My First Grow -BagSeed- From some Mids ANY TIPS ARE WELCOME and ENCOURAGED! Pics

Happy ThanksGiving guys!!!! I'm on my wayto my house now. Gonna check in the plants and take some pics for you guys.
Sweet bro... looking forward to the new pics.
Check out my grow journal it should be in my sig.
I think our plants are pretty close to the same size except mine are all clones.
I finally got a USB cable for my camera so I have some pics up, heading home to check on the girls soon myself so Ill have some new pics up soon too :]
Sweet bro... looking forward to the new pics.
Check out my grow journal it should be in my sig.
I think our plants are pretty close to the same size except mine are all clones.
I finally got a USB cable for my camera so I have some pics up, heading home to check on the girls soon myself so Ill have some new pics up soon too :]
alrighty.. i will deff check them out.. like i said i LOVE seeing peoples grow journals that have like just regular plant seeds.. and/or are using FL's and are on a tight budget.. it makes it soo much more interesting.. and gives me hope that its possible to grow weed from cheap light bulbs.. but i will deff checkem out. and you gotta give me some tips on cloning.. cuz eventually i wanna do clones...
Awwww mann.. the fucking plants look AWSOME!!!!! :-P i dont wanna get you guys all excited.. cuz maybe its just me thinking theyre looking good... but i notice every little detail on them. lol. and 2 more seeds germinated.. and soo now i have a total of 6 NEW seeds planted.. and 3 have sprouted soo far.. ill have pics of them too.. and the LST plant is looking good too!! gonna have to tie it down again.. and i also bought some of those reflectors that go inside cars... usually they get out in the windshield to reflect the light.. it was 3 bucks... soo im gonna put that up today too.. and i also had some aluminum lookin stuff that came off some insulation i found in my basement i was gonna use.. k. well i gotta run to go pick up my sister real quick.. then im comin back to water/spray them real quick and take some pics for you guys. =)
If you're on a budget I'd suggest checking out your local dollar stores.
Up here in Canada I go to the Dollarama lol...
Anyway they usually have those emergency blankets in case you get lots in the woods or something.
They are usually like $1 a blanket and they are pretty big too.
It's like a cheap alternative to Mylar.
alrighty.. heres some pics i just took.. im soo happy theyre doiing pretty good.. and is there any way to tell if they "look" like theyre gonna turn out to be female/male..? like are there any "pre'flower" things i should be lookin for?? ive hear people talk about it.. but not sure what to believe.. well here they are!!

heres the NEW seedlings. =D just planted 2 more today

just a pic of the whole set-up

one of my baby's

another one. this is the tallest one

a close up of the stem.. hopin to seem some pistons comin out soon!!

another plant.. top view.

and the stem

and a close up of the otha plants stem

after its bath

those baby leaves look pretty healthy to me!

this is by far the healthiest lookin plant i have.. its the short stalky one

a side view of the stalky one

and another top view.. just because it looks so sexy. lol

the LST plant

top view of the LST plant

and another

a pic of the 3 big ones (the only one thats not in the pic is the LST plant)

