Homeless in America during COVID-19


Well-Known Member
Read this bullshit

Miliions upon millions of fellow Americans are going homeless, like right fucking now, while the politicians are holding they're dicks/pussys in they're hands and doing not a fucking thing about it.
Where's the stimulus/aid package to stop this from happening?
This is extremely serious in more way's than one.
Family's are being thrown into the street for no real fault of they're own.
What do they do?
Go to a homeless shelter?
Pitch a tent in the woods like one person in that article had to do?
Good luck with that, seeing as even before Trump's Virus struck the shelters were never adequate.
God Bless America, right?
I don't believe in God at all, especially not a benevolent one & Trump is all the proof that I need.
He/she/it created a monster.
Dispute it.
Read this bullshit

Miliions upon millions of fellow Americans are going homeless, like right fucking now, while the politicians are holding they're dicks/pussys in they're hands and doing not a fucking thing about it.
Where's the stimulus/aid package to stop this from happening?
This is extremely serious in more way's than one.
Family's are being thrown into the street for no real fault of they're own.
What do they do?
Go to a homeless shelter?
Pitch a tent in the woods like one person in that article had to do?
Good luck with that, seeing as even before Trump's Virus struck the shelters were never adequate.
God Bless America, right?
I don't believe in God at all, especially not a benevolent one & Trump is all the proof that I need.
He/she/it created a monster.
Dispute it.
Merry Christmas from Donald & Mitch, thoughts and prayers...
How many of them voted republican?
How many voted to starve themselves and their families?
Read this bullshit

Miliions upon millions of fellow Americans are going homeless, like right fucking now, while the politicians are holding they're dicks/pussys in they're hands and doing not a fucking thing about it.
Where's the stimulus/aid package to stop this from happening?
This is extremely serious in more way's than one.
Family's are being thrown into the street for no real fault of they're own.
What do they do?
Go to a homeless shelter?
Pitch a tent in the woods like one person in that article had to do?
Good luck with that, seeing as even before Trump's Virus struck the shelters were never adequate.
God Bless America, right?
I don't believe in God at all, especially not a benevolent one & Trump is all the proof that I need.
He/she/it created a monster.
Dispute it.
The worse it gets the more "radical" the solution will be, the more "socialist", a dog whistle word for forming a sharing community with the "other". Brown folks might get some and many would rather starve, ditto for heath care or any other means of distributing the wealth that has been accumulating at the top. Their own hate causes them to fuck themselves and you too, I don't worry about medical bills, the focus is on health and only a few people are in the hospital accounting department, most care for the sick.
Read this bullshit

Miliions upon millions of fellow Americans are going homeless, like right fucking now, while the politicians are holding they're dicks/pussys in they're hands and doing not a fucking thing about it.
Where's the stimulus/aid package to stop this from happening?
This is extremely serious in more way's than one.
Family's are being thrown into the street for no real fault of they're own.
What do they do?
Go to a homeless shelter?
Pitch a tent in the woods like one person in that article had to do?
Good luck with that, seeing as even before Trump's Virus struck the shelters were never adequate.
God Bless America, right?
I don't believe in God at all, especially not a benevolent one & Trump is all the proof that I need.
He/she/it created a monster.
Dispute it.
If Joe gets a senate majority, and Donald is doing his best to help him there, the more he tries to hurt him on the transition, the more chances he has of getting Georgia then look out! The next thing you know you'll be like Canada! A socialist paradise of sin, privation and legal pot. We immoral libertards and barbarians up north will offer a guiding light of Liberty, free health care and human rights commissions, that will drive them fucking insane, it did here! :lol:
Read this bullshit

Miliions upon millions of fellow Americans are going homeless, like right fucking now, while the politicians are holding they're dicks/pussys in they're hands and doing not a fucking thing about it.
Where's the stimulus/aid package to stop this from happening?
This is extremely serious in more way's than one.
Family's are being thrown into the street for no real fault of they're own.
What do they do?
Go to a homeless shelter?
Pitch a tent in the woods like one person in that article had to do?
Good luck with that, seeing as even before Trump's Virus struck the shelters were never adequate.
God Bless America, right?
I don't believe in God at all, especially not a benevolent one & Trump is all the proof that I need.
He/she/it created a monster.
Dispute it.

'it's not that we don't have the resources' -Rev William Barber

what's to stop anyone from taking off your front door and throwing your shit out even if you pay your rent?..maybe they want more or a million other fvcked up greedy reasons? if there is something wrong with the place and they refuse to fix; hire someone to fix and deduct from rent.

the cure is court that they refused to wait for and took matter into their own hands.

the trick is to call the cops- no one can put you out without a court order (not an eviction notice), a court order signed and dated by a judge.

i would say though if you received pandemic ui and those CARES checks and didn't pay your rent?:wall:
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Read this bullshit

Miliions upon millions of fellow Americans are going homeless, like right fucking now, while the politicians are holding they're dicks/pussys in they're hands and doing not a fucking thing about it.
Where's the stimulus/aid package to stop this from happening?
This is extremely serious in more way's than one.
Family's are being thrown into the street for no real fault of they're own.
What do they do?
Go to a homeless shelter?
Pitch a tent in the woods like one person in that article had to do?
Good luck with that, seeing as even before Trump's Virus struck the shelters were never adequate.
God Bless America, right?
I don't believe in God at all, especially not a benevolent one & Trump is all the proof that I need.
He/she/it created a monster.
Dispute it.
The gubmint's solution is to roust them, make them move and then roust them from the place they move to, all to protect property values. It's all about money. I now believe in an anti-christ and it's name be trump.

