You have a year to turn in your guns or face a felony in new york

Damn! I found this, too. Get the hell out of New York.

NY SAFE Act — New York’s new gun law — that has a provision apparently mandating confiscation of weapons and permits if someone has been prescribed psychotropic drugs.

(Well, how do they know that? Break HIPA.)

HIPAA Laws are likely being compromised and the 4th and 5th Amendments are being violated in some of these cases.

(If you get a permit for a gun anywhere, you are an idiot, imo. That is how they take them. It is exactly how the Nazi treated the Orange Republic of Belgium)

On April 1st, a legal gun owner in upstate New York reportedly received an official notice from the state ordering him to surrender any and all weapons to his local police department. The note said that the person’s permit to own a gun in New York was being suspended as well.

In our conversation with lawyer Jim Tresmond, we learned that this client, who has never had a problem with the law — no criminal record and or violent incidents on record — did have a temporary, short term health issue that required medication. But how were his client’s private medical information accessed by the government? This appears to be a violation of HIPAA and Health Information Privacy policies at If it is declared a violation, this becomes a civil rights issue.

No, not the USA. The sovereign state of New York. They try to control the Fed, but Texas says no, but California and Florida, say well, ....maybe.

FL and Texas have open carry laws. Let's be real.
THis is so fucking stupid, Im even more pissed b/c I may have to move to Syracuse in a month. Legal guns aren't the problem, most people aren't stupid enough to commit crimes with their own guns. Forensics. So if you guys need to protect your home start taking notes from Home Alone 1 and 2.
Damn! I found this, too. Get the hell out of New York.

NY SAFE Act — New York’s new gun law — that has a provision apparently mandating confiscation of weapons and permits if someone has been prescribed psychotropic drugs.

(Well, how do they know that? Break HIPA.)

HIPAA Laws are likely being compromised and the 4th and 5th Amendments are being violated in some of these cases.

(If you get a permit for a gun anywhere, you are an idiot, imo. That is how they take them. It is exactly how the Nazi treated the Orange Republic of Belgium)

On April 1st, a legal gun owner in upstate New York reportedly received an official notice from the state ordering him to surrender any and all weapons to his local police department. The note said that the person’s permit to own a gun in New York was being suspended as well.

In our conversation with lawyer Jim Tresmond, we learned that this client, who has never had a problem with the law — no criminal record and or violent incidents on record — did have a temporary, short term health issue that required medication. But how were his client’s private medical information accessed by the government? This appears to be a violation of HIPAA and Health Information Privacy policies at If it is declared a violation, this becomes a civil rights issue.

Again-- people using quotes from Blogs and Far-right extremist Conspiracy-theory sources....


Yes-- big words-- many line to read-- no pretty pictures-- and no one has already INCORRECTLY interpreted and condensed it for you according to what THEY want to believe..

Again-- people using quotes from Blogs and Far-right extremist Conspiracy-theory sources....


Yes-- big words-- many line to read-- no pretty pictures-- and no one has already INCORRECTLY interpreted and condensed it for you according to what THEY want to believe..


Way to be a jerk. Post what you mean, I posted, you blathered. If you think this guy was not sent this letter, that I posted about , say why or go quiff in your asshat.
Section 49 creates a new Penal Law � 400.02 establishing a statewide gun license and record database. Section 18 amends Section 212 of the Judiciary Law to require that records submitted to the Federal Bureau
Section 48 of the bill amends the Penal Law to require that every county recertify a gun license holder's license every five years. Failure to re-certify during this five year period equates to revocation of the license. The section also adds bases for denial of a license to an applicant, including connection of a felony or serious offense, being presently subject to an order of protection; and expands the criteria for denial based on an applicant's history of mental illness.

