Search results

  1. psychedelictripper

    Thoughts Organic Miracle Grow?

    Well the 1st problem despite cutting it with perlite is the fact you are placing potting soil in a bucket. Potting soil or garden soil is too heavy for containers and will compact the roots and inhibit growth. Much of the problem has to do with the misuse of terms and no clear definition. Fox...
  2. psychedelictripper

    keeping down the smell

    Hang a bunch of car air fresheners near the plants and maybe that can mix in and distort the smell. Really though a lot of people are not really familiar with the smell of green matter. You should also know where your prevailing winds come from and are going(look at airflow etc). If the winds...
  3. psychedelictripper

    NORML Petition for New Marijuana Law

    On a national level you'd need what? 50? 60? million? Most of those scum bags were put in office by corporate America. They won't be taken that seriously.
  4. psychedelictripper

    Step Toward Total Criminalization is the Medical Route

    As I look into by crystal ball I see more and more sympathy for those to be allowed to use cannabis for medical reasons prescribed and recommended by their doctor with the guidance of state legislation. It's that last part that worries me. What is going to happen is the same thing with all...
  5. psychedelictripper

    New england flowering!

    It wont hit 12/12 till late September. Trust me your plants will be showing over the next month. Genetics plays a role too. I'm not saying light doesn't matter but they show way before 12/12/ Remember indoor gardens don't veg. their plants as long as they are outdoors. Many people have them...
  6. psychedelictripper

    Average outdoor yield from 5 gallon pot?

    Ground and soil are not the best terms to use because not every ground is the same. I've seen plenty of soil pictures on this and other sites and I wonder if anyone takes any time to help develop really good loam. I'm not saying I have the best but i certainly know the only way to really improve...
  7. psychedelictripper

    best fertilizer bought from home depot and walmart??? HELP!

    I second the Alaskan Fish Emulsion. It's cheap effective...yeah it stinks real bad...wear vinyl gloves and don't splash any on your shoes. The stink doesn't come off under finger nails too easily if you get a little on your hands and forget about sneakers. It's concentrated like most things. It...
  8. psychedelictripper

    Average outdoor yield from 5 gallon pot?

    One never gets the impression people's legs get pulled around when such questions are asked. It's all a grand mystery....the yield. I do think there has to be some limitations with such root restrictions though. That should be the 1st expectation or lack there of. I'm sure there are some...
  9. psychedelictripper

    Ive been robbed!

    What to do with the body? you fashion it into a scarecrow to ward off the next trespasser ;)
  10. psychedelictripper

    Ive been robbed!

    All those chubby dogs are way over priced and probably not very good for his region. It rains a lot in the NW so you want a dog whose coat can wick moisture. Again mastifs and those other 2 dogs will be dead before you know it and get fat easily. There's a reason why most police dogs are German...
  11. psychedelictripper

    Ive been robbed!

    Mastiff's would be a poor investment they are oversized dogs that do not live very long and are no where as athletic or aloof at your other choice. 1 German Sheppard will guard your area and if trained well will gleefully chase off if not kill anyone who comes near their area. However check...
  12. psychedelictripper

    Outdoor Nutrients

    Add your disclaimer to pee, it's way more nitrogen rich than miracle grow. You might want to call that 1st of the day when you've been eating Total Breakfast Cereal everyday "Miracle Burn". Always compost pee first. turn that compost over and then side dress your plants when the compost is finished.
  13. psychedelictripper

    Finishing times, Photoperiod, Latitude, and how it all works!!

    There are all sorts of other factors such as how many people actually get full sun from sunrise to sunset? Right after the solstice I'm sure some minute changes occur. However where I'm at it's like a little over 15 hours of sun. The 12/12 period is not going to come about till the 26th of...
  14. psychedelictripper

    Could Legalization Help The US Debt Issue?

    Hemp can reduce the plastic industry too which is a major contributor to jobs outsourcing. Plastics are poison subsequently they are mostly manufactured in China. You can make composite products out of hemp. Hemp on the smallest of scales allows a small farmer a cash crop to supply local...
  15. psychedelictripper

    how hot is too hot?

    I wouldn't say temperature doesn't matter. There is probably an expert opinion out there but I'll say this much other plant life is affected by high temps like tomatoes. Many stop growing, others drop flowers. So many "growers" who knows if you can find the expert opinion but I'd say look after...
  16. psychedelictripper

    Desert Growing Tips

    I've never lived in the desert but have watched what drought and high temps. can do to plants. I would think shading the sun a bit would be most beneficial. I'm sure they sell canopies for this perhaps that website/gardener catalog Gardener's Supply I think it's called. Think the URL is...
  17. psychedelictripper

    Hello, Oh no problem. You want to keep a compost moist and burning. you can just have a pile...

    Hello, Oh no problem. You want to keep a compost moist and burning. you can just have a pile. You could built an enclosure but it's not necessary. i compost in a trash barrel(plastic with holes all over the place). If it's really sunny you can cook compost really fast provided it's moist(not...
  18. psychedelictripper

    Outdoor Nutrients

    I didn't even notice lol No noodles or processed food on the compost just vegetable matter. Nothing with oil, grease, children, inlaws, nothing but clean organic matter or relatively clean. Get rid of the mouse you'll attract animals that might just for fun decide to play Samurai Chef(Old SNL...
  19. psychedelictripper

    Outdoor Nutrients

    Leave animal matter, feces, meat etc from your compost. They will attract animals and could make you sick. I know there is a person on this site who composts animal matter. I'd avoid it as would most. Besides that mouse is going to stink and bring on maggots. Say no to maggots.
  20. psychedelictripper

    Outdoor Nutrients

    Basically but be sure to turn compost over. It needs to be aerated. If it's not aerated it can smell. Anaerobic bacteria is not pleasant. Compost is basically brown matter and green matter...put it together and you get black gold. A lot of fertilizers like MG use animal urea. When then they're...