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In the month of July, 40% of ALL AMERICANS who pay either rent or mortgage were unable to pay. Since then the number has dropped slightly, but over 25% of the country hasn't paid their rent or mortgage for the past six months. The reason we haven't descended into a great depression like scenario of mass homelessness is because of the Cares act, which has almost completely run out, and rent moratoriums in some of the post populated areas. This country is on the razor's edge....and now Trump is attempting to tank the economy and Biden's ability to react quickly when he assumes office. Trump will do more damage as a lame duck President than he did as an actual President.
I've had 4 friends become homeless since this started. One did it right, sold a lot of his shit so that he could afford a used Sprinter van. I think he's in Baja right now. Two more, a couple, are staying in a super old, beat up trailer on a property in the desert outside of Palm Springs. I've completely lost track of one of my friends though. He worked as a stage tech/sound guy for concerts/festivals. But he had drinking and mental issues.

I'm only making half my normal income, but I was good about saving money over the years, plus I own 2 homes.
OH But please hurry up and get a Supreme Court Justice into a Seat, That's the slap in the face to all those who are being evicted or starving oh no medical either.

What the Republican party is doing right now is illegal and they should be fucking locked up. Not to mention never to hold office again in their lifetime.

These Bastards are Horrible and if you didn't see it before, Well now you know why we all wanted trump out of power, Because Power in the hands of a person like Donald is dangerous and bad for all American's Yes even his supporters. HE DON"T CARE ABOUT YOU !!!
The gubmint's solution is to roust them, make them move and then roust them from the place they move to, all to protect property values. It's all about money. I now believe in an anti-christ and it's name be trump.

however, if you owe money on your car and are 30 days? tactics have changed:

  1. Banks no longer make collections; Tow Truck Company does and happens as quick as <30 days.
  2. Software that scans plates as Tow Truck drives.
  3. They get a hit.
  4. They hook it up.
  5. Your car is held hostage with all belongings until you come up with cash from relatives you don't have..phone, purse, narcotic medication, wallet ID, dog food.
  6. Tow Company invoices you for $1k at an undisclosed location that they won't give address, because you still have your key.
  7. Bank wants the one payment you owe.

Cruelty is the point and our little Petulant Rosebud has been busy.

Here in America if you want to exercise your rights, you need an attorney. Every reader, from every country needs to understand this- America has never been land of the free- quite the opposite.

so funny, if you can afford an attorney, you can afford the car payment.

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Here's a bit of good news.

I really, really, really hope he fucking dies
Very sad that I feel this way, but I do
Well, there's hope.
however, if you owe money on your car and are 30 days? tactics have changed:

  1. Banks no longer make collections; Tow Truck Company does and happens as quick as <30 days.
  2. Software that scans plates as Tow Truck drives.
  3. They get a hit.
  4. They hook it up.
  5. Your car is held hostage with all belongings until you come up with cash from relatives you don't have..phone, purse, narcotic medication, wallet and ID.
  6. Tow Company invoices you for $1k at an undisclosed location that they won't give address, because you still have your key.
  7. Bank wants the one payment you owe.

Cruelty is the point and our little Petulant Rosebud has been busy.

Here in America if you want to exercise your rights, you need an attorney. Every reader, from every country needs to understand this- America has never been land of the free- quite the opposite.
Oh, I see a lot of danger there, what with all the guns and all. This won't work out well.
Well, there's hope.

Oh, I see a lot of danger there, what with all the guns and all. This won't work out well.

florida is land of the gypsy tow truck operator and it used to be against the law to tow from a 'protected' lot (one with the sign at the entrance) that says 'this lot is monitored by XXX Towing Company'.

every lot in florida is a protected lot.

ahhhhhhh, just what Schuylaar was waiting for..you know it really pays to read and know the law..Trumpers?

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florida is land of the gypsy tow truck operator and it used to be against the law to tow from a 'protected' lot (one with the sign at the entrance) that says 'this lot is monitored by XXX Towing Company'.

every lot in florida is a protected lot.

ahhhhhhh, just what Schuylaar was waiting for..you know it really pays to read and know the law..Trumpers?

I'll stay put. I live in a moderately liberal county (Sonoma), that is gradually getting better. There's nowhere I would move to, even if I could afford it. So, Flawrida has no worries.
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