A new Section 9.46 of the Mental Hygiene Law will require mental health professionals, in the exercise of reasonable professional judgment, to report if an individual they are treating is likely to engage in conduct that will cause serious harm to him- or herself or others. A good faith decision about whether to report will not be a basis for any criminal or civil liability. When a Section 9.46 report is made, the Division of Criminal Justice Services will determine whether the person possesses a firearms license and, if so, will notify the appropriate local licensing official, who must suspend the license. The person's firearms will then be removed.


Sure these laws sound like big words to you, but this last is what happened to the fellow that got the letter.
His do-gooder Dr. told on him, I bet.

Never register, tell no one. It's getting that bad.
New York must be "gunning" for the top spot amongst large city murder rates. No more of Chicago occupying the top spot.

their data clearly shows how you or your loved ones are more likely to die by having a gun in your home than by an armed intruder.

quit spreading your uncited lies and go check what the actual studies have had to say.

death for shoplifting, says the pacifist vegan.

jesus motherfucking christ what is wrong with people.

LOL still using the Suicide statistics eh?

74% of all gun statistics are suicides people. 99.999% of all Bucky's posts use suicide statistics to help him bolster his false premise. Take away the suicides and you are more likely to be hit by lightning while driving into a black hole on a Tuesday evening at 9:23 PM on September 14th than be killed by your own firearm.
I know a young guy who was accidentally shot by his brother and another young guy who shot his own hand with a .223. Blew the webbing from between his thumb and pointer finger.
I'd say by owning a gun I have a far higher chance of shooting myself than a person who does not.

See a Doctor if that's what you mean. Else, don't point the little hole at yourself or anyone unless you intend to pull the trigger.

I can tell you don't have a gun. When you can field strip them and quick clean and oil, the re-assemble blindfolded, you won't feel that way. I worry about my hammer much more than a gun.

I haven't had the hours of hammer safety training drills. I had to learn on the ouch.

So, people do shot themselves. But, you learn on the ouch there also. How many will shoot themselves twice? There are endless things that can be done incorrectly with a gun, but they are an inherently safe tool to use.

They just took my 84 year old Father to Emergency. Almost cut off his thumb, but only went 1/8" deep. He was "fixing" the switch on his circular saw. Just lucky.

A gun is very safe tool to use. It has an intended purpose. I know Duane Allman shot himself in the foot, with a .22 to get out of the Draft. He said it was one of his major mistakes. :)

Best to be trained, trained, trained, trained...etc. This ammo shortage means it is more difficult to train and therefore more dangerous.

But, look. For many years, I did not have a motorcycle. Too stupid. Enough said?
I know a young guy who was accidentally shot by his brother and another young guy who shot his own hand with a .223. Blew the webbing from between his thumb and pointer finger.

Just read the paper....AP usually. A guy "disposing" of puppies. Holding them up and shooting them in the head. He shot three fingers off. You can do that with a table saw.

So, a gun doesn't shot do that. And you can slam your dick in drawer too, zip your ball sack. Life is a bitch.
See a Doctor if that's what you mean. Else, don't point the little hole at yourself or anyone unless you intend to pull the trigger.

I can tell you don't have a gun. When you can field strip them and quick clean and oil, the re-assemble blindfolded, you won't feel that way. I worry about my hammer much more than a gun.

I haven't had the hours of hammer safety training drills. I had to learn on the ouch.

So, people do shot themselves. But, you learn on the ouch there also. How many will shoot themselves twice?
There are endless things that can be done incorrectly with a gun, but they are an inherently safe tool to use.

They just took my 84 year old Father to Emergency. Almost cut off his thumb, but only went 1/8" deep. He was "fixing"
the switch on his circular saw. Just lucky.

A gun is very safe tool to use. It has an intended purpose. I know Duane Allman shot himself in the foot, with a .22 to get out of the Draft. He said it was one of his major mistakes. :)

Best to be trained, trained, trained, trained...etc.
This ammo shortage means it is more difficult to train and therefore more dangerous.

But, look. For many years, I did not have a motorcycle. Too stupid. Enough said?

I am a gun owner