You have a year to turn in your guns or face a felony in new york

already paid for my own college education while i was in college, kiddo. you have no idea what i am capable of!
Perhaps, but I'll bet most, if not all, was paid for by the guberment. How much can it cost for three months tuition at Bob's School of Used Junk Resale?
Att//// att//// att/// all new yorkers get together asap when this is in effect. Every day ! Buy a 50 round box of 22 shells they cost 2 dollars or soo. It will be so expencive for ny to run back ground check they will not be able to do it. Set up web sites asking people to do this , waste ny money to do back ground checks, just one item a day or so and if people stand together , ny will fail ! With that total bs
I know a lot of people that reported guns stolen, out of the car or house, and if they get cought with them they just for got to call tell them they found them !!! hope you under stand new Yorkers , what im trying to say .
How many people in this thread have actually been in a position
where the last resort for survival or self defense relied explicitly
on a gun?
How many people in this thread have actually been in a position where the last resort for survival or self defense relied explicitly on a gun?
I have. ( The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 10 characters. )
No it's all about WE gaining and keeping power over the Sea Lanes. This nation is not about the individual citizen. WE chartered to leave us alone as much as possible, for the common good.

And it has always seemed fucked up.. just check your history.
small time face to face transactions will be impossible to stop. Gunshows might disappear in NY but guns wont. Law abiding citizens might be hurt but then they probably wont go to those extremes to acquire and dont need to in their everyday lives.

Those that do will still be able to sadly. The underground will continue... (not that Im a part of it, never fired one but impulse control for me is just a flick of the switch so its probably better)
What a crock of shit ...

Too Much Fox Nois err... News has rotted your mind and ability ti think for yourselves and READ the actual LAW...

there are NO LAWS saying ANYONE must turn in their guns!

Yes- they have "Gun Buy-backs' and heavy restrictions on NEW SALES..

But this Bullshit of "Da man is gunna come knock down yer door and take your guns" is the Fundamentalist far-right nut-jobs attempt as SCARING anyone who will listen to them...

It is a waste of time to even ARGUE these "Conspiracy theory" posts because those who are already brainwashed into believing it will not be dissuaded.... and those who know better or are at least open to reading the actual documentation (and NOT News stories or Blogs) are not going to be convinced...
How many people have actually been in a position
where the last resort for survival or self defense relied explicitly
on a gun?

There have been exponentially more people saved by guns than have been killed by crazies, like adam lanza. You know that, right?
Saved by guns because they had them, but was there no other way to protect themselves?

If your intended goal is to cause me harm, I will stop you by any means which causes me the least harm, even if that means shooting you dead.

Once criminals know petty crime will kill you, how many kids will still think shoplifting is funny enough to die over?
There have been exponentially more people saved by guns than have been killed by crazies, like adam lanza. You know that, right?


the CDC used to collect data on this type of thing until the NRA lobbied congress into stopping them from collecting such data.

their data clearly shows how you or your loved ones are more likely to die by having a gun in your home than by an armed intruder.

quit spreading your uncited lies and go check what the actual studies have had to say.

...shoplifting is funny enough to die over?

death for shoplifting, says the pacifist vegan.

jesus motherfucking christ what is wrong with people.
If your intended goal is to cause me harm, I will stop you by any means which causes me the least harm, even if that means shooting you dead. Once criminals know petty crime will kill you, how many kids will still think shoplifting is funny enough to die over?
Too many. We should cut off their hands as Mohammad tells us to.
As I do not reside in NY it doesn't matter...besides since when do you have to obey laws? Seems most people here say fuck the law I grow and smoke anyway and it's a felony? So fuck 'em. Keep your guns.
I have a 15 round marlin .22 and I have a Saiga 7.62x39
