You have a year to turn in your guns or face a felony in new york

Maybe im "crazy"
But I thought it was interesting and on topic
Maybe they are just planning on getting rid of a whole lot of "cars" and it makes good sense to make sound proof facilities to dispose of the "cars" quietly and access to rails and water will make it easy to get the "cars" there and get rid of the waste. We all know their are a lot of useless "cars" and it makes good business sense to set up facilities to dispose of them so that when the day comes to start getting rid of the problem you can easily round them all up and begin disposal.
You're making me nervous about being a Libertarian.
Maybe im "crazy"
But I thought it was interesting and on topic
Maybe they are just planning on getting rid of a whole lot of "cars" and it makes good sense to make sound proof facilities to dispose of the "cars" quietly and access to rails and water will make it easy to get the "cars" there and get rid of the waste. We all know their are a lot of useless "cars" and it makes good business sense to set up facilities to dispose of them so that when the day comes to start getting rid of the problem you can easily round them all up and begin disposal.

lmfao i love you beardo. Thank you for clarifying, i gotcha now. Its when they start building 'fuming' chambers or something for the 'cars' that ill get worried. :)
so has the governor started hitlering the citizens of NY yet?


maybe in a year or two some of you guys will look back at the discussions we had here and realize that you were being irrationally paranoid and delusional.
You have a year to find a better state to move to. fuck NY

(b4 i hear any shit, born in Staten Island bitches, so the place has a soft spot in my heart, but really the divided republic falls)

There is about to be an increase in brown people occupying the prisons there in a year. That is all this will really accomplish statistically.
Brown People?? That IS racist.

This entire brown thing is so divisive it hurts.

It attempts to create an artifical voting block.

Pander to skin color. Lump in Latins, Blacks, Asians, Indians, etc and try to claim some kumbyha.

That is racist.
Brown People?? That IS racist.

This entire brown thing is so divisive it hurts.

It attempts to create an artifical voting block.

Pander to skin color. Lump in Latins, Blacks, Asians, Indians, etc and try to claim some kumbyha.

That is racist.


Did your panties get in a wad when I called you racist for begrudging third world folks a meal?

OK, fine, instead of calling them brown people, I'll call them non-whites. Don't ever call me black, Mr. Pot, I'm a tea kettle.

So, statistically, the only impact this law will have is an increase in non-white prison population in NY state.
Notice how facile someone is when all they can do is call out racist over a choice of words but completely ignore the content of the argument. I called him racist in another thread over his views. He thinks it is a good thing that so many Africans starve, otherwise they might reproduce. I point out the probability that the only statistical impact of a new law is the effect on minorities and he seeks reprise in the form of counter accusation and bases it on my choice of words for conveying that idea, the idea I conveyed does not lay discriminatory racial beliefs, as his so blatantly do, but the words to choose from are limited.

If I would have said "this will only result in more niggers in prison" and then laughed and said that is a good thing, that would be racist. If I would have said it's a good thing so many Africans are starving, because otherwise they would reproduce, that would be racist.

Latching onto my use of "brown people" in a feeble attempt to call me racist just shows how facile his racial views are. Sergeant Ravelo wants me to tell you to suck his brown Puerto Rican dick Doer.

I don't give a shit how it affects US voting blocks. I give a shit how it affects prison population.
Yet you weren't talking niggers. You said brown. A racially divisive term. You always think I'm dogging you.

Mono-mania. Don't post if you don't want my response.

I was responding to you blurring and at the same time codifying racism. Only white racism talks about browns. That is the most heious lumping of individuals into a pesudo-racial category that doesn't even exist in the equal protection concepts. It is so backwards, that is make "nigger" look like the complement it has become.

The problem with crime is this class distinction. You don't want racial profiling but you are profiling Brown. Silly. So, to me you, seem like a gay Latino, maybe 15 years old. And a serious, dedicated Troll.

You do mention dick sucking and butt fucking quite a bit. Oh, Woops. Now I have seriously riled you up. But, being in industry all these years, I have a flame proof mind.

flame away.
Pretty funny. In their haste to circumvent the US constitution, the NY legislator mistakenly made their new gun banning laws applicable to cops as well as law abiding citizens.

