You have a year to turn in your guns or face a felony in new york

attt attt all new yorkers !!!!! (mabe) some one could call the poes tell them some body has broke into your residence and some one stole every one of your guns and keep them
LOL! Canada? Really?

You know the taxes are higher, and guns are tougher to come by, right?

It's not the guns. It's the principle, logic, and concept behind it. Firstly, the principle is that our country is founded upon freedoms, and they are being taken away, not protected. The logic is illogical. Take away guns because people kill people. Yeah no shit morons. People have been killing other people since the dawn of mankind. Did they ban rocks and sticks in 10000BC? And finally, the concept that a government is only there to protect you is now being violated by them taking away items which allow for protection. Taking away guns isn't going to help shit, especially if only 1 state does it, and everyone with even 1/10th of a brain realizes that fact.

I lived in upstate NY (on lake Ontario) for 16 years, and have been to Canada many times. My use of moving to Canada was for comical reasons, as no one wants to move there.

For a while now, the rest of the world has viewed our government and nation as atrocious and vile. I can see it plain as day. We really do have a govt which is FAR too big and is overstepping its' bounds
talking about it today, I am amazed at how few people actually know this happened? Don't watch the news but everyone I talked to does and I honestly thought they (the news) would be all over this, no one has any idea it even happened? wtf.
talking about it today, I am amazed at how few people actually know this happened? Don't watch the news but everyone I talked to does and I honestly thought they (the news) would be all over this, no one has any idea it even happened? wtf.

Nationally or in NY?

I mean, the people of NY have already accepted illegal search an siezure on the streets. They have accepted being told that large soft drinks are a serious enough problem to be banned. They are sheep to be fleeced and herded... The government promises them safety in return for servitude.
Nationally or in NY?

I mean, the people of NY have already accepted illegal search an siezure on the streets. They have accepted being told that large soft drinks are a serious enough problem to be banned. They are sheep to be fleeced and herded... The government promises them safety in return for servitude.

You mean who am I talking to? Just people in the local area, I'm in PA. I honestly thought local news would be all over this kind of thing, national news even but apparently not.

I am extremely disappointed by this passing. How many bleeding heart liberals are out there ffs? I used to support Obama, because out of the two candidates I felt he was better. But it was like someone on here said before, we had to pick the shinier of two terds which is bullshit. I am so sick of the total disregard those who are higher up have for the people who elected them in. Being a politician is just another career anymore, not a means in order to better our beloved country, and that imo, is where we went wrong.
It's fucked up, sure. But, I don't think you have to turn in anything. Australia confiscated and used the tax payer money to provide relief. A buy back. A sort of legality allowed by under the Crown, wiggle room if the govt pays. This would have already happened here without the 2nd.

So, read carefully. If you see, even a city trying to confiscate arms, wholesale, call the ACLU. They will suddenly be our friends.
attt attt all new yorkers !!!!! (mabe) some one could call the poes tell them some body has broke into your residence and some one stole every one of your guns and keep them

What says you didn't give them all away to out of state relatives? Or you accidentally drove into the river with them and they all sunk. or .....
Anyone have any thoughts on lkqcorp?

Great company, I think they look very promising and will probably get very busy and profit immensely
They are in the car crushing business
I think they started in 2010 and have expanded to around 300 locations and they are all right near railroad tracks and waterways and they have sound proof facilities for crushing cars indoors.
You have a year to find a better state to move to. fuck NY

(b4 i hear any shit, born in Staten Island bitches, so the place has a soft spot in my heart, but really the divided republic falls)
Wait...did you just ask about a random company.. Then answer your self? ._.

Maybe im "crazy"
But I thought it was interesting and on topic
Maybe they are just planning on getting rid of a whole lot of "cars" and it makes good sense to make sound proof facilities to dispose of the "cars" quietly and access to rails and water will make it easy to get the "cars" there and get rid of the waste. We all know their are a lot of useless "cars" and it makes good business sense to set up facilities to dispose of them so that when the day comes to start getting rid of the problem you can easily round them all up and begin disposal.