another look inside after the watering and baths. lol

ok guys thats it for now... ill try to put some more up today or tomotow.. but i gotta go to my grammas and eat some turkey!!! Hope you guys enjoy the pics. HAPPY THANKSGIVING everyone! peaceeeeee..:bigjoint:
Heyyy guys.. Hey I was talkin to my sister cuz I got some seeds from her. And I asked her where they came from.. And I guess some of the seeds I had werefrom some blueberrym! :-D and I'm kinda hopin that at least one of those plants are from the blueberry seeds!! Yeaaa I was just happy about that. Thought u would share it with you guys. Lol. Kk. I'm goin to eat sum pumpkin pie!!
Heyyy guyss. bak at my house now.. just checkin on my baby's.. and they are all looking good! =D and just thought id let you know... I HAVE ONE FEMALE!!!!! im almost 100% sure!! i looked at the top of my biggest plant.. if u look in the pics i have.. its not the one that s tied up to the plastic thing.. and its not the short stalky one.. and obviously not the LST plant.. but the other one.. i looked in the middle of the top.. and i see two little clear things comin out the middle!!!! IM SOOO FUCKING EXCITED!!! lol. im a loser.. i know.. but im just soo happy to know that at least ONE of my plants turned out female.. the lights are out now for the night.. soo i cant get any pictures for you guys yet.. you might even be able to see it in some of the pics i put up this morning.. but i didnt notice it this morning.. but its deff. noticable now.. i will get a magnifying glass and double check it tomorow and let you guys see it!! also.. another seedling sprouted when i got home. :bigjoint: things are lookin good for me. :bigjoint: but im bout to hop in the shower and go to my girls house for the night. just wanted to share the good news!! :bigjoint: night.
heyy.. ummm. i basically just wanted to make sure that seeing two clear lookin hairs coming from the top/middle part of the plants means that its female.....? lol. just wanted to make sure that thats what that means (wow that was alotta "thats" lol) before i start braggin that i have a female.. and i end up being wrong and looking like an idiot.. lol. but im pretty sure that what it means.. it almost looks like a TINY TINY bud might be forming in the middle... like i said ill have to take a better look tomorow.. i just dont dare go in there when the lights are off.. but ok. im outta here.
Plants look good man, unless your on 12/12, they wont show sex, i think i have stated this a couple times already haha
looking good homie... it's fun to sit back and watch others grows from seeds.... i am def enjoying your thread... and the piks were great... something nice to come back to after being out for a second...
sicc... so preflowers will not show unless under 12/12 hummm... not saying your wrong by any means, but i believe that i have seen some grows show preflowers under 18/6 after about 2 months of vegging... like i said i may be wrong.. clear it up when you get a chance... i still have a while either way and will prolly just clone to sex...
They do show pre hairs, but thats after a certain amount of nodes, not how long they have been vegging, but obviously, after that long you will have a bunch of nodes, i believe its the 8th node or something like that, they might be showing, but they wont start budding if not in 12/12
that is what i figured... just sorta wondering when it shows those pre-pubes... i am vegging my current round for a good while so hopefully i can see some of those pre flowering signs... that mit save me from cutting up my shit for clones... i noticed under 12/12 they didnt sow till their fifth node or so... i guess i will find out rite... if it is a male, does it show small sacks? i know you said hairs would show, but was just sorta curious if it worked for the males...
Its a weird thing, I have read and been told some stuff, buts its one of those things where some say it works and some say it dosnt, not too sure on the males, i dont think actual balls come out, but those thing that sticc out where the bud forms will curl in or something like that, its hard to explain, i saw this thread about it awhile ago
Heyy watsup guys. Yea I've started my plants on a 12-12 cycle on Tuesday. But I an starting to second guess what u saw. :-( I think it might have just been new leaves. But it's hard to tell. :-/ I'll have to wait a couple more days to make sure. The 4 baby plants are looking good too. I'm sure the other ones will sprout soon too. I will try to put up some new pics tomorow when I'm back at my house.
well hell i am reading the link you posted in the shotglass forum... what another link to check... if you can find it, post it for me homie... i'll read it too... preesh-y-ate-it... lol... thanks
Hey guys. Just a "brief" update. I checked on the plants yesterday and they all looked fine. Couple brown tips that u cut off. But other than that they're looking really really good!! They're growing really really fast too. Iwille home tomorow morning and will do a full update in the morning with lots I pictures as well. An I talked to my dealer. And he said he's ok. And doesn't have to go to court or jail or anything. So thats good. An he said he will still give me the seeds I wanted. It's just a matter of getting them from him. Lol. But in happy with the plants I have now. And the 6 baby plants are lookin very good as well. I will put up lots if pics of them too. Just lettin you guys know I haven't forgot about the thread. Just been at my girlfriends house for the last few days. But i will make a full update tomorow morning at around 7am. Not like anyone else wilm be up that early. Lol. Like I said I have no life. Lol. Ok. That's it for now. One question I has too. When my plants start buddin will anyone be able to tell if my plants are blueberry or just some reggs?? And another thing. I got a couple more seeds yesterday from a bag of reggs. And the seeds were brown and had black specs and lines all through it. I never saw one like that before. I'll put a pic up tomorow for you guys ti see. Ok I'm outta here