough of it.
I just didn't see anyone mention those points. If you did I apologize but no harm done in giving him the info twice :]

As far as your buddy stealing it if your asking people for seeds they already know your growing so you might as well take his seeds and give him a few budds like you said IMHO.
But be very careful like SICC said you never know who would steal your plants.
I personally would never let anyone into my grow room unless I trust them with my life.
And you could always make up some story about the plants being at your girlfriends place or something similar.
Lets see some pics!! lol...but yeah even if you know the kid pretty well you dont know if hes gonna tell anybody that ur growin and what theyll do about it...i look at it this nobody lol...i mean free seeds is def a greattt deal but id hate for some bad shit to happen