"As a law enforcement officer for over 20 years, I understand the importance of instituting a new policy on mandating the limits of bullets that a regular citizen can possess, but as a matter of fact the bad guys are not going to follow this law," said Norman Seabrook, president of the correction officers union, the city's second largest."

Cool, the cops get to be outgunned by the "bad guys" just like the rest of us law abiding citizens.

Think about what this cop just said publicly, which just reiterates what every rational person knows: These new gun laws will only be a burden to law abiding citizens, they are designed to disarm people that the government presumably trusts. What motive does the government have in doing this?
Don't post if you don't want my response.

And a serious, dedicated Troll.

So, to me you, seem like a gay Latino, maybe 15 years old.

You do mention dick sucking and butt fucking quite a bit. Oh, Woops. Now I have seriously riled you up.

This law will have only one result, more brown people in prison.
Yet you weren't talking niggers. You said brown. A racially divisive term. You always think I'm dogging you.

Mono-mania. Don't post if you don't want my response.

I was responding to you blurring and at the same time codifying racism. Only white racism talks about browns. That is the most heious lumping of individuals into a pesudo-racial category that doesn't even exist in the equal protection concepts. It is so backwards, that is make "nigger" look like the complement it has become.

The problem with crime is this class distinction. You don't want racial profiling but you are profiling Brown. Silly. So, to me you, seem like a gay Latino, maybe 15 years old. And a serious, dedicated Troll.

You do mention dick sucking and butt fucking quite a bit. Oh, Woops. Now I have seriously riled you up. But, being in industry all these years, I have a flame proof mind.

flame away.

I said poor brown people in another post referring to african americans and hispanics that shoot each other every day in Chicago. Nobody seems to care about them... let a bunch of white people get shot and everyone gets uppity....

That isnt racist, it is a sad fact...
there's only 1 reason our government does! do you really think they care about the kids that were killed or what color, race or religion you are.
there's only 1 reason our government does!.
You are totally wrong
100 years ago this may have been true- today it is not.
They care about control, resources, and perception.
They don't want or need your money.
You are totally wrong
100 years ago this may have been true- today it is not.
They care about control, resources, and perception.
They don't want or need your money.

Not sure if I agree with you a 100% on that one beardo. Although if they cared about money then they should have their head out of their asses and we shouldn't be how many trillion? In debt. Then again, if they don't want or need my money, why the fuck am I paying taxes, 2% more federally since the start of this year might I add. :(
Not sure if I agree with you a 100% on that one beardo. Although if they cared about money then they should have their head out of their asses and we shouldn't be how many trillion? In debt. Then again, if they don't want or need my money, why the fuck am I paying taxes, 2% more federally since the start of this year might I add. :(

it is to create the perception that you are paying for things and receiving services in exchange for your contributions, it is also to keep you complacent and subservient and it equates to you spending a portion of your life working for them. You hand over the proceeds of your labor in an ever increasing amount, you have less and must work more.
Not sure if I agree with you a 100% on that one beardo. Although if they cared about money then they should have their head out of their asses and we shouldn't be how many trillion? In debt. Then again, if they don't want or need my money, why the fuck am I paying taxes, 2% more federally since the start of this year might I add. :(

Why would they want, need or care about your money?
Nationally or in NY?

I mean, the people of NY have already accepted illegal search an siezure on the streets. They have accepted being told that large soft drinks are a serious enough problem to be banned. They are sheep to be fleeced and herded... The government promises them safety in return for servitude.

Banned - sheep - fleeced - herded - servitude.

Nice list and in so few words overall.

How are the people of New York being herded and forced into servitude through the regulation of the size of a plastic cup?

You guys
Banned - sheep - fleeced - herded - servitude.

Nice list and in so few words overall.

How are the people of New York being herded and forced into servitude through the regulation of the size of a plastic cup?

You guys

If you walk down a public street in New York you are subject to random search, seizure of contraband and arrest... For walking down the street...

How many rights do we have to give up to be considered in servitude?