You have a year to turn in your guns or face a felony in new york

Obama? Student loans?

She pays 99% of the bills and you are proud to contribute a couple thousand bucks?

Does she tell you how manly that is bucky??? ROFLMFAO!!!

Hey Honey, I will pay for your education so I can sponge more off you in the future... True love... Damn, I am getting kinda teary here....

i am not surprised that women give you their feces yet not the time of day.

you have no idea what i am capable of.

You have no idea what I am capable of either...

I went from 0 to 60K in less than 2 years. Increasing that to 200K is not that much of a stretch... Which would put me in the highest tax bracket...
You have no idea what I am capable of either...

I went from 0 to 60K in less than 2 years. Increasing that to 200K is not that much of a stretch... Which would put me in the highest tax bracket...

no, YOU have no idea what I'M capable of!
no, YOU have no idea what I'M capable of!

No, but I have a pretty good idea of your deadbeat track record...

Why are you not paying for your own college education? Oh that's right, you are too busy sponging off your wife and the in laws...
No, but I have a pretty good idea of your deadbeat track record...

Why are you not paying for your own college education? Oh that's right, you are too busy sponging off your wife and the in laws...

already paid for my own college education while i was in college, kiddo.

you have no idea what i am capable of!
You have no idea what I am capable of either...

I went from 0 to 60K in less than 2 years. Increasing that to 200K is not that much of a stretch... Which would put me in the highest tax bracket...

0 to 60K is easy; that's just gear ratios. But to touch 200K you need to address aerodynamics and suspension behavior. cn
Wow, thats just retarded. i dont own firearms because they agrivate charges of growing if caught.

but i love guns. these psychos go out and ruin it for everyone.

and all these limitations dont stop someone frome using a legal gun on a rampage, or buying a gun outta state.

i live in canada, and i think everyone should have the right to be armed and protect themselves and others. legal gun owners arent the issue, so why restrict what they buy. punnishing the majority, for the things shitheads do.

and their "remedy" is rediculous. wh not ban .45s cause it sounds dangerous. fucking idiots
0 to 60K is easy; that's just gear ratios. But to touch 200K you need to address aerodynamics and suspension behavior. cn

Yes, I've suspended an awful lot of behavior. I've smoothed my areodynamics considerably. But I am content to draft along somewhat under that. I haven't had a salary boost in years. And I'm not likely to.

But, then we get savy enough to fill in with Stocks and Real Property and then we die. :)
there's only 1 reason our government does! do you really think they care about the kids that were killed or what color, race or religion you are.
I disagree, money loses its importance when you can print your own. It's all about maintaining their power over us. When you control the media and the schools, it's easier to get your candidates elected.
Back in the good old days, when the US was a vigorous and growing country the tax rates topped out at over 90%. Now, you hear rich people claiming it's killing them to pay 39%.
Few, if any, paid those rates tho, after deductions, exemptions, etc. their effective rates were much lower. Just building a business shelters all the income you used to pay for it. Income is taxed, not wealth. At least until you die, then inheritance tax kicks in. Since corporations can't die, they pay no inheritance taxes. But they do generate sales, income, and other taxes from others.
you should ask her who paid her tuition this semester. YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I'M CAPABLE OF!
Let me guess.....her parents? Maybe we should ask who pays the rent, grocery bill, utility bills, you're fertilizer for you're pot, basically everything you have. Besides, how much can it cost in tuition at